RANGES ! " RANGES ! P RANGES ! ! ! Sole makers of tbe celebrated CORNISH COOKING RANGES. ACKNOWI.KDGP3D by all to lie the strongest, most economical, and by far the best Cooking Uimgr in the Colony, pastry, scones, etc., baked in less than ten minutes. The ovens are portable, cnn tie removed to be thoroughly cle me.l or to effect, repairs without the expense of re setting th« range. Ranges for country use supplied with 6re-plaoes for burning 10 inch to 2ft wood. Over 50 designs to chnose from, from 2fl to 12ft lone; ° A MBKHAL Dl-C«>U\r \LLOW KD TO THE rn^DE. Agent for Feilding and surrounding districts, — MR C. H. HOSKING, Engineer, Manchester street. S. LUKE AND SONS, | MANNERS STREET, WELLINGTON.
COMPLIMENTS OF THE SEASON. I AM not accustomed to the usual •• blow " with which the public are now quite nauseated, but have always endeavoured, and will continue, to give GOOD VALUE FOR CASH for all kinds of Furniture. I haye an excellent stock of good sound, substantial Furniture, which lam offering at exceptional value at the present time. I. BRENT, FURNITURE WAREHOUE, Manchester Stbekt. Feildjng. W. PEGDEN, STEAM SASH, DOOR. & FURNITURE FACTORY. PALMERSTON NORTH, HAS great pleasure iv announcing to his old patrons and the public generally (hot he bas opened his new premises with an entirely fresh .stock of FURNITURE IN ALL DEPARTMENTS. Bedding, Carpets, Linoleums. Toilet Sets, &c, &c , &c, of the newest aDd latest designs, such as cannot be surpassed, ami which he is selling at prices to meet the times. To parties furnishing, attention is directed to tbe following special lines and prices : — Suits of Furniture, from £12 15s Od Kitchen Tables, trom ... 8* Bil Austrian Cliairs ... 7« Od American Cbiurs ... 3s 6d Spring Mattrasses, from 18s 6d A cordial welcome will be extended to all visitors without being pressed to purchase. ISole the address — W. PEGDEN, FURNITURE WAREHOUSE, The Square, 3odth. MAN A WAI U F'IUNDHY, Main Street West. PALMfc.R?rON NORTH. WOOLCOCK & SON, Blacksmiths, Mechanics, Ironfounders, and Range makers. Ranges made to burn either Wood or Coal. A large stock always on hand to select from. Turning and Screwing done for the trade. HAVING added a Foundry to ourestablishment, we are now in a position to supply our Celebrated Cornish < ooking Ranges, also other classes of ranges of a special design at greatly reduced prices, which will make them the cheapest and most durable range in tbo market. The Owens are portable, and can b« removed to be thoroughly cleaned, or to effect repairs without the expense of re-setting the range Fire-places for the ranges can be supplied if necessary to burn wood any length up to 2ft. High pressure boilers of our own make and design can be made to fit any range. Circulating boilers made all sizes. Colonial Ovens on hand and made to order. Grave Yard Railings made on the pre* imscs. PHOTOGRAPHERS, By special appointment to His Excelency the Earl of Glasgow, G.C.M.G, and the Countess of Glasgow. First Prize Medalists Sydney, Melbourne and New Zealand Exhibitions, Established 18G8. WRIGGLESWORTH AND BINNS, 7, Willis Stbbet, WELLINGTON, U* ILL, during the balance of the month of November and through tbe whole of December, MAKE SPKOIAL CONCESSIONS in their prices for large-sized Family and other groups for Christmas presents, New Year's Gifts and Presentations. WRIGGLESWORTH AN D BINNS, 7 WILLIS STREET 7 Nearly opposite the Empire Hotel. Telephone IGI. G .W. SHAILER, Main Strkkt, Palmfrston Nohtii, UILL visit FEILDING every FRIDAY, at G. W. Fowlks 1 , Manchester Street, where Patrons can have Photographs finished, in the Latest Style, including the new Matt Marble Type. G. W. SHAILER, PALMLKSION JNOttTtf
Page 4 Advertisements Column 5
Feilding Star, Volume XIV, Issue 97, 4 February 1893, Page 4
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