* The weekly meeting of the Hope of Dunlin Lodge was held on Friday evening in tho lodge room, Dowling street, when'there was an excellent attendance of. members »nd visitors, including several G.L. officers ,j and the D.D. Encouraging reports of the.[ arrangements for the coming Grand Lodge session, to be held at Easter, .yore received. The G.C.T. briefly outlined the, various events to be held. As the Grand Lodge have not met in ~Dun«d»iv~for sixteen vears, unusual interest is being taken both "North and South, "and every lodge will be represented, making,6offi,ethuig liKe 200 delegates and friends to provide accommodation for. The D.D. jilra made a few remarks on the good of the Order. A motion of sympathy was .passed to tnoi relatives of the late Bro." Williams, and, also of the late Bio. G. Sandeman, ai PCT of the lodge, and who did gocd' ; service in its early days. Being basket night, the contents of the; various lots handed in were sold, and then distributed for the benefit of all by the ; fortunate buvers. They mostly contained., an assortment of fruit and cakes, and after-, beuw disposed of a short programme oC : < harrrionv was given, and" (he' loflge closed with the customary votes to victors ami; those who provided the baskets. • ,|
Evening Star, Issue 14519, 20 March 1911, Page 8
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