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LATE ADVERTISEMENTS.' •s American Organs, just landed; -1-0 8 stops, couplers, knee swell; 10s monthly payments. Holden, Octagon. . WANTED KNOWN—“fIROSSED FISH” SARDINES Delight * the Most Fastidious. Full-weight Tins. YOUNG MEN’S BOOTS. The Special Features required in Boots for Young Men aro Strength, Smart Appearance, and Moderate Frige. The Young Man, as a rule, docs not care to pay high prices, and yet requires Stylish, Well-made Footwear. It is because we can supply this class of Footwear, that so many Young Men deal at the “C.8.F.” For example: Fine Chrome Balmorals, 13s 6d; Glaco Kid Dorbys, soft leather lining, 18s 6d; Glace Kid Balmoral, extra-wide, wellpointed, or round too, 18s 6d; Box Chrome Balmorals, leather lined, stout soles, fair stitched welt, box too, IGs 6d. rf~IITY BOOT PALACE, GEORGE STREET. G. M. PIZEY, Manager. AN ACCEPTABLE PRESENT: Our Celebrated OLD ENGLISH LAVENDER WATER, At all prices from 2s upwards. SPECIAL XMAS SUPPLY. Obtainable only at WILKINSON AND SON’S, Chemists, PRINCES STREET and GEORGE STREET. NEW GOODS. WE ARB NOW OPENING UP OUR NEW SEASON’S GOODS. IMPORTED DIRECT FROM THE HOME MARKET. BROS., LTD., Drapers, DUNEDIN, NEW CORSETS. . 3 Cases Opened To-day of the Renowned P.D. AND D.A. CORSETS, LATEST SHAPES. A Full Range of All Sizes. PRICES: 3s lid to 21s. AND SUTHERLAND, 174-7 a PRINCES STREET. TWO QUICK SELLERS At OUR SPECIAL BOOT SALE. FOB LADIESTAN GLACE SHOES AND BOOTS, in Open and Close Fronts, Smart Goods, 1 giving entire satisfaction. SALE PRICE, 12s 6d per pair. 1 FOR GENTLEMEN—BLACK AND TAN BOOTS, in Glaco Kid and Box Calf, Latest Shapes, most suitable for present wear. [ SALE PRICE, 17s 6d per pair. Both of these Specialties are selling freely, 1 and can be seen in our Windows. TSLIP A N D W A T T, Boot and Shoe Importers, Etc., 104 GEORGE STREET. BOARD AND RESIDENCE. (IMPORTABLE Homo for Two Working Men (good table, bath), near wharf; washing done. "Widow,” ‘Star’ Office. TO ANDON VILLA, 76 Dowling street, Genii-? Homan's Boarding-house.—Vacancies, double Mid single rooms; quiet, central, ' every convenience and attention; terms from i 25s week. Telephone 2,458. CORPORATION NOTICES. FAREWELL VISIT OF HIS EXCELLENCY THE GOVERNOR. T RESPECTFULLY REQUEST THE A CITIZENS'to attend an ADJOURNED 31EETING in the Town Hall on TUESDAY NEXT, the 15th March inst., at 8 o’clock p.m., to Further Consider the Form of Farewell to be tendered to His Excellency the Governor, Lord Plunket, on his Visit to this City prior to his Departure from the Dominion. JAMES H. WALKER, Mayor. Duucdiu, 12th March, 1910. BOROUGH OF ST. KILDA. TAKE NOTICE.—The VALUATION list for the MUSSELBURGH ami PARK WARDS of the Borough of St. Kilda for the year 1910-1911 IS NOW OPEN FOR INSPECTION at the Town Clerk’s Oflice, Main road, St. Kilda. ALL OBJECTIONS thereto must be left at the St. Kilda Council Chambers on or before the 15th day of MARCH, 1910, addressed to the Assessment Court, and a Copy of every such Objection must be left at the same place not less than TEN DAYS before the Next Sitting of the said Court. J. B. DICK, Town Clerk. St. Kilda, 14th February, 1910. BOROUGH OF MORNINGTON. TVKE NOTICE that the VALUATION LISTS for First, Second, and Third Wards, comprising the Borough of Momington, for the year 1910-11, are NOW OPEN FOR INSPECTION at the Council Chambers, Mornington. All objections thereto must be left at the Stipendiary Magistrate’s Court, Dunedin, ou or before the fifteenth (15th) day of MARCH, 1910, addressed to the Assessment Court, and a copy of every such objection must be left at the Town Clerk’s Office not less than ten (10) days before the next sitting of the said Court. P. NELSON, Acting Town Clerk. Mornington, February 21st, 1910. TO LET. TO LET, 3-rooracd (7s), 4-roomed (7s), 5-i'ooined (10s) Houses, Serpentine avenue. Apply Alcxr. B. Mercer, 48 Canongate street. nnO LET, by elderly Lady, Front Room, A with use of kitchen. Apply Hardy’s Store, Young street, St. Kilda. TO LET, 24-roomed' Houses. Apply Procter, Cutlcn street, South Dunedin. mO LET, Groomed House, 56 Hanover JL street; all conveniences; rent 17s. D. Moloney and Co., 90 Princes street. mO LET, 3 Offices, separate or together, ail A conveniences, Cargill’s Corner, South Dunedin; splendid staad. Dotting. I BURNISHED Booms To Let, nice locality, , 5 minutes from the Octagon. 1 Albert street. ■ ■ TO LET, Two large and sunny Unfurnished Rooms. Apply No. 60 Moray place. OOD Stabling for tradesmen’s horses, AW also Loose-boxes To Let. Apply Newmarket Private Hotel, Princes street. HOUSE, 67 Pretoria terrace, York place, 10 rooms, every convenience; 30s. ApI ply Rhodes, N.E: Valley. ' fi RANGE STREET.—S Rooms, with bath, Aw conper, etc.; 14s. Apply Patersons, 73 I Princes HracL.
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Evening Star, Issue 14315, 14 March 1910, Page 5
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781Page 5 Advertisements Column 4 Evening Star, Issue 14315, 14 March 1910, Page 5
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Page 5 Advertisements Column 4 Evening Star, Issue 14315, 14 March 1910, Page 5
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Allied Press Ltd is the copyright owner for the Evening Star. You can reproduce in-copyright material from this newspaper for non-commercial use under a Creative Commons New Zealand BY-NC-SA licence. This newspaper is not available for commercial use without the consent of Allied Press Ltd. For advice on reproduction of out-of-copyright material from this newspaper, please refer to the Copyright guide.