PUBLIC NOTICES. April I4th-IBth. The Easter Vacation is generally regarded by most men as the season for changing from light to heavier clothing in anticipation of the approaching winter. And as this is especially so in regard to suits, we have prepared ourselves for every emergency with a very large .stock of all the latest and most fashionable Winter Suitings. We have roll upon roll of Tweeds and Worsteds, including purchases from the best Colonial, English, Scotch, and Irish mills.. Our. stock contains many new and original designs in very effectively striped patterns, that for smartness and distinction would be hard to beat. We invite you, if you have not 5 yet ordered your Winter Suit, to call at once and see these Suitings. But we would remind you of the wisdom of making your selection early. All suits ordered this week will be delivered in time for Easter wear. High-Grade Suits of Winter Fabrics, £4 Iss and £5 ss. Our shipment of New Winter Overcoats is just opened out, and we invite gentlemen to call and inspect the many new styles in Men's Coats for the coming season. The following are only two lines of the many that we have in stock, and which wo will be glad to show to any who may be interested. LIGHT-WEIGHT RAINCOATS, a very smart Coat, unlined, Prussian collar, full skirt, strap and button cuffs. Price, 255. DOUBLE-BREASTED TWEED OVERCOATS, a splendid Coat for the cold weather. Those who do any travelling should not be without one of these Coats. Made of the New Moss-finished Tweeds which created such a craze in London during the last season. Cut in most fashionable styles, with belted back, turn-back cuff, back vent, and long roll collar. All prices from 37s 6d to £5 ss. Men's Mercers and Merchant Tailors, GENUINE SCOTCH WINCEY, for Ladies' and Children's woar, absolutely unshrinkable, in Cream, Navy, and a wido range of latest stripes; 27in wide. Special price, per yard. " WOOL ALONE " BLOUSINGS, unshrinkable and fast in color; in a varintv of exclusive stripe designs; 29in wide. 2/3 yard. "VIYELLA," the ever-popular Blousing, in now stripo and self colorings; 31in wido. 2/6 yard. UNSHRINKABLE CREAM RADIONTA, specially imported for Blouses and children's wear; 29in wide. 1/6, 1/11 yard. UNMADE CREAM DELAINE BLOUSES, handsomely embroidered, in a scries of beautiful designs. 5/11, 6/6, 7/6, 8/6, 9/6 each. " LAMBSWOOL." "LAMBSWOOL," the ideal material for Dressing Jackets and Gowns, in Cream, Sky, Pink, and Crimson ; 50in wide. 4/11, 5/11 yard. till For All Information relating to l APPLY— BALDWIN AND RAYWARD, the Leading Patent Agents of New Zealand, Joal'i Building!. Crawford Streiit. Dunedin: CONSULTATION FREE.- CONSULTATION FREE.
Page 7 Advertisements Column 4
Evening Star, Issue 14519, 20 March 1911, Page 7
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