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PUBLIC NOTICES. &B~ NIGHTCAPS COAL. IHIS FINE COAL is quite EQUAL IN TRENGTH to SOME BITUMINOUS COALB, L and with its cleanliness is more commendable in every respect. Householders, by their increasing demand, endorse this. ITS ECONOMY IS APPARENT IN EVERY SCUTTLEFUL. IP YOU USE A CHEAP COAL AN IRON ROOF HAS A SHORTER LIFE. Don't forget to break down to the size of 2£in Road Metal. Sold and Delivered by all the Trade at 25s PER TON within the City Boundary. JOHN MILL AND CO., LTD., Local Agents. Telephones 929 or 1,138. W. P. WATSON, Representative. J. A. HAGGITT.] [JAMES LIVINGSTON. SIEVWRIGHT. HAGGITT, AND CO.. AUCTIONEERS, LAND SALESMEN, and HOTEL BROKERS, EMPIRE BUILDINGS, PRINCES STREET. 1514.-NORTH END OF CITY (HANDY TO Id SECTION): FINE SEVENROOMED RESIDENCE (ALMOST NEW), BATHROOM, H. AND C. WATER; DRAINED TO SEWER; EVERY MODERN APPOINTMENT AND CONVENIENCE; LARGE ROOMS; GOOD SECTION. THIS IS AN EXCEPTIONAL OPPORTUNITY FOR ANYONE DESIROUS OF ACQUIRING A THOROUGHLY WELL - BUILT AND TASTEFULLY-DECORATED HOME, WITHIN EASY REACH OF THE CITY. THE OWNER IS LEAVING DUNEDIN, AND WISHES TO DISPOSE OF THE PROPERTY IMMEDIATELY, HENCE THE LOW FIGURE. PRICE, £1,150. EASY TERMS. MAORI HILL.—6 Rooms; bathroom, hj. and c. water, every convenience; conservatory. 22s 6d p»r reek. CN RISE.—6 Rooms'(new); all conveniences. 21s. MUS3ELBURGH.-6 Rooms. 21s. LITTLEBOURNE.—7 Rooms; bathroom, hj. and c. water; connected with sewer; electric light, all conveniences; on car line. 255. LITTLEBOURNE.—B Rooms; bathroom, b. and c. gas; drained to sewer; every convenience, and well decorated; one minute from car. 31s. SOUTH DUNEDIN.—7 Rooms, every convenience, 19s; 6 Rooms, 15s. N. AND E. S. PATERSON. LAND AGENTS, SURVEYORS, SHARE AND LAND BROKERS, Etc., DOMINION CHAMBERS, 142 RATTRAY STREET (opposite Wood's Private Hotel). CASTLE STREET (close to Albany street).—Fine Modern Residence, very substantially built, containing 7 large rooms, plastered throughout, and replete with every modern convenience, including bathroom, pantries, gas, hot and coll water, etc.; concrete base and steps; large freehold section; fruit garden, drying green, • etc.; motor-car house, with side entrance. This is a splendid property, and is for absolute sale. Call and get a card to inspect. TO RAILWAY MEN AND OTHERS.-Queen's Drive, Musselburgh (just off the Anderson's Bay road, on sunny side of street): Attractive Villa of 5 rooms, bathroom, wa.'hhouse, copper and tubs; built on a concrete base, and well elevated; good freehold section, laid out in garden, etc.; asphalt paths and yard. £4O deposit, balance as rent. Will be sold a bargani. ROSLYN.—Practically New Residence, containing 6 good rooms, well fitted up inside, bathroom, hot and cold water, tile grates and hearths, cupboards and wardrobes, washhouse, copper and tubs, return verandah, and everything in first-class order; fine freehold section, nicely laid out. Must be sold immediately. £35 deposit, balance as rental. A sacrifice. ST. CLAlß.—Seven of the finest Building Sites in this popular suburb. They front the car line, are slightly elevated, and planted with native shrubs, etc. Plan on application. Prices from £l4O each. DUNCAN STREET.—First-class 5-roomed House, bathroom, scullery, copper and tubs, etc.; large section, good garden. Terms to suit. TEA ROOMS, CITY (in one of the best positions). Very easy ingoing. Will be sold TO LET.-PRINCES STREET, 10 Rooms, modern; 275. . HIGH STREET, 8 Rooms, modern; 275. OGG'S CORNER, 5 "Rooms, modern; 14s. DUNCAN STREET, 6 Rooms; 16s. MAORI HILL, 5 Rooms, up to date. ST. CLAIR, 3 Rooms, hj. and c. PENNY SECTION, 5 Rooms, hj. and c.; 14s. ROSLYN, 5 Rooms, electric light; 15s. LITTLEBOURNE, 6 Rooms; 14s. And several others. BURTON ANdIpATTERSON\ ALBION CHAMBERS, 41 DOW LING STREET, DUNEDIN. CITY (north end). —Four-roomed House, with washhouse, scullery, etc.; level freehold section; handy to tram; well let to good tenant. A bargain. Terms if desired. £375. ! VERY CHEAP PROPERTY in Penny Tram Section; freehold comer section, with 6roomed Dwelling; bay window, verandah, bathroom, washhouse, etc.; very close to the centre of the City. £375. , CITY (on fiat, close to car).—6-roomed Residence, bathroom, all conveniences, in splendid order; very sunny; large freehold section. £725. HERIOT ROW.—Seven-roomed House, in good order; bathroom, h.p. boiler, gas, etc.; freehold section; very fine view. £575. BELLEKNOWES.—Six-roomed Residence, in good order (large rot ins); bathroom, h.p. boiler; drained; splendid view harbor; sunny situation; freehold corner section; a real bargain; terms arranged. £650. MORNINGTON.—Very superior 8-roomed Residence; three bay windows, enamel bath, h.p. boiler; all drained; water laid on, gas, etc.; all in rkst-class order; good locality; quarter-acre freehold; fine garden. £BSO DUNCAN STREET (City).—s-roonvd House, in good order, with splendid freehold section; commanding view; very sunny; handy to centre. The only available freehold in the locality. £725. JOHN REID AND SONS (JOHN REID, HENRY W. REID, C. RUSSELL SMITH, F.1.A.N.Z.), Telephone 190 LIVERPOOL AND BOND STREETS, DUNEDIN. Telephone 190. (N.sxt 'Star' Office.) RA r ;tE OPPORTUNITY AT MORNINGTON. I BARE OPPORTUNITY AT MORNINGTON. TEW SUBDIVISION, MORNINGTON (ONE MINUTE TO CAR). — BEAUTIFUL SECTIONS, 50 x 120. PRICE NOW. £75, AND ONLY £5 DEPOSIT REQUIRED. IF YOU WANT TO MAKE MONEY SECURE ONE OF THESE FINE ALLOTMENTS. CALL AND INSPECT PLAN AT ONCE. TO DELAY MEANS TO LOSE. rjOSLYN.—GOOD 6-ROOMED RESIDENCE, containing 2 bay windows and portico, 1/ gas throughout, tile'grates, scullery (with water laid on), washhouse (with copper and tuba and boiler), bath, hot and cold water, etc; iarge section, 76ft Sin x 132 ft (more or less); fowlhouses and runs; splendid position, convenient to cars. Price, £'iZj. Terms if required. 928 CITY.-SUBSTANTIAL 5-ROOMED BRICK RESIDENCE, blicstone and cement foundations, large rooms, partry, bath, washhouse, copper,, etc., patent w.c. • ALL LATEST DRAINAGE. Good Section, WITH DOUBLE FRONTAGE; plenty of room for another house; close to Id car. Price and further particulaxs on application at our office. 1364 CjT. KILDA.—GOOD 5-ROOMED RESIDENCE; two bay windows, verandah, bath, hot tO and cold water, large rooms, tile-back range, everything UP TO DATE; corner section 50 x 100, nicely laid out. Price, £560. BARGAIN AT PRICE. Terms arranged on £SO deposit. CITY AND SUBURBAN HOUSES TO LET. CITY —UPPER MAITLAND STREET: 9 Rooms, fine view, modern conveniences, £93 LONDON STREET: 7 Rooms, modern, £7B year. DUKE and CASTLE STREETS: Superior 11-roomed Residence. ADAM STREET toff Russell street): New 6-roomed House latest improvements, 22s 6d. WALKER AVENUE : 6 Rooms, lis. ST. DAVID STREET: 5 Rooms, 15s. LEITH STRttiX NORTH: 6 Rooms modem, 21s. KING STREET NORTH: 5 Rooms and Shop, 10s. ST. CLAIR: 7 Rooms, modern, good garden 22s 6d week; 4 Rooms, close to beach, 14s. SOUTH DUNEDIN (just olf car line;. 5 Rooms, gas, hj. and c, sewered, stable, loose-box, etc., 20s. MORNINGTON: Dairy street—4' R°ooms, 12s 6d and lis 6d. N.E.VALLEY: Mechanic street—6 Rooms, 13s. ST KILDA: 6 Rooms and Three Sections, 18s 6d. PURAKANUI (close to beach): OLD FARMHOUSE, 6 rooms, stabling, few acres land, low rental. WAIKOUAITI: Substantial 7-rooned House, stabling, 2i acres land, £4O per year. WYNDHAM : Largo Brick Shop, 16s 6d. CLINTON : 5 Rooms, 3 acres land, 13s 6d week. JOHN REID AND SONS, I AUCTIONEERS AND LAND SALESMEN. i JOHN M c DONALD AND CO.. Telephone 1,215 LAND SALESMEN AND HOTEL BROKERS. 15. 58 PRINCES STREET, DUNEDIN. FORBURY PARK.—2 Choice Building Sections; good position. ANDERSON'S BAY.—We have in this favorite locality a number of Sections; no filling in required; sun all day and handy to trams, and the view is unsurpassed. £375 City: Splendid Building Site, 33 x 99. BROAD BAY.—3 charming Sections; close to bathing beach. £110; terms. WOODHAUGH.—Comfortable 4-roomed House; £-acre; splendid garden; sun all day. And to go for £2lO. TOWN BELT.—Splendid New 6-roomed House, every convenience. This is a faithfullybuilt House, and is well worth inspection. £750. CAVERSHAM.—S Rooms; section, 33 x 90; gas; drained; a very neat little property. ST KILDV—WeII-built House of 5 rooms; bay window, panel ceilings, tiled grates and I ' hearths; up to date in every respect. £SOO. We strongly recommend this place to anyone in search of a good home. MAORI HILL.—Good 6-roomed House, with all conveniences; section, 22 poles. Uwner leaving Dunedin. This U for absolute sale at £425, or offer. MUSSELBURGH.—Large Section (well filled in), with 3 Loose Boxes, Harness Koom, and Loft; water laid on. £220. . . ST. KILDA.—4 Rooms, bath, scullery, etc.; i-acre. This is a cheap little property, ana is for sale at £250. • , _ ~ , ST. KLLDA.—£42O; 5 Rooms, with conveniences; workshop, good garden. Particuiarsou application.
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Evening Star, Issue 14519, 20 March 1911, Page 1
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1,375Page 1 Advertisements Column 3 Evening Star, Issue 14519, 20 March 1911, Page 1
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Page 1 Advertisements Column 3 Evening Star, Issue 14519, 20 March 1911, Page 1
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