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SITUATIONS VACANT. BOY (15-16) required for -wholesale warehouse.—Apply, own handwriting, to "P.O. Box 16, Dunedin. GIRL for home baking; preferably year or more experience.—E6B6, ‘Star.’ PLUMBER (unlicensed) wanted, used hot water pipo work, —P.O. Box 390, Dunedin, I>ERSONS applying for positions ndverUsed should enclose Copies of Testimonials when writng, and Not the originals (which may go astray). EMPLOYMENT WANTED. WANTED, Painting, Paperhanging, best material, workmanship: we guarantee our work; motto, satisfaction or no pay; have it done now. —George Burgess, 67 Chambers street. WANTED.— Youth (16) desires Work, description.,— Apply Honest, E 604, * Star.’ WANTED, Plain Sewing, Knitting, Crocheting, Needlework, etc.; charges moderate. —E 673, ‘ Star.’ ANTED, by Woman, Day Work of any description.—Address E 675, ‘Star.’ WANTED, by a young Woman, Work by the day; "references; urgent.— E 697, ‘ Star ’ CUT This Out.—Frocks made, any style, large and small fittings; day frocks and evening frocks, specialising in American copies; all work is guaranteed; one price only, 10s for each garment; phone for appointment, day or evening.—Retail Manufacturers, phone 13-676. I “EXPERIENCED young Lady seeks PosiJ tiou as counter hand in shop; smart and good appearance.—E6Bs, ‘ Star.* ON-ELECTRIC or Genuine Eugene, 15s full head, three-quarters 12s 6d.—Art Beauty Salon, 185 George street; phone 18-040. PAINTER, Paperhanger (temporarily disengaged) will Hang Paper at Is 9d roll, labour only; material supplied if required.—E6lß, * Star * Office. ATNTTNG and Decorating. Better Painting by “Brighter Homes”; get our quote before deciding.—R. Phelan and Sons. 290 King Edward street. Dunedin South; phone 22-269. EFINED, middle-aged Man desires Position of trust; sober and industrious; highest references. —E 47, * Star.*. SOLF~ Charge Position wanted in quiet home, housekeeper to 1 adult.—E7sß, ‘ Star.* v YOUNG Man, mechanical and woodwork experience, desires Share in Business; bowser, carrying, or any business considered. —E 678, ‘ Star.’ MISCELLANEOUS WANTEDS. WANTED Known—Preserve that newlike appearance of your Cooker by cleansing with Clenzol, from grocers, ironmongers. Wf ANTED, urgent, .303 Rifle; cut-down M military typo preferred; must be in fair order; state price and where seen.— Address E 489, ‘ Star.’ WANTED Known —The Otago Window Cleaning Co., St. Andrew street, are highly recommended for Cleaning and Relaying Carpets, Cleaning Chimneys; all reliable men.—Phone 18-197. _____ WANTED, Scrap Lead, any quantity; highest price given.—-Christie’s, 222 George street. WANTED Buy, Screw-cutting Lathe, approximately 3J,in, and Accessories.— E7Ol, ■Star.* ANTED, Wire Mattress for colonial couch.—(E77s, ‘Star. 1 WOMBNI Do not any longer suffer the humiliation of Superfluous Hair; apply the remedy.—Write P.O. Box 179, Dunedin. , _ REQUIRED urgently, more Pianos; M'Oracken and Walls will give you a Good Price or Trade-in on your Old Piano; see u« without delay.—M'Ctackcn and Walls. , MILK.— Wanted Known—We have Not Increased Our Price, 5j per quart, delivered city, suburbs. —E 634, ‘ Star.’ U EQUIBED urgently, more Pianos; JtV M'Oracken and Walls will give you a Good Price or Trade-in on your Old Piano: see us without delay.—M'Cracken and Walls. WANTED TO RENT. WANTED, 1 Bedroom and 1 Bed-Sitting Room, by Brother and Sister; central preferred.—E49B, ‘ Star. 1 WANTED, ,by respectable Couple, with one adult working, Three or Fourroomed Cottage; 2 or 3 weeks’ rent in advance; good references. —ESSO, ‘ Star.’ ANTED To Rent, Five or Six-roomed House; good tenants, excellent references; will pay £5 bonus. —E 548. ‘Star.’ ANTED, Furnished Bed-Sitting Rooms, for elderly Woman; with small gas griller or use of conveniences.—E633, ‘ Star ’ Office. WANTED To Rent, for one month, Bedroom, with fire, for elderly Married Couple.—Reply E 606, * Star * Office. WANTED, Bach; rent in advance; Public Service. —Address E 765, ‘ Star ’ Office. WANTED To Rent, 3-room Cottage; Macandrew Bay preferred.—Address E 794, ‘ Star.’ WANTED, Unfurnished Flat, 2 rooms, kit., or 2-3 rooms, separate cooking: handy city or south, north preferred.—E7B6, ‘ Star.’ BUILDING or ground floor, suitable for manufacturer; must be concrete floorID U LLY-FU RNI SHED Flat, 2 rooms, kit- - chenette; must be central. —Reply E 467, ‘ Star ’ Office. PROPERTIES WANTED. URGENTLY Wanted for Two Ladies, just sold their business, convenient to Gardens, Opoho, or sunny position in Valley, Home, about 5 rooms, with modern conveniences; freehold or leasehold; an immediate cash transaction for the right property. Will inspect early next week.— Paterson’s Agency, 163 Rattray street; phones 12-415 and 12-416. WANTED To Buy, Houses, anywhere and everywhere; an army of buyers waiting; finance arranged.—Grenfell, Smith, and Co. Ltd., Stock Exchange Buildings; tel. 12-221. WANTED Buy, south end, 5-6 Rooms, freehold; go £550-£BOO suitable properly ; cash.—Write Railwayman, E 465, ‘ Star ’ Office. WANTED, urgently, 3 or 4 Rooms, south end, to £500; must have vacant possession.—Land Sales Ltd., 13-770. WANTED, Section, between Burnside and Green Island stations; up to £IOO cash.—E627, ‘ Slav.’ WANTED Buy, superior type of Home, on the slopes above city or Roslyn, Maori Hill; will pay price for right place. —Write E 726, ‘ Star.’ AT Brighton, Karitane (good position', House Wanted, about 4 rooms; cash buyer waiting.—Paterson’s Agency. BUYERS waiting Properties all localities. Woods, Dowling street; phones 12-044, residence 12-055. MUSSELBURGH or Tainui.—We have a genuine cash buyer for modern Bungalow, 4 or 5 rooms and kitchenette, preferably about 5-acre. Particulars to Knowles. Hunter, and Co.; 18-941. ORNINGTON.—We require a Buugalow. wood or brick, of 4 and kitchenette, with garage; reasonably handy to tramsheds.—Knowles, Hunter, and Co,, 394 Princes street. Advertising is the greatest distributive, informative, and* educative power of the present nay.
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Evening Star, Issue 23298, 21 June 1939, Page 10
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873Page 10 Advertisements Column 2 Evening Star, Issue 23298, 21 June 1939, Page 10
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Page 10 Advertisements Column 2 Evening Star, Issue 23298, 21 June 1939, Page 10
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