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SHIPPING. rUDD ART-PARKER LINE. FAVORITE PASSENGER SERVICE. Steamers will sail as under (weather and circumstances permitting: For LYTTELTON and WELLINGTONVicton* Tucs., Mar. 28 2 p.m., Dun Wimmcra, April 11 2 p.m., Dun U'./waroa Wed., April 19 2.30 Pt. tr'n XAI'IER, GISBOKNE, and AUCKLAND— Victoria Tues., Mar. 28 2 p.m., Dun Wimmera Tues., April 11 2 p.m., Dun SYDNEY via WELLTNGTONUlimaroa * Wed., April 19 2.3oPt l train " SYDNEY via AUCKLAND-" Victoria Tues., Mar. 28 2 p.m., Dun Wimmcra Tues., April 11 'c p.m., Dun MELBOURNE via BLUFF and HOBARTUlimaroa Sun., April 2 5 p.m., Dunedin Tickets available also for stop-over or return by Union Company's, steamers, and holders of Union Company's tickets may travel bv above vessels. NEILL AND CO, LIMITED, 27 Bond street, Aeenti. WANTEDS, ETC. SECOND-HAND Sacks Wanted in any nuantitv. Addlv A. Moritison and Co. p EFR3SHING, invigorating, pungent, **/ stimulating; lots of other good things Id be said of Symington's Coffee Essence. 'RS RG&SOIi, 188 George street, Cash j.i-«. Buyer -of Ladies' and Gentlemen's Left-oft' Clothing. Letters attended. NEW Paper Patterns.—A splendid new range of "Butterick" Paper Patterns; 8,000 in stock; any garment post free 10d; send stamp for free monthly fashion book. Brown, Ewing, and Co., Ltd., Dunedin, solo agent;. LEFT-OFF Clothing.-E. Pritchard, 313 King street, Cash Buyer Men's Misfits and Left-oil Clothing, Underwear, Boots, TruDks, Portmaneaus; also Ladies' and Children's. Spot cash. Ring up telephone 2,876, or write. THY can Alf. Brown, 387 George street, . / sell so cheap, and yet return one day's takings a month? Because he sells for cash, and saves collectors, bad debts, and clerks. RETURN Cash Receipts dated Tuesday, t 28th February, and get your money back. Alf. Erown, 387 George street; telephone 980. EMPLOYMENT WANTEDS. TANTED, by honest Woman, Cleaning . . by the day. Address "In Need," 'Star' Office. TENDERS. DUNEDIN CITY CORPORATION. TENDERS will be received in the Town Clerk's Office, Town Hall, Octagon, Dunedin, until 5 o'clock p.m. on WEDNESDAY, the 22nd March, 1911, for (a) Step Up Transformers (b) Step Down Transformers (c) Peltou Water Wheels required for the Triplication of the HyrlroElcctric Powe- Plant at Waipori Falls. Specifications and general conditions of contracts may be seon at the office of the City Electrical Engineer, Carhouse,Market street, Dunedin. R. A. JOHNSTON, Acting Town Clerk. Dunedin, 15th February, 1911. DUNEDIN CITY CORPORATION. TENDERS FOR COAL SUPPLY. LENDERS will be received in the Town Clerk's Office. Town Hall, Octagon, Dunedin. until 5 o'clock p.m. on WEDNESDAY the 22nl clay of March, 1911, for the SUPPLY and DELIVERY of about Thirteen Thousand (13,000) Tons (more or less) of the BEST BITUMINOUS COAL, delivered im the Stores at the City Gasworks. Copies of specification may be obtained at, the Town Clerk's Office, and also at the Office of the Gas Engineer, City Gasworks, Anderson's Bay road. G. A. LEWIN, Town Clerk. Dunedin, 2nd March, 1911. DUNEDIN CITY CORPORATION. TENDERS FOR PRINTING AND STATIONERY. T SENDERS will bo received in the Town Clerk's Office, Town Hall, Octagon, Dunedin, until 5 o'clock p.m. on WEDNESDAY, the 22nd day of March, 1911, for the SUPPLY and DELIVERY of—(1) Printed Form 3 and other Printed Matter, (2) Stationery, Required by the various Municipal Departments during the Twelve (12) Months commencing on the Ist April, 1911. Specification and samples may be seen upon application. G. A. LEWIN, Town Clerk. Dunedin, 9th March, 1911. DUNEDIN CITY CORPORATION. —LENDERS will be received in the Town - Clerk's Office, Town Hall, Octagon, Dunedin, until 5 o'clock p.m. on WEDNESDAY, the 22nd March, 1911, for the SUPPLY and DELIVERY at the CITY GASWORKS, Anderson's Bay road, of FIFTY THOUSAND 150,000) BRICKS. G. A. LEWIN, Town Clerk. Dunedin, 17th March, 1911. TENDERS. "PENDERS will be received until noon on l TUESDAY, 21st inst., for the PURCHASE FOR REMOVAL of IRON BUILDINGS at Otago University. Particulars at my Office. EDMUND ANSCOMBE, Architect. 134 Princes street. SNDERS Invited until the 25th March for Erection of Residence in Mornington. James Clark, Brunswick street, South Dunedin. iTfENDERS Invited until Ist April for ErecX tion of Residence, Sunshine. Jas. Ciark, Brunswick street, South Dunedin. REMOVAL NOTICE. TE BEG TO NOTIFY our numerous ' * Customers that we have REMOVED from offices lately occupied by us in Imperial Buildings, Dowling street, to 147 GREAT KING STREET (about halfway between St. Andrew and Hanover streets). SOUTHLAND TIMBER CO., LTD. T. L. ADAMS, Branch Manager. EDUCATIONAL. LANGER SCHOOL OF DRESSCUTTING. /CLASSES DAILY (Saturday and Wednc3day excepted). Evening Classes MONDAYS and THURSDAYS, 7 to 9 o'clock. Mrs A. G. KERR, Principal, No. 3 High street (opposite D.1.C.). TAGO SCHOOL OF PHYSICAL „ CULTURE, WARDELL'S BUILDINGS, GEORGE STREET. ALL CLASSES RESUME from MONDAY, FEBRUARY 13, 1911. J. P. NORTHEY, Tel. 1,029. PrincipaL
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Evening Star, Issue 14519, 20 March 1911, Page 1
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776Page 1 Advertisements Column 2 Evening Star, Issue 14519, 20 March 1911, Page 1
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Page 1 Advertisements Column 2 Evening Star, Issue 14519, 20 March 1911, Page 1
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Allied Press Ltd is the copyright owner for the Evening Star. You can reproduce in-copyright material from this newspaper for non-commercial use under a Creative Commons New Zealand BY-NC-SA licence. This newspaper is not available for commercial use without the consent of Allied Press Ltd. For advice on reproduction of out-of-copyright material from this newspaper, please refer to the Copyright guide.