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PUBLIC NOTICES. “ SOMETIMES it’s tho flavor, sometimes the aroma.” The pleasing qualities of Pure Hondai Lanka Tea are many. OSnZZACU RRANTS,, a PruiFof very special quality. Only one place you can get them— IRVINE AND STEVENSON'S. EASTER POULTRY—PIump Fowls, all ready slurted and roasted, 4s each. Orders now being booked at IRVINE AND STEVENSON’S, George street. “nrVHERE’S nothing in a cup of tea if it JL lades flavor.” Hondai Lanka Ceylon is delicious in fragrant flavor. [A Card.] Av. m”a ZENG AR B • (Member Psycho-Therapeutical Association, N.Z., Regd.), HEALTH SPECIALIST, has REMOVED to ; 236 GEORGE STREET (Near Knox Church Manse). OX TONGUES in tins, a delicious delicacy, from 2s 6d per tin. At IRVINE AND STEVENSON’S. T' ELBPHONE YOUR ORDERS for Provisions to IRVINE AND STEVENSON (telephone 1,276), or send .a message and our traveller will call. XjIRESH TURKISH DATES, newly imported, 3d per lb, and 51b Is, At IRVINE AND STEVENSON’S. KAPAI BACON is true to its name. You get it only at IRVINE AND STEVENSON’S, George street. YIAVJ-THB WAY TO HEALTH ■STIAVI OFFICE, Colonial Mutual Build- ’ lugs, comer of Princes and High streets (entrance in Princes street; take the lift). —Ladies are invited to call at tho,Viavi Office, and learn how Health may be regained and how Operations may be avoided. No charge, no obligation. Office hours, 10 to 5 daily. Close as 1 or. Saturdays. Free Health Talk to Ladies, by Mrs M. F, Spicer, every Tuesday at 3 p.m. Write or call for ‘ Viavi Way,’ large book, Is fid posted. Please note change of address. “ WHEN the best can be bad at orv 7 dinaxy prices, why drink any other than Pure Hondai Lanka Tea?” TUFFED ROASfTOßKrready cooked; ' an ideal dinner. Try some from IRVINE AND STEVENSON’S. BEST COOKING FIGS, 3d; Prunes, 3d and 4d, From IRVINE AND STEVENSON’S, Tho “ Quality ” Grcccrs. FISH for Lout.—Morton’s Dried Ling, a real delicacy, 6d per lb. At IRVINE AND STEVENSON’S. ASTER HAMPERS. —Week-end or Holidaj’ hampers made up to order by IRVINE AND STEVENSON, LTD., George street. 1 XMAS ATTRACTIONS. ] ’Phone 2,041. ’Phone 2,041. Pay big prices for ENLARGEMENTS when we are GIVING AWAY a 12 s 10 MONA , ENLARGEMENT, with 12 CABINETS, for 10b 6d. Our BRIDAL GROUPS a specialty. Xmas prices, 30s. WEIGGLESWORTH & BINNS, OCTAGON. Entrance Athenaeum. S AUCEPANS aud KITCHEN UTENSILS being cleared at less than cost. IRVINE AND STEVENSON’S, George street. PLUM PUDDINGS in tins.—A splendid stand-by for Camping; will keep for ever; Is per tin at IRVINE AND STEVENSON'S. GET Quotations from ‘ Evening Star’ Office for largo or small quantities of Printing before placing your Orders. EIGHT SHILLINGS PER LB. CHOICEST FLOWERY PEKOE TEA, as used by the Russian nobility. Ask yonr grocer for it, or apply to Scoular and Co., proprietors of the celebrated KOZIE TEAS, who will give name of nearest Retail ODD PLATES, all sizes, going for next to nothing at IRVINE AND STEVENSON'S, George street. TT'RESH COFFEE ground while you wait, JL/ all qualities. IRVINE AND STEVENSON’S, George street. HEALTH is better than Wealth.” Don’t endanger your health by using lowgrade blonds. Get the Genuinely Puro “Hondai Lanka" Tea. ‘ ET’d rIPHE EVENING STAR COMPANY, LTD., JL PRINT All Descriptions of GROCERS’ and DRAPERS’ BILLS, CIRCULARS, etc., and when so directed baud over tho same to the ‘Star’ Runners for distribution with the ■ Star,’ which is delivered at nearly every I house in the City and Suburbs, and also extensively in the connin'. 170U can buy PROMPT ATTENTION as 1 well as BEST QUALITY GOODS at IRVINE AND STEVENSON'S GREAT GROCERY STORE. ELICIOUS PRESERVED FRUITS— Apricots, Peaches, Pears, Pineapples—lowest prices at IRVINE AN D STEVENSON’S, George street. RESH SAUSAGES Every Day Regularly at IRVINE AND STEVENSON’S, George street. r YOU LOSE ANYTHING Advertise for it in THE EVENING STAR. HOUSEWIVES!— True economy should lead you to try for yourself the fullflavored Pure Hondai Lanka Ceylon Tea. INSURANCE NOTICES. STANDARD F. AND M. INSURANCE COMPANY OF NEW ZEALAND, LIMITED. Head' Office: HIGH STREET, Dunedin. Bisks accepted in following Departments:—> Fire, Marino, Workers’ Compensation and Employers’ Liability, Persoial Accident, Accident and Disease, Mortgage Indemnity, Fidelity Guarantee, including Administration I Bonds, and Plate Glass. Telephone 26. THOMAS R. FISHER. General Manager. EDUCATIONAL. MR H. O. STOKES, Teacher of BANJO, MANDOLIN, and GUITAR, HAS RESUMED TEACHING. - Studio: 22 LEITH STREET (near St. Andrew street).
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Evening Star, Issue 14315, 14 March 1910, Page 1
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720Page 1 Advertisements Column 4 Evening Star, Issue 14315, 14 March 1910, Page 1
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Page 1 Advertisements Column 4 Evening Star, Issue 14315, 14 March 1910, Page 1
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Allied Press Ltd is the copyright owner for the Evening Star. You can reproduce in-copyright material from this newspaper for non-commercial use under a Creative Commons New Zealand BY-NC-SA licence. This newspaper is not available for commercial use without the consent of Allied Press Ltd. For advice on reproduction of out-of-copyright material from this newspaper, please refer to the Copyright guide.