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a Sphere of w&&sXt* :**•:!*■■■■. -^ it* a? m -jf.-// BJ *** l» iV 5« .its: <S^ Js9s£> ifj:^ wm l W 95 &SS3fcs r;.;i maa If n i! %%!i wmmwmm mm _- ,ii,r,.,„..« si V.I *s&? fefcf *« «£ Kd m •sv*:; Alone if necessary, v \.. but ever upward, in *[ public service, styles, I values. "Yes, in all \JJ i things save price." Our New * Winter Stock is in the Store. Sg^i?* It has been gathered withj infinite care from reliable! sources. Looms never produced choicer Dress Materials or Richer Silk. The Furs are close and thick, beautiful in every way. There are the New Designs in Costumes, Winter Coats, Mantles, and Children's Garments. The Millinery is exclusive, the sort that can only be produced by highest talent. The Stock as a whole, and each individual article in it, is worthy to find a place in a Great Store such as Though our goods are above the average in most essential features they are so economically priced as to be within the reach and call of all who express a wish to possess. Distinctive Drapery at "PENROSE'S" is as low priced as commoner goods in most other stores. Here the Highest-grade Goods are sold at the price of low-grade goods. It is the value given that makes " PENROSE'S" a store by itself, and one to shop at if you consider your truest interest. Call and see the New Winter Stock at I I IKIiKI Means Safety—LessJDanger from Fire —Lower Repair Bills—and Better Satisfaction at a Small First Cost. Ornamental, Durable, and a Real Protection Against Dust and Vermin. Ours are the Best Gauge Steel Ceilings on the Market. Write for Particulars. SMITH & SMITH, Ltd. OCTAGON. The TEA for Quality and Flavor! Everybody who has used it says_ it is by far the best Tea at the price. Nearly every brand of tea claims to be economical, but "Amber Tips" IS economical. You can make more cups of delicious refreshing tea from a 2' oun< ' of: "Amber Tips" than from any other tea at the same price. A trial wall convince you that we bave not overstated its merits. Prices: Is Bd, Is lOd, 2s. Ask your Grocer for it. WM. TAYLOR AND SONS, LTD., Agents. Here's a Liberal Offer to You. The Proprietors of Caillex's Swiss Milk Chocolate will make the following Gifts of Chocolate iu exchange for Outsido Wrappr* from their Chocolate:— 6s worth of Chocolate for £2 worth of Wrappers. 2s 6d for £1 worth. Is for 10s worth. 6d for 5s worth. Ask your friends to keep thfir wrappers for ycu, and then, go " whacks " with the prize. WM. TAYLOR AND SONS, LTD., Agents. George Street Our Winter Stock of Dross Material, Blousings, Silks, Velveteens, and Trimmings (ordered by Mr Stevens, our Dress Buyer) are now on show, and we strongly advise ladies to inspect and give us a trial. The right must win The following linos are correct fashion and unbeatable for prices:— George Street All makes of Navy Serges, including the fashionable Worsted Coating, 44in to 56in, 1/6, 1/11, 2/6, 2/11, 3/6, 3/11, «/6, 5/6, 6/6 per yard. . Plain and Striped Imitation Hams Tweed, 1/11, 2/6, 2/11, Like the real thing, at half the price. Tho Comfortable, Cosy, Colored Cheviots, in full and heavy makes, most beautiful range of colors, 2/6, 2/11, 3/6 yard. _ 70 Robes of various materials, fashions, favorite novelties; no two alike; 21/, 24/6, 27/6, 30/, 32/6 tho robe. 50 Robes. Plain Dress Fabrics, in Whipcord, Bongaline, and Poplm; rioh and dressy shades; 30/ the robe. Very Special. —A largo range of Fashionable Dressy Tweed, in all the new shades and mixtures, 2/6, 2/11, 3/6 per yard. All-wool Venetian Cloths, for Dresses, Costumes, Evening Coats, etc., specially selected colorings, 2/6, 2/11, 3/3, 3/6 per yard. Magnificent Stock of tho Latest in Cream Materials for Evening or Wedding Dresses; rich, effective. Black materials, and guaranteed fast color—all prices from 1/11? to 6/6 por yard. Dreaver's for Evening Materials.— Special care has been exercised in obtaining our selection, all shades Colored Crystalline, 2/6 and 2/11 per yard. IMPORTANT INTIMATION. We have recognised that Dunedin required an expert in Dressmaking at reasonable charges. Dreaver's have faced the position. Mr Dreaver engaged in London, from a first-class house, two capable dressmakers—one as head, the other to superintend the work—and they will arrive in time to execute orders now booked for Easter. Ladies, be first and have the latest—Dreaver's guarantee for satisfaction. Finallv—loo pieces of various Warm Winter Tweeds, 1/, 1/6, i/ii per yard. 87 pieces of Flannelette Blousings, 4§d and 6d per yard.
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Bibliographic details
Evening Star, Issue 14519, 20 March 1911, Page 7
Word Count
762Page 7 Advertisements Column 5 Evening Star, Issue 14519, 20 March 1911, Page 7
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Page 7 Advertisements Column 5 Evening Star, Issue 14519, 20 March 1911, Page 7
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Allied Press Ltd is the copyright owner for the Evening Star. You can reproduce in-copyright material from this newspaper for non-commercial use under a Creative Commons New Zealand BY-NC-SA licence. This newspaper is not available for commercial use without the consent of Allied Press Ltd. For advice on reproduction of out-of-copyright material from this newspaper, please refer to the Copyright guide.