Fannin Ward presents the title role in QBorp Broadhurst's stage success ' Innocent, which is to be shown at the Empire and King Edward to-morrow at 2.30, with such fine, artistic ability that she «ven surpasses her work in 'The Cheat,' ttp to the present her best work. * Innocent home w>th a force that lifts the characters from pantomimic existence to Tea My. The scenes shift from the .drowsy, eluggieh lifo of the Orientals to the gay, picturesqus, but artificial, life of Pari3_and Nice. With this change Innooerri is_ transformed from the unsophisticated little girl of £ho Orient to the littlo butterfly oi Paris—seeking the joys of an unknown world, and walking in the footsteps of the little girl whoso instinct 13 to play with the fire that hae hitherto beea guarded from her. The delicate shadings of the emotion in Miss WaTd'a work give to the drama a fascination that will live in the minds of all -who see her.
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Bibliographic details
Evening Star, Issue 17234, 26 December 1919, Page 5
Word Count
Evening Star, Issue 17234, 26 December 1919, Page 5
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