He: “I was talking to your sister on the ’phono last night, and she said she was reading a book that contained many stirring incidents.” She : “ Yes. She was reading a cook-book.” Mr Woodpecker “ I declare it is abominable tho way tho trades crowd us these days.” Mrs Sparrow : “ Terrible ! Mr Butcherbird opened his shop in our apartment last week, and now Mr Tailorbird has arrived.” CHRONIC RHEUMATISM EFFECTUALLY CURED.
No matter bow long you have suffered from Rheumatism, no matter what other remedies havo failed, RHEUMO, if given a fair trial, will effect a cure. Thousands of other sufferers have been permanently cured by RHEUMO when all else had been tried in vain. Many havo spent large sums of money at Rotorua and other Thermal Springs, but it was RHEUMO that eventually effected a cure. If you are suffering from Rheumatism, or from Gout, Lumbago, Sciatica, or kindred complaints, give RHEUMO a fair trial. It has cured others, and will euro you, and that at little cost. All chemists and stores, 2s 6d and 4s 6d. —[Advt.]
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Evening Star, Issue 14315, 14 March 1910, Page 1
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