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WANTED TO SELL. WANTED Sell, “Singer” Drop-head Sewing Machine, 7 drawers; condition guaranteed; box attachments; perfect sewer; £5.—E724, ‘Star.’ WANTED Sell, Adjustable Sawbench, complete with saws and belting; no further use; cheap.—E69B, ‘Star.’ WANTED To Sell, Remington Portable Typewriter, condition as new; £lO. —E6B2, ‘ Star.' MISCELLANEOUS. ttS 6d burs smart Shirt, new Fnscply O collar attached. —At J, and J. Arthur’s Sale. STEELITE ” Paints.—Put your labour into something durable; “ Steelite ” Red and Green for service. Smith and Smith Ltd. (TOAL. There is only one “ KaitanJ gala”; do not be confused with other “Kai.”; insist on “ Kaitangata." 1) ONLY English Dinner Suits, sizes 37, 39; usually £6 15s, now £5 5s. —At J. and J. Arthur’s Sale. STEELITE ” Green, easily the best Roof Green on the market; permanent colour, non-poisonous.—Smith and Smith Ltd. I FASHIONABLE Tweed Overcoats, fitting and full-belted styles; greatly reduced prices.—At J. and J. Arthur’s Sale. KAITANGATA Coal still supreme; do not be satisfied with something “ just as good ”; all merchants supply. MONSTER Jumble Sale, South Dunedin Town Hall, Friday Afternoon, Juno 23: children’s and winter clothing. f>S in £ Discount off entire stock during Sale. —Call J. and J. Arthur Ltd. STEELITE ” Red, the pure oxide Roof Paint; durable, economical.—Smith and Smith Ltd. OUGHCAST your wooden house outside, old or new, save upkeep.—Ashton and Sons, 50 Melbourne street; phone 22457. JUMBLE Sale, Wilson Hall, corner King and St. Andrew streets, Friday, June 23rd, 3 p.m.; clothing, useful articles. “ T USTROUS ” Ready-mixed Paints for A 4 quality; none belter for covering and lustre.—Smith and Smith Ltd. 5S Weekly buys Portable Typewriter; send for catalogues; all makes. —N.Z. Typewriter Co., 22 Water street. tEELITE ” Green, easily the best Roof Green on the market; permanent colour, non-poisonous.—Smith and Smith Ltd. PURE Wool Worsted Underwear, men’s size; only 8s fid during Sale. —J. and J. Arthur Ltd. MONSTER Jumble Sale, South Dunedin Town Hall, Friday Afternoon, June 23; children's and winter clothing. ALLPAPERS, latest tapestry and futuristic designs, rich colourings for halls and dining rooms, at reasonable prices.—Smith and Smith Ltd. I FUR Felt Hats, new shapes and shades; now 15s fid. —At J. and J. Arthur’s Sale. B' EAUTIFUL Wallpapers within the reach of everyone, best English creations, new and exclusive. Smith and Smith Ltd. NZ. HIGHWAY constructors • LTD., Logan’s Point (Telephone 12-207).—Cheapest prices, prompt delivery; Ready-mixed Concrete, Asphalt, Tar, Cement, Lime, Sand, Screenings, Woodpreserving Oil, Emulsion, Weed Destroyer, Bitumastio Paint, all Coal Byproducts. JUMBLE Sale will he held in the Oddfellows’ Hall, Albany street, on Friday, June 25rd, at 7 p.m. __ CHEAP Artistic Wallpapers, latest designs to make the home beautiful, from Is upwards.—Smith and Smith Ltd. ROSTFISH, Crayfish, Oysters, Fresh and Smoked Fish, Rabbits, Muttonbirds, Poultry.—Stewart’s Ltd., Princes street. k SPORTS GOODS. STOCK-TAKING Bargains.—All Tennis Rackets reduced 25 per cent.; now’s your chance to buy a good Racket cheap.— Walter Strang. STOCK-TAKING Bargains. Basketball Bools, black canvas; 5s 9d pair.— Walter Strang, opp. Post Office. TOCK-TAKING Bargain.—Oddments in Football Stockings, 3s fid pair; a few odd Jerseys, 5s each.—Walter Strang Ltd. TOCK-TAKING Bargains. Ladies’ Hockey Bools, 8s fid pair; get in early. —Walter Strang Ltd. OLFERS, see Spalding’s latest Clubs; Dcd-Ac Woods and Irons, percussion weighted; designed by Henry Cotton.— Walter Strang Ltd. GOLOSHES, Men’s and Women’s; best Canadian make; 4s fid, 5s fid, 6s fid pair.—Walter Strang-Ltd. FOR SALE. FOR SALE, Sideboard, in splendid order; £7-Address 'E654, ‘ Star ’ Office. REGULATION Ash Drums, 4s fid; without lids, 3s; Destructors, 6s; deliveries ’fid extra.—Write or call H. Williams, 4 Grange street. 1 O.AQ7-Manuka, i> nags la (Jd; X.A UOI Maple, Pine Blocks, 3 bags fis; guaranteed dry.—E. and S. Smart, St. Andrew street. n»OOA —Rmgj Manuka Blocks, 7s {or 3 large-sized bags, £2 a cord; delivered anywhere. • 1 Qm/1 K 1 Ring. Dry Firewood: Pine JLO tcwJL blocks, 3 bags fis; Red Pine blocks, 3 bags fis 9d; Manuka blocks, 3 bags 7s 6d; Broadleaf blocks, 3 bags 7s fid; Kindling. 2s fid bag.—Steel’s Firewood Co. Ltd., 165 Castle street. SMALL Manuka, guaranteed dry; 3 bags fis, IX bags £1; suitable range or copper.—Ring 23-104. DRY Firewood. —Manuka, Broadleaf, 3 bags 7s, 9 bags £1; Pine, 3 bags fis, 11 bags £1; Kindling, 2s 3d a bag.—Ring 23-104. FOR SALE, Motor Launch Rewi, overhauled and in sea-going order.—Apply Caretaker, Boat Harbour. LECTROLUX, latest green model, few months in use; good reasons for selling; cheap to cash buyer.—Es6l, 1 Star.’ »„1 04—Phone Hodges, Cameron ► luit street; for better fires burn ik Diamond Coal; 3 bags, 15s fid cash. ftft.l Q A —Phone Hodges, Cameron street; 2 Black Diamond, 1 Kaitangata, 13s 9d cash; all Coals stocked. IFOR SALE, Horse or Cow Manure, 11s yard, 2yds £l, 4yds 365, 10 sacks 14s fid; delivered anywhere— E 562, ‘Star.* IFOR SALE, Register Tile Grate and Mantelpiece; 15s.—Ring 11-511. IFOR SALE, profusely illustrated Children's Library, 1939 edition, twelve volumes; easy terms arranged.—E6B3, ‘ Star.’ IFOR SALE, Electrolux Homo Cleaner. . never used; cost £23. will take £lB cash. —E 756, ‘ Star.’ OOD-TURNING Lathe, about 4ft Iron Bed, Countershaft, Tailstock, Tool Resr: cheap.—E7ss, ‘ Star.’ FOR SALE. House Pups, ss; Pommeranian Pup, ss; Pure-bred Cocker Spaniels, £1.—23 Opoho road. DRIVER Circular Saw Bench, capacity 2 jin; new condition; £5 10s. —E 796, ‘ Star.’ HAIRDRESSING. A GENUINE Permanent Wave, guaranteed six months, for 17s fid; Sides only. 10s. —Potter’s Toilet Rooms. GOLD. WANTED, Old Gold and Silver; highest possible price given. C. Vennall, watchmaker Ji and J. Arthurs Bldgs., (upslain?),
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Evening Star, Issue 23298, 21 June 1939, Page 10
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901Page 10 Advertisements Column 3 Evening Star, Issue 23298, 21 June 1939, Page 10
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Page 10 Advertisements Column 3 Evening Star, Issue 23298, 21 June 1939, Page 10
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