The change of programme at the Plasa lhoatro to-day was a strong one. At the top of the bill i s 'The Rainbow Trail,' a tox picture featuring William Farnum. in this sequel to 'Riders' of the Purple bage Lassiter Jane, and Fay are still entombed m the Secret Valley, and Fay S? s J r °7 n *?. be a girl. John bnefford, a kinsman of Lassite?, seeks to unearth the legends of the lost valley. Meanwhile a landslide has made the valley accessible from without, and Waegoner enters and abducts Fay with the idea of making her one of his plural wives. There 13 a raid, and Shefford and Fay meet and go in search of Lassiter and Jane. A rescue is effected, and with the help of a party Laesiter, Shefford, Jane, and Fav manage to defeat Waggoner, and at last tho refugees are freed. Musical items by the Campbell Brothers give additional enjoyment to an already excellent programme.
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Bibliographic details
Evening Star, Issue 17234, 26 December 1919, Page 5
Word Count
Evening Star, Issue 17234, 26 December 1919, Page 5
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