Isaac Newton died March 20. 1727. Tho first sod of the Cmtha railway wasturned -March 20, 1871. . Louis Kossuth, tho Hungarian patriot,! died on March 20. 1904. A 150-acre farm at Kingedown, nve miles from Timaru. was offered at auction and passed in at £23 per acre. The foundation stone for the New Zca-, land and South Seas Exhibition at Dunedin was laid .March 20, 1389, ' Victoria, 6.5., which arrived at Auckland;! this morning from ail] English mail consisting ft* 4J78 gags. ( Dnnedin Hospital returns 1 fiHMl«fweek : : —\dmitted, 49; discharged, 32; dud, 1; remaining, 144, or 16 the. beginning of last week. k The Roman boat recently discovered on the site of the new County Hall"at Westminster Bridge is probably a re'ic of the first fleet formed to protect the shores of Biitain. A coin of Alleetus, which was found in the boat, points to its dale being' about 293-296 a.p. A woman applied to the Tottenham magistrate for a summons against tho head mistress of a local school' because she ordered a scholar to cut her daughters finger-nails, with the result that the child was hurt. The magistrate-'said that it was an assault by proxy, .;j ; r.i-,- i Professor Branly has that by ' "wireless telemechanisiir" h'e ca'n~pi<xluce [ disastrous results on an- enemy from a'ar. ; He claims that by mean's'of"electric waves ] hj? could, while 120 miles" froih ah aba-u- I doned fortress, by simply preying a but- \ ton, me cannon, and even ulow uu the fortress. A seaman who deserted from tho Kumara at Sydney was recognised Ly the captain of the Kumara on the Evpjrton Grange at Timaru. He was arrested for desertion, but the magistrate dismissed the case on the ground that the man had the excuse that he was suffering from a broken jaw, the result of a fall, when he left the Kumara. ' ■s* '- )
Evening Star, Issue 14519, 20 March 1911, Page 8
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