PUBLIC NOTICES. THE BAKING POWDER QUESTION. Bake with rjn v o kb r' s, And there is No Need to Discuss it. It Stands for Success. Weighed without the tin. JOLLY'S WATC REDUCED PRICES. Watches Thoroughly Cleaned 3s 6d Mainsprings, best quality 3s 6d Clocks (striking), Cleaning 3s 6d OTHER REPAIRING AT Gl CRITERION BUILDINGS. 6 MOR MENTAL SCIENCE. OUNEDIN ASSOCIATION (for study of Thought Force, Personal Magnetism, Concentration, Emerson's Es-=avs, etc.) MONDAY Next, 8 p.m., Lecture by A. V. MAZENGARB, M.P.T.A., President. 362 George street. 'Phone 1,485. JOSEPHSON AND SMITH (Late of Perth Dye Works, London), EXPERT DYERS AND CLEANERS. French Cleaning and Black for Mourning a Specialty. London Prices. Orders called for and delivered. All work guaranteed. Telephone 2,224. Address: DUNEDIN DYEING AND CLEANING WORKS, Corner of Main South road and Fitzroy street, Caversham. REMOVAL NOTICE -HHE BUSINESS of HORDERN AND L WHITE, COACHBUILDERS, will in future be carried on by Mr WHITE in New Premises situated within 300 yards of the former address. J. OEMISTON WHITE (Late Hordern and White). Office and Show Room: Crawford street south. Factory (at rear) Entrance : Vogel street. Telephone 948.' ONEY TO LEND on Freehold Securities at current rates EDMUND J. SMITH, Solicitor, N.Z*. Express Co.'s Building, 3ond street. TONEY TO LEND on Personal Security, -i-'-fi- also, on Life Policies, Bond Warrants, Freeholds, Leaseholds, etc. Bills Discounted. Largo, or small sums. Lowest current rates of intt'.cfct D. MOLONEY, Finance and Estate Agent, 90 PRINCES STREET, DUNEDIN. TRUST MONEY TO LEND, in Large or Small Sums, for Long or Short Periods.. At LOWEST CURRENT RATES OF INTEREST. CALLAN AND GALLAWAY, Solicitors, lilfl Princes street. Dunedin. (Nt« dcor to Auction Roomu of Messrs Alex Harris aud Co.). [ONEY To Lend at current rates. The L Trustees, Executors, and Agency Company of v.New Zealand, Limited. 7E HAVE TRUST MUNni 1U LEND » / on First Mortgage of Freehold Securities, i 'ADAMS BROS., Solicitors. Empire Buildings. . 'UNEY TO LEND IN ANY SUM. " MOORE, MOORE, AND NICHOL, Solicitors, 56 STUART STREET (below Octagon). INSURANCE NOTICES. ITANDARD F. AND M. INSURANCE 3 COMPANY OF NEW ZEALAND, LIMITED. Head Office: HIGH STREET, Dunedin. Risks accepted in following Departments: —Fire, Marine, Workers' Compensation and Employers' Liability, Personal Accident, Accident and Disease, Mortgage Indemnity, Fidelity Guarantee, including Administration Bonds, Plate Glass, Burglary, Live Stork, Public Risk, aud Motor Car. Teh phone 26. THOMAS B FISHER, General Manager.
Page 1 Advertisements Column 4
Evening Star, Issue 14519, 20 March 1911, Page 1
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