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SHIPPINC. 'TNION STEAM SHIP COMPANY OF J NEW ZEALAND, LIMITED. Steamers will be despatched as under, circumstances permitting: LYTTELTON and WELLINGTON (Booking Passengers West Coast ports)— Monowai Tuesday, March 21 4 Dun<»din Mceraki* Wed., March 22 4.4 train *Twin screw. NAPIER, GTSBORNE, ' and AUCKLANDMonowai Tuesday, March 21 4 Dunedin Tarawera March 26 Noon Dun SYDNEY via LYTTELTON and WELLINGTONMceraki* Wed., March 22 4.4 train Marama* Wed., March 29 3 Dunedin _ *Twin_screw. SYDNEY via AUCKLAND— Monowai* Tuesday, March 21 4 Dunediu Monowai* Tuesday, April 4 4 Dunedin to t.s.s. Maheno at Auckland. Mokoia March 26 2 Dunedin Moeraki* April 9 2 Dunedin *Twin' screw. NAPIER and GISBOKNE via Oamaru, Timaru, Lyttelton, and Wellington (cargo landed inside at both Napier and Gisborne) — Kowhai .• Early S'EW PLYMOUTH and ONEHUNGA via Oamaru, Timaru, Lyttelton, Wellington, and Nelson (careo only)— rnrinna _ March" 26 5 Dunedin VVESTPORT and CiREYMOUTH (tr^nThipping for Bokitika) via Oamaru, Timaru, Lytt-elton, Wellington, and Picton (cargo only)— I'fik.tki . Thursday, March 23 2 Dunedin LAUTOKA AND SUVA— Navua (t.s.) leaves Auckland on Wednesday, April 12 (connects .with R.M. t.s.s. Zealandia • for Canada, United States, _ and Europe). Atua_(t.s.) leaves Auckland March 28. RAROTONGA, RARATEA, and TAHITI (PAPEETE)ralune leaves Auckland, Tuesday, April 11. CANADA, AMERICA, LONDON Etc. SUVA, HONOLULU, and VANCOUVERZealandia (t.s.s.) from Sydney, April 10; _ Suva, April 17. Via PAPEETE and SAN FRANCISCO—" From Wn. From Auc. Due 'Frisco. Manuka (t.5.)... April 5 April 8 April 28 Aorangi May 5 May 6 May 26 ~ Per s.s. Till Day. Monowai Noon Tuesday Moeraki 4 p.m. Tuesday Tickets available for stop-over or return by Messrs Huddart, Parker, and Co.'s steamers. IHB NEW ZEALAND SHIPPING COMPANY'S LINE To London via Monte- Video, Tencriffe, and Plymouth. MOST MODERN PASSENGER STEAMERS IN THE SOUTHERN HEMISPHERE. Steamer. ITons.l From I To Sail Ruahine (2)* 12000 Wellington April 6 Ruapebu (2)* 9880 May 4 Rotorua (3) 12500 June 1 Turakina (2)* 10960 June 29 Tongariro (2)»... 10192 July 27 (2). Twin Screw. (3) Triple Screw. *Calling at Rio. ACCOMMODATION IS NOT SURPASSED BY ANY OTHER LINE. . Apply 19 BOND STREET. DUNEDIN. ~haw, savill and albion company, [limited. ROYAL MAIL TWIN-SCREW STEAMERS. Largest Passenger Steamers in the New Zealand trade. Accommodation for all classes. Calling at Monte Video, Teneriffe, and Plymouth. x.a.S. |Tonsl 'Master. I Final Port I Date. Corinthic* 12231 Hart Wellington Mch. 23 Arawa* 9372 Cla.yden Wellington April 20 lainui*.... 9957 Moffatt Wellington May 18 [onic* 12232 Roberts Wellington June 15 Uhenic... 12234 Kempson Wellington July 13 * Calls at Rio de Janeiro also. N.B.—Athenic does not call at Rio. Special facilities given to residents in the Dominion to bring out friends from Home. :ither by prepayment of passage money in New Zealand or by guarantees. Passage money to port of departure from New Zealand FREE. Freight or Passage apply to NATIONAL MORTGAGE AND AGENCY COMPANY OF N.Z., LTD. MURRAY, ROBERTS, AND CO., LTD. DALGETY AND CO.. LIMITED. ROYAL MAIL SERVICE VIA SAN FRANCISCO ALL AMERICAN FORTS, BRITISH ISLES, AND CONTINENT. Calling at RAROTONGA (Cook Group).and PAPEETE (Tahiti). From From Wellington. Auckland. Due Frisco. MANUKA* ... Aprils Aprilß April2B AORANGIt ~. May 3 May 6 May 26 MAITAIt •■• May 31 June 3 June 23 And every 28 days thereafter. *Twin screw. tEquipped with Wireless Telegraph. For particulars regarding passages and freights apply UNION S.S. CO. OF N.Z., LTD. VANCOUVER ROUTE. CANADIAN-AUSTRALIAN ROYAL MAIL S.S. LINE AND CANADIAN-PACIFIC RAILWAY. Th-ough some of the Greatest SCENIC WONDERS of the World to all parts of CANADA UNITED STATES. BRITISH ISLES, and CONTINENT OF EUROPE. ROUND-THE-WORLD TOURS in conjunction with all the Cape, Suez, China, and Japan Lin'.- at Lowest Rates. STEAMERS WILL SAIL:stesmer. jFrom Sydney. I From Suva. 1911. 1911. ZEALANDIA April 10 April 17 MARAMA May 8 May 15 MAKL'RA. June 5 June'l2 ZEALANDIA July 3 July 10 And at 28 days' interval thereafter. All Twin Screw Steamers equipped with Wireless Telegraph. Passengers from N.Z. have the option of joining the steamers of this increasingly popular route at Sydney, or later via Auckland and Suva. Pamphlets, Maps, and all information free. UNION S.S. CO. OF N.Z., LTD., Managing Agents. E PENINSULA FERRY COMPANY, LIMITED, 20 Crawford street. MONDAYS, TUESDAYS, THURSDAYS. FRIDAYB.—Leave Dunedin 10 a,m., 8.30, 5.15, 6.20 p.m., Portobello 6.20. 7.35 a.m., 12.30, 5 p.m. WEDNESDAYS.—Leave Dunedin 10 a.m., 120 2.30. 5.15, 6.20, B*, 10.30 p.m. Portofcello 6.20, 7.35 s~m., 1230, 4 p.m., 6 p.m. •Evening excursion. 1 20, 2.30, 6.30, # lO. p.m. Portobello 650, 7.35 •.»., 12.30. 5, 8 p.m. •The 10 p.m. Trip from Dunrdin is a Special Trip, ana the fare ia One Shfllinjr, aingb. SUNDAYS.—Leave Dunedin 10 a.m., 2.3 C, 820 p.m. Portobello 8.15 a.m., 12.30, 5 p.m. MTDBN FARES: Adul»* U. Children fld.
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Evening Star, Issue 14519, 20 March 1911, Page 1
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772Page 1 Advertisements Column 1 Evening Star, Issue 14519, 20 March 1911, Page 1
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Page 1 Advertisements Column 1 Evening Star, Issue 14519, 20 March 1911, Page 1
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Allied Press Ltd is the copyright owner for the Evening Star. You can reproduce in-copyright material from this newspaper for non-commercial use under a Creative Commons New Zealand BY-NC-SA licence. This newspaper is not available for commercial use without the consent of Allied Press Ltd. For advice on reproduction of out-of-copyright material from this newspaper, please refer to the Copyright guide.