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NOTICE TO ADVERTISERS. ADVERTISEMENTS for insertion in the ’ Star ’■ and ALL BUSINESS COMMUNICATIONS should be addressed to the MANAGER. Only Literary Contributions .and Letters for publication should bo addressed to the Editor. SITUATIONS VACANT. AdrertiserntoU ot 18 word* under lh« leadings ol Situation. Vacant. Wanted, For Sale, To Let, Loat tad Found, Miscellaneous Wants, etc., la per insertion, three aonaecutive Insertions la 6d, «ix consecutive tasertfonj ss. Cash with order# WEST HARBOUR BOROUGH COUNCIL. Applications win be received until 5 p.ra. on MONDAY, July 5, 1959, addressed to His Worship the Mayor, Box 4 Dunedin, for the Position of TOWN CLERK AND BOROUGH TREASURER. Applications must be endorsed “ Application for Town Clerk.” Conditions may bo bad on application to P. J. Williams, Borough Engineer, 5 Liverpool street, Dunedin. Canvassing of members of Council will disqualify. ARTHUR SMITH. Mayor. APPLICATIONS are called for the Position of THIRD ENGINEER in M.V, “ MAUI POMARE.” Applicants should, if possible, he in possession of a Chief Engineer’s marine ticket, with motor endorsement, and it is desired that they have some experience in electrical work. The salary payable is in accordance with the Marine Engineers’ Agreement. ’ The successful applicant must be available to commence duty not later than 10th July next. Applications, which should be addressed to the Secretary, Department of External Affairs, Wellington, will be received up to MONDAY, 26th instant. COAT AND COSTUME MACHINISTS WANTED FOR WELLINGTON. WANTED, MACHINISTS, also Good UNDER-BASTER and BASTBR-OUT for Costumes. Best conditions. Constant work and overtime. Good wages to good machinists. Fare refunded after 12 months. Apply to. F. LEES AND CO. LTD., Third Floor, Hope-Gibbons Buildings, Dixon street, Wellington, C.l. YOUR SUCCESS. \X7ILL THE AWARD RATE DO YOU? IT Of course not. You’re after more money and independence. Well, we have * plan for you. We offer you, not magic, but proved practical ideas. Write now for the free booklet, ‘ BUSINESS SUCCESS.’ *° THE HODSON INSTITUTE, H.B. Buildings, Wanganui. SEACLIFF MENTAL HOSPITAL. A PPLICATIONS (to be made on P.S.C. j.tL Form 17A. to be obtained at principal Post Offices) will be received up till the 28tb'instant for the Position of THIRD ENGINEER. Commencing salary, £3OO p.a. Applicants should have second class Board of Trade engineer’s certificate. When submitting application# copies only of testimonies need be forwarded to the Medical Superintendent. DRESSMAKING HANDS WANTED. UfACHINISTS, TABLE HANDS, iu PRESSER. and All are urgently required. Award rates. 40-hour week. Ideal working conditions. PHONE 14-083. WANTED, FIRST-CLASS CABINETMAKERS for Wellington. Wages 3s. / Slate age, experience, etc., to " Cabinetmaker,” Care CHARLES HAINES ADVERTISING AGENCY, Wellington. WANTED, FOR FACTORY OFFICE, f XPERIENCED LADY CLERK. Apply, in writing, ROSS AND GLENDINING LTD., P.O. Box 606. WANTED, Boy or Youth for milk run; morning delivery.—Apply Leckie, Selwyn street. ANTED, Youth; mate fishing launch. —Apply 15 Clyde street (after 6 P-m.). __ . WANTED, experienced HousemaidWaitress; commence immediately.— Apply Railway Hotel, Middlemarch. WANTED, young Girls to learn tea packing.—Apply Tea Department, J. Rattray and Son Ltd., Vogel street. WANTED, Cook-General, small household, easy place; close town; referWANTED, smart Girl (16-17) to assist tobacco and newsagent shop; easy hours.—3l Princes street."IJinDOWER, working man, no young TT children, offers Home, small wage, middle-aged Pensioner Lady; assist present housekeeper.—Es9s, ‘ Star.’ Wf ANTED, experienced Woman, to wash ■ >T, and iron every Monday; small wash; near High Street School; enclose references.—Es96, 1 Star.’
WANTED, Junior Telephonist for taxi office, age 15-17 years.—Address P.O. Box 629, Dunedin. WANTED, smart Youth for telephone duty; must have driving license; state age.—Address P.O. Box 629, Dunedin. WANTED, Youth, for photographic work; 15-16 years age.—Apply Elmar Studios, Lower Octagon. WANTED, a Nurse for private maternity hospital, city.—ES 47, * Star.’ ANTED, experienced ShorthandTypiste; bookkeeping essential.—Address, in writing, to E 602, * Star.’ ANTED, experienced Waitress; also a Housemaid-Waitress. Apply Wain’s Hotel. WANTED, for law office, a smart Junior, studying accountancy or lay. —Address, in own handwriting, with references, to No. E6BO, 4 Star ’ Office. ANTED, Woman, domestic work; three mornings a week. —Apply 30 Royal Terrace. ■ ANTED, Girl, 17-18 years age, for city tobacconist’s shop.—E7so, 4 Star.’ ANTED, Boy for milk~delivery; must be 16 years of age.—The Taieri and Peninsula Milk Supply Co. Ltd. ANTED, for legal office, Junior Short-hand-typiste.—Address to No. E 761, 4 Evening Star ' Office. !T)|rE require for our cap department Hel- » T met Machinists and Apprentice.— Apply Modern Millinery Co. Ltd., 258 Cumberland street. WANTED, capable Girl as domestic help, daily; Saturday afternoon and Sunday free. —99 Fitzroy street, Eorbury Corner. BAKER’S Agency, Stafford street.— Shepherds, Cowman, Cowboys, Generals, Waitresses, Cooke. Parlourmaids, Housekeepers, (light position, 48s 6(1),
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Evening Star, Issue 23298, 21 June 1939, Page 10
Word Count
750Page 10 Advertisements Column 1 Evening Star, Issue 23298, 21 June 1939, Page 10
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Page 10 Advertisements Column 1 Evening Star, Issue 23298, 21 June 1939, Page 10
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Allied Press Ltd is the copyright owner for the Evening Star. You can reproduce in-copyright material from this newspaper for non-commercial use under a Creative Commons New Zealand BY-NC-SA licence. This newspaper is not available for commercial use without the consent of Allied Press Ltd. For advice on reproduction of out-of-copyright material from this newspaper, please refer to the Copyright guide.