CURE IT! Tajke a Food Medicine, a Lunj Healer, and a Body Builder, " It's famous because it's good." Old people, middle-aged people, children, infants all need LANE'S EMULSION. It heals the lungs, stops the cough, helps digestion, and strengthens weak bodies. No medicine can compare with LANE'S EMULSION lor restoring health and vigour to those who haye been sick. Buy and try it to-day, Tw«r sizes, 2/6 and 4/6. 'At chemists and stores. 73 The Caberdlno Raincoat is the most serviceable weather coat on the market. It is waterproof without rubber, forming complete protection combined with smartness, and ease. An Ideal Coat for town wear. K£o II § E i! Prices, 47/6 to 85/. MEN'S WATERPROOFS. Light-weight Waterproofs are much in demand. We are making a special show of these in our Clothing Window. Prices from 27/6. AND CO., LTD.
3SS" as***.!***Bin *m m KS tSS": ■&•*£& I Are you one of the fortunate possessors of our Solid Oak Bedroom Suites for £l7 15/? If not, it will pay you to call and see them. These Suites are made of selected oak, and In latest style, and comprise Wardrobe, Duchesse Chest (bevelled glass), Marble-top Washstand (with pedestal cupboard), and 2 Oak Bedroom Chairs. FOR VAUUE AND QUALITY THEY STAND UNRIVALLED. , & CO., LIMITED, FURNITURE MANUFACTURERS.
Page 7 Advertisements Column 3
Evening Star, Issue 14519, 20 March 1911, Page 7
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