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LATE ADVERTISEMENTS. SYNDICATE Fruit Stores, Jetty street. — Table, Tomatoes, 2s case; Apples, Id lb; ENSINGTON.—SoIid 5 Booms, verandah; sewered; corner section; going cheap our Auction, Wednesday. Reid and Sons. . , ■ •■ 1 _ _ FOR~SALE~ Shop Fittings and Counter; suit grocer, draper. Where seen address “Fixings,” this Office. BEAUTIFUL Home, Roslyn, Auction” Wednesday;, lovely position; going cheap; inspect this. John Reid' and Sons. ISPOSAL^iS - Fowls - ThmUtding 10 'fine White Leghorn Pullets, just cornuicnccd laying, 5 Silver Wyandotte*, 1 A\ bite Leghorn Cockerel, unrelated), Fovvlhousc, Netting, Chick Boxes, and Buns, etc.; £6. “ Reliable,” ‘ Star ’■ Office. SEVERAL Rose-combed Brown Leghorn Cockerels For Sale or Exchange. J. Stewart, 14 Rose street, Roslyn. OR SALE, largo Fruit and Confectionery Business; must bo sold by Wednesday; owner leaving Dunedin. Address “Urgent,” ‘Star’ Office. oliTs Van, Horae, and Harness; also Express, Horse, Harness; trials. 5 Atkinson street, South Dunedin. OB SALE, Hansom Cab, Horse, _ and Harness, £2O the lot. No. 5 Atkinson street, South Dunedin. "TORN REID AND SONS will offer some sensational bargains in Freeholds, Auction, Wednesday. Reid and Sons. THE Fixtures For Sale, including counters, chairs, costume stands, etc., from Moody’s. Apply Mutual, Stores. COUNTERS, Linoleums, Carpets, Counter Showcase, Tables, etc., etc., from Moody's; cheap. Apply Mutual Stores. ~OLYROOD (near Roslyn Mills).—£37s: 6-roomed House, ; ' r acre, orchard, splendid order. £95: jj-acrc, adjoining above; ten fowlhousea and runs, cowshed, store. £BS; 13 Acres, fenced, sheltered, watered; principals only. Telephone 1,200 or 2,257. FOR SALE, cheap, Sewing Machine, Walnut Overmantel, Dining Room Suite; almost now goods. Box 324. PONY, Gig, and Harness, cheap; guaranteed sound, quiet. Apply Ford Co., corner King and St. Andrew streets OUISE, Talented Medium, may bo Consulted daily. 241 George street. IUNSHINE. j UNSHINE. < UNSHINE. J UNSHINE. s; UNSHINE. SUNSHINE. J UNSHINE. jUNSHINE. SUNSHINE. S UNSHINE. WRINGER Rollers Rerubbered • Lawn Mowers Repaired; Pram and Go-cart Tyres Fitted. W. Melville, 40 George street. O' WNER Leaving Dunedin. Sacrifice choice Property, Belleknowes (lower); 6 rooms; Auction Wednesday. John Reid and Sons. OAPERHANGINGS Less than Half Price. B —Largo stock bought iu London under manufacturer’s cost; all latest designs, highest quality, beautiful paper; Is—usual price, 4s 6d; Friezes, 3d yard; save more than half. Wren’s, Wren’s. _____ DI.C. Furniture Sale.—Turkish Lounges, • covered art tapestry, 70s. I.C. Furniture Sale.—Dressing Chests, • in rimu or stained walnut, 37s 6a, 49s_6d, 555,_655,J75s D~I.C. Furniture Sale.—Full-size Brass-rail • Bedsteads, with wire-woven and flock mattresses, bolster, and pillows, 755. l7c.'FiirnUurc — Salc\—Odd Dining Room • Chairs, 3s 6d, 4s 6d, 5s 9d,_7s 6d each. DI.C. Furniture Sale. —The D.I.C. Special • Lounge Chair, upholstered in saddlebags and velvet, 59s 6d. I.C. Furniture Sale.— Overmantels, in • stained walnut, with handsome bevelled mirrors, 29s Gd. social! Dr COMMINS’S SOCIAL AND DANCE, Oddfellows’ Hall, Rattray street, TUESDAY EVENING, 15th, 8 o’clock. Gentlemen, Is. Ladies, 6d. Refreshments. . BULLDOG BOOTS! Why do we call them “Bulldog”? Because they’re like tho Bulldog’s grip—and last to the bitter end! You can gel prettier dogs than the Bulldog, but when it comes to downright business he's tho real “ top dog.” Boys need Bulldog Boots, and here they are: CHILDREN’S SCHOOL BOOTS, 10's to 13’s. 4s lid; BOYS’ SCHOOL BOOTS from 6s lid; YOUTHS’ WORKING BOOTS, 7s 6d; MEN’S WORKING BOOTS, 9s 6d. These are nob dainty dress boots, but just “Bulldog” wearers. Tltey are all with Heel and Toe Plates, and may bo had with or without nails. Just give thorn a trial! “I\TO. 43,” THE PEOPLE’S POPULAR PLACE, No. 43 GEORGE STREET. Central Boot Store. HOSPITAL AND CHARITABLE AID BOARD ELECTIONS. TO THE DISTRICT ELECTORS of MAORI HILL. MORNINGTON, NORTH-EAST VALLEY, and ROSLYN. WE, the Present Members of the Hospital and Charitable Aid Board, respectfully SOLICIT YOUR VOTE AND INTEREST for the Election of Two Members pu WEDNESDAY, 16th March. Our connectiou with tho present Board has enabled us to acquire considerable experience relative to Hospital and Charitable Aid Matters, and this knowledge, if we are elected, would be of considerable assistance iu guiding the new older of administration. Tho Present Election calls for Caro and Vigilance by the Electors for returning such Members as shall Secure the Utmost Comfort to the Affiictcd and distressed and at the same time Maintain a Due Observance of Common-sense Methods for Conserving tho Ratepayers’ interests. We remain, yours faithfully, A. H. BRIDGER, Mayor of Moruington. J. H. F. HAMEL, Mayor of Roslyn. POLLING DAY: WEDNESDAY, 16th March. Hours: 9 a.m. to 7> p.m. RE JOHN RICHARD MORRIS, Deceased. PURSUANT to an Order under Section 74 of “ The Trustee Act, 1008,” made by His Honor Mr Justice Williams, a Judge of the Supreme Court of New Zealand, on the Twelfth day of March, 1910, NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Creditors and others having CLAIMS against the Estate of JOHN RICHARD MORRIS, late of Dunedin, in the Provincial District of Otago, and Dominion of New Zealand, City Valuer, Deceased, are required to send in their said Claims to John Richard Morris, tho Exc’cutor of the last Will and Testament of tho said Deceased, addressed to tho cure of the undersigned, on rr before the Sixteenth day of April, 1910, after which date tho said Executor will proceed to distribute the Assets in the Estate of the said Deceased amongst tho parties entitled thereto, having regard only to tho Claims of which ho shall tHen have notice. The Address of the said Executor for the receipt of ■ such Claims is at the Office of A. A. FINCH, Dowling street, Dunedin, Solicitor for tho said Executor.
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Evening Star, Issue 14315, 14 March 1910, Page 5
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902Page 5 Advertisements Column 3 Evening Star, Issue 14315, 14 March 1910, Page 5
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Page 5 Advertisements Column 3 Evening Star, Issue 14315, 14 March 1910, Page 5
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