WELCOMING ROSS 6MITH. Press - Association—By Telegraph—Copyrigfek. Australian -and N.Z. Cable AaiooiatioD. SYDNEY, December 24. Captain' Ross Smith proposes to reach Sydney at' noon on Sunday. A round of ifastivities bjaa been arranged—chimes, bells, dinners, and a public welcome at the Town HalL POULET GIVES IN. 'The Times.' LONDON, December 25. A Rangoon message states that Ponlet broke a piston rod in 'his engine. He has abandoned his night, and is snipping his maoMne to France. NEWSPAPERS BY PLANE. MELBOURNE, December 24. The" 'Herald'' (an evening paper) has ixiauguraUid the first regular aerial newspaper delivery service- along the shores of PoTt Phillip Bay. . MARTINSYDE TRAGEDY. Australian and N.Z. Cable Association. LONDON, December 22. Lloydi's Corfu correspondent writes: During stormy, boisterous weather an aeroplane landed at St. George Bay apparently in distress. Shouts were heard, and the peasants showed signals, but no assistance could be rendered owing to the weather. The machine lies on a sandy bottom in 12ft of water. The bodies are probably entangled in it. The British tug Norda is attempting to raise the craft. The manager of Slartinsydes, Ltd., points out the fact that the airmen were able to call for help indicates that they alighted on the water safely, for the cries could not have been heard until the propeller stopped. A study of the Admiralty charts showed that they probably landed 'within a quarter of a mile from the beach. They must have been very close, otherwiso the cries could not have been heard above the storm.
It is particularly sad to reflect that Captain Howell,* after a long blind flight, failed. to beach the machine, although within sight of the shore lights.
Evening Star, Issue 17234, 26 December 1919, Page 5
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