THE KING'S SPEECH. Press Association—By TelagJWph—Copyright Aivstralian and N.Z. Cable Association and Reuter. LONDON, December 23. Parliament has been prorogued until February 10. The King's Speech at the Prorogation of Parliament contained at the outset a xe-$ cogniton of the new conditions by changing the time-honored phrase, "My Lords and gentlemen," to " My Lords and members of the House of Commors." The Speech opened with an announcement of the signing of the Treaties bv Germany, Austria, and Bulgaria, adding that in the negotiations the Prime Ministers of all the Dominions and the representatives of India took an influential part. The Speech expresed regret That there was no immediate prospect of establishing in Russia a constitutional Government, which alone could conduce to the permanent prosperity of the country. Referring to the Empire, the Speech expressed satisfaction at the Prince of Wales's welcome in Canada and the United States. The .whole Empire mournpd the- death of General Botha, one of the greatest and wisest of our statesmen, whose sagacity and farsightedness had made him a trusted leader of the people in South Africa, and had, contributed so much to the success of the Allies, and had won universal recognition in the recent deliberations at Paris. His Majesty announced that he was sending the Prince of Wales to India to inaugurate a new Oonstitution. Dealing with the position of ex-soldiers, the Speech stated' that the King's appeal to employers for the Teabsorption of the men had received a large response, but more remained to be done. In announcing thejiLabor legislation which had been ??** l£ , S V. eech expressed, confidence that though difficult times were not vet passed, a couvse had been set fair towards a renewal of national strength and prospenty._ There had been a steady improvement in industrial conditions
Evening Star, Issue 17234, 26 December 1919, Page 5
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