Press Association—By Talesraph— Copyright Australian and N.Z. Cable Association.
. BERLIN, December 21. Maximilian Harden, in the 'Zukunft,' attacks Ministers and President Ebert. and demands that guilty high-placed persons in the Manoch and other scandals be brought to trial. He warns the Government, to make haste, otherwise the pigstye, of which the pestilence reeks to heaven, will be cleaned; from the outside, and the perverters of justice will be delivered to the hangman. Harden refers to the manner by which the chief villain in the Liebknecht-Rosa Luxembourg tragedy was officiallv spirited away to the Argentine. He publishes a ■ letter from Ernst Sonnenfield, formerly in Ministerial pay, declaring that Herr Scheidemann and another offered him 100,000 marks for Liebknecht and Rosa Luxembourg, alive or dead. Harden also accuses Herr Ebert and his Ministers and ex-Ministers of complicity with Gporge Sklarz, an agent provocateur and master profiteer, who amassed an enormous fortune" with th'£; compliance of Ministers.
Other democratic newspapers are protesting against the release of Von Kessell, and demand the abolition of the military courts.
BERLIN, December 22. ' Victor Sondaner alias Von Schenk, charged with burglary in 1918, pleaded that he was well supplied with money as an English spy, and therefore had no motive for theft. He said he was born in Bendigo, his father being a GermanAustralian and hie mother English. His duties as a spy were to persuade men on leave not to return to the front, audi he furnished them with the necessary papfc-s. The case#was remitted to another court owing to doubts regarding the identity of the Accused.
Evening Star, Issue 17234, 26 December 1919, Page 5
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