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AMUSEMENTS. T H B A T R B Props,, John Fuller and Sons. Complete Change of Programme To-night. EMPIRE VAUDEVILLE CO. EMPIRE VAUDEVILLE CO. An Entertainment of Unexampled Brilliance. First Appearance of JOE ROX, NINA GONZALES. JOE ROX, NINA GONZALES, The Quaint Comedian, Chic Serio, Direct from their American Triumphs; Tom-ARMSTRONG AND VERNE—Priscilla Tom-ARMSTKONG AND VERNE—Priscilla Creating an Unparalleled Furore cf Acclamation at Every Performance. Everybody’s Favorite, CHARLES FANING, Australia’s Premier Vocal Comedian. Chas,—HEATH and LAMB—Joe, The Newcastle Singing Colliers. GEORGIE DEVOE, Comedienne. MERLE LAWRENCE, Operatic Soprano. SISTERS STARR, Australia’s Artistic Trio. NATIONAL DUO, Australia's Cleverest Juvenile Comedy Acrobats. CHARLOTTA, the Pocket Marie Lloyd. Last Night of SAMSON and JUNO. Prices: D.C., 2s: 0.5., Is 6d; Stalls, Is. fi RAND MARINE EXCURSION <br And SEARCHLIGHT DISPLAY. EIGHTEEN MILES BY WATER FOR ONE SHILLING-THE CHEAPEST AND BEST EXCURSION IN THE DOMINION. Tlio Favorite Ferry Steamer T.S.S. “ WAIKANA ” Will run another Popular Evening Excursion On WEDNESDAY EVENING, 16th MARCH, 1910. Leaving Rattray Street Wharf at 8 o’clock for a Cruise down the Harbor. The popularity of these Excursions increases more and more as they become known, and as is testified to by the many hundreds of people who have already patronised them. The secret of their success lies in the pleasure they afford and the cheapness of the fare, coupled with no overcrowding. ELECTRIC LIGHTS, POWERFUL SEARCHLIGHT. FIRST-CLASS BAND. FAIRYLAND 1 ONE SHILLING. THE PENINSULA FERRY CO., LTD. Telephone 1,486. Offices: 20 Crawford street, Dunedin. VOICE PRODUCTION. MISS LUCY BRISTOW, D.R.C.M.L. (of London and- Melbourne), is now prepared to receive PUPILS at her Studio, BANK OF NEW ZEALAND CHAMBERS, Princes street. Fees, etc., on application between ligand 12.30 each morning, or from Chas B egg'and Co,, Ltd. _ __ __ DUNEDIN PHILHARMONIC SOCIETY (Incorporated). First concert, sixth season, uARRISON HALL, TUESDAY, 15th MARCH, 1910, at 8 p.m. Intending Members aro requested to forward their names to the undersigned. E. S. WILSON, Secretary. P.O. Box 92, or Empire Buildings, Princes street. Telephone .1,749. HOLIDAY RESORTS. mO LET, 3-roomcd Furnished Cottage, near JL beach and railway station. Apply Mrs Cleghorn, Hampden. I SITOHS~t cTMid d 1 ein a r cli will find Accommoilaiion ai Mrs Burnes's Private Boarding-house. Address P. 0., Middlemarch. (Molyneux).—Seaside Accommoix dation, Mrs Campbell’s; trap meets visitors Roraahapa on application; telephone on premises “ Tokata. MEETINGS. NORTHERN ASSOCIATION FOOTBALL CLUB. The annual general meeting of the above Club will be held in Miss Dormer’s Tea Rooms (near Botanical Gardens), N.E. Valley, on FRIDAY Next, 13th inst., at 8 p.m. Business; Considcarlion of Annua! Report and Balance-sheet, Election of Otficc-bcarers, and General. All members, intending members, and supporters of the Club are requested to attend. W. DONALD, Secretary, .THE DOMINION RUBBER COMPANY, LIMITED, Notice is hereby given that the SECOND ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING of SHAREHOLDERS in the abovenamed Company will be held in the Chamber of Commerce, Stock Exchange Buildings, Dunedin, TO-MORROW (Tuesday), the 15th March, 1910, at 3 p.m. A. JOHNSTON C. BROWN, Secret ary. FOOTBALLERS’ ACCIDENT RESERVE FUND. THE ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING of the above Fund will be held in E. S. Wilson's Board Room on WEDNESDAY, 16lh inst,, at 8 p.m. Business: Adoption of ( Report and Balance-sheet, Election of Committee, and General Business. Delegates from Clubs arc requested to make a point of being present. E. S. WILSON, Secretary. MEN’S MISSION HOUSE.—ANNUAL MEETING will bo held in the Town Hall, TUESDAY, March 15th; at 4 p.m. All interested cordially invited. LOST AND FOUND. LOST (vicinity Melville street, Saturday night), Pair Sido Curtains for motor car. Please return Wiinpenny Bros. LOST, Bag witli cord handles, between George and Princes streets; valued keepsake; reward 167 Rattray street. LOST, Parcel containing wings, vicinity Jones and Maitland streets; reward. Treloar, fruiterer. lOST (Saturday), between Morgan's, pic--1 lure framer, 119 Castle street, and Octagon, Gold-bar Brooch (knot and ruby in ■centre); keepsake. Reward returning Eur6pcan Hotel. TO LET, comfortable 4-roomed House; every convenience. Apply 42 Forth street. LOST, small Gold Chain Greenstone Bangle; reward. Plcaso return G. L. Dcnnislon, Bond street. LOST, Sunday, Pink-and-grey Parrot. Finder rewarded returning 46 Bay View road. LOST, from Taieri and Peninsula Buildings, a Parakeet. Finder rewarded on returning to 31 King street. LOST, small Bunch Keys. Please return to\ M’Lcod Bros., Ltd., or 67 Queen’s Drive, Musselburgh; reward, LOST, between Knox Church and Octagon, Gold Cable .Bracelet reward. 74 Loudon street. LOST, on Saturday, Lady’s Purse, containing money and steamer ticket; reward. Apply Stamp Office, Crawford street. LOST, Greenstone Brooch (keepsake), between Melbourne road, Smith’s butchery; reward. A. B. Hall, hairdresser, South Dunedin. LOST (Sunday evening, Gladstone road or Main road, North-east Valley), Gold Brooch; reward. Thomson, Kanni, Gladstone road; or Roberts’s Store. OST (Maori Hill), between High and Duke streets, Gold Dagger Brooch; reward. Topp’s Store, Maori Hill. LOST, Black Spaniel Dog; anyone found detaining same will bo prosecuted. Mrs O. R. Chapman, 135 Town Belt (near Nevada). Telephone" 568. LOST, Handbag, containing purse and monsy, between Maclaggan street and Burnside; reward. Sanders Bros., Maclaggan street. LOST (Saturday night), Greenstone Scarf Pin, with leaf, 3 pearls, Princes street, George street. Reward returning 16 Clarendon street. LOST (Saturday night), between Castle street, Theatre, Gold Curb Chain Bracelet; finder rewarded. Reid and Gray. LOST, Appetite. Well, try a tin of _ “ Crotsed Fish ” Sardines; world-wide favorites. Full-weight Tins. FOUND, Four Keys on ring: owner can have them. Apply M'Gallum and Co., Crawford street.
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Evening Star, Issue 14315, 14 March 1910, Page 5
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890Page 5 Advertisements Column 5 Evening Star, Issue 14315, 14 March 1910, Page 5
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Page 5 Advertisements Column 5 Evening Star, Issue 14315, 14 March 1910, Page 5
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