FEILDING HOTEL, KIMBOLTON ItOAD FbIM>I»G. HTHIS well known and favorite * hostelry has recently been renovated and refurnished throughout, and now offers every comfort and convenience for visitors, travellers and boarders. First-class Billiard. Room, with marker in attendance. Superior stabling accommodation, with groom in charge. The finest and most commodious Sample rooms (recently erected) between Wellington and Wanganui The cuisine is under the supe\-viirivn of an experienced cook. HASTIE'S HOTKL is still noted for keeping the best wines, spirits, nd beers of any house on the coast. THE FEILDING CLUB flave Rooms at the above Hotel. MARTHA UASTIE, Proprietor. I . . . I "pwENBIGR HOTEL, FEILDING MR LIGHT wishes to thank the travelling public and the inhabitants of Feildine and ihe surrounding district for their libeial support for raunv years past, and desires to state that they will still find every attention and comfort provided fur them at this excellently appointed hotel. The stnre-room is stocked with the best brands of wines, spirits, &c, procurable in the colony. The sample rooms are well known as the best on ihe coast. Bath, rooms. The billiard room is under the care of an attentire and experienced marker. Lirery and bait stables with buggies and saddle horses on hand Good loose boxes and secure grass paddocks under the management of Mr J. Wilson. WILLIAM LIGHT, Proprietor. THE EMPIRE HOTEL. HAVING effected considerable improvements in the above Hotel MRS OLIVER Is now prepared to receive Travellers and Boarders on the most reasonable terms. The Bar is furnished with all the Best Brands in Spirits, Wines, Ales, Australian Wines, and Liqueurs. The Table is kept on a most liberal scale Table d'hote at 1 p.m. Lunch at 12 noon on Stock Sale Days. Shower and Plunge Baths. MARIA OLIVER, Proprietress. ■~~ MANCHESTEITHOtEL; FEILDING. Under New Management. HORACE BASTINGS, Proprietor. THIS well-appointed Hotel, contains spacious Dining, Bed, and Sitting Rcoms, Lad Us' Drawing Koom, and Rooms- ensuite. Hot, Cold, and Shower Baths. Cuisi?ic the very best. Billiard Room is lurnished with one of Bennett's, of London, best tables. The Sample Rooms have recently been fitted up with every convenience. Table D'Hote at 1 p.m, — Sale Days 12 to 2. {Speight's Dunedin Ale always on tap. The Manchester Hotel has vacan cies for a few boarders. First-class Table ; moderate terms. Private sitting room up stairs for the exclusive use of boarders. LOWES 1 BIRMINGHAM HOTEL. T. LOWES, Proprietor, THIS commodious, well-furnished, and popular Hostelry is situated some 18 miles from Feilding, adjoining the Feilding and Pemberton Blocks. To Visitors and Tourists this Hotel OFFERS SPECIAL ATTRACTIONS. Wines, Spirits and Beers of the best Brands kept in stock. Mr Daw's Coach leaves for Feilding daily at 1.80 p.m. aTfredsberg's BtLNNYTHOKPE UN7TED HOTEL. THE above Hotel, in the centre of a thriving district, can claim io be unsurpassed for the excellency of its liquors, the comforts of its accomodation for travellers, and good stabling. For a Suburban Resort for holiday residents of large cities, this hotel and its ' surroundings cannot be surpassed. Single and Double Bedrooms, with electric bells and all modern appliances, i have been furnished to make the United Hotel a satisfactory resort for pleasure or nvalids desiring a change. ORIENTAL FAMILY HOTEL~, Willis Street, WELLING T O N. MRS ORMSBEE, Proprietress. Best Accomodation in the City, at moderate prices. Lnucheon, from 12 to 2, one shiling. CENTRAL HOTEL, The Square, Palmerston North MAURICE~CRONIN (Late of the Cricketers' Arms Hotel Wellington,) HAS taken over the above Hotel, and hopes to receive the same patronage bestowed on Mr Carmcdy Ales, Beers, Wines, and Spirits of the best Brands only kept in stock. First-class accommodation for perainnent Boarders aud the Travelling Public. WALTER FREEMAN'S PRIVATE HOTEL, Church Street (Opposite the Railway Station), PALMERSTON N. Special arrangements for Weekly Boarders and Families. Wellington and Manawatu Railway REFKESHM&NT CAR. W. Freeman (the original Lessee) has again secured tbe contract for the Uefreshment Car, Hli EMPIRE HOTEL Willis Street, WELLINGTON. HAMILTON GILMOUR, Proprietor. The most popular Hostelry iv Wellington.
Page 4 Advertisements Column 7
Feilding Star, Volume XIV, Issue 97, 4 February 1893, Page 4
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