NORTH-EAST VALLEY v. ST. KILDA. Tlio above match was played on Northeast Valiev Courts on Saturday, and resulted in* a win* for the Valley by twenty-three B. Tho following are the scores -east Valley names being placed first;—. Men's Singles.—Taylor lost to Lauycus.m B—9, Munson beat H. Wilson 9—l ollock teat Wood 9—l, Murray lost to It. Wihon 6—9. Men’s Roubles. —Taylor and Pollock beat Wood and E. Wilson 9-5, Manaon and Murray beat Laurenson and U. Uilson Singles.— Mwa. Ercssey beat Sites fhompson 6—5, Mies Bca boat Mus DBoto 6—o. _ , Ladies' Doubles.—Misses Bresscy and Fen lost to Alices Thompson and 1). Lore 5—6, Misses Hogg and Cramond beat Misses Cole and M. Cole 6—2. - .... Combined Doubles.—Taylor and Miss Bressoy lost to Laurenson and Aiiss thornyson 5—9, Manaon and Miss lea beat H Wilson and Misa Pollock and Miss Begg lost to Wood and Mira D. Gore 5 9, Murray and Misa Cramcnd boat L. Wilson and Miss Cole 9—B. Totals. —Northeast Valley 101 games, St. Ivilda 78 games. HAURARO v. MOANA. A return match was played between Ilauraro and Moana Clubs. The A teanu played at Arthur Street Courts, ami the B teams at Georgo street. Hauraro again won both matches. The following are the scores, Hauraro’s names being mentioned first:— —A Teams.— Men's Doubles.—lvory and Thomson boat Logan and Sinclair 9—6. Lawson and Bundle loot to G. Nicoleou and Reiman 5 g. Lailics’ Doubles. Misses Black and Cameron beat Misses Sinclair and lan a 6—5, Misses Lees and Wilkie beat Mieses E. Logan ami E. Rollo 5—2. Men’s Singles.—lvory beat Logan 9—3, Thomson lost to Sinclair 6—9, Lawson lost to G. Nicolson 3—9, Bundle beat Reiman 9—6. Ladies’ Singles.—Misa Black beat Miss Sinclair 6—4, Miss Lets beat Miss Parra 6—l Combined Doubles.—lyorv and Miss Black beat Logan and Miss Sinclair 6—5, Ihomaon and Alisa Lees beat Sinclair and Miss Farra 6—3, Lawson and Miss Cameron beat G. Nicolson and Miss L. Logan 6 5. Bundle and Mies Wilkie beat Reiman and Miss Rollo 6—4. Totals;—Hauraro 89, Moana 69. —B Teams.— Men’s Singles.—Turner beat ’Lakcman B—s, Gray lost to Nicolson 3—9, Mowat beat T. Long 9—5, Duthio lost to J. Long 2—9. Ladies’ Singles.—Mies Bryce boat Miss 6_l. Men’s Doubles.—Turner and Gray beat Lokeman and Nicolson 9—5, Mowat and Duthio beat T. Long and J. Long 9—4. Ladies’ Doubles.— Misses Bryce and Smith beat Misses Logan and Farra 6—o, Aliases Elliott and Brundell loet to Aliases M. Rollo and Dick 4—6. Combines. —Turner and Miss Bryce beat Lakeman and A lies Logan 6—3, Gray and Aiiss Smith beat Nicolson and Aiiss Farm 6—2, Alowat and Alies Brundell boat T. Long and Aiiss Rollo 6—4. Duthie and Aiiss Elliott beat J. Long and Aiiss Dick 6—o. Totals.—Hauraro 87 games, Aloana 51 games. OTAGO v. KAITUNA. OTAGO WIN B BANNER. Considerable intc.est was shown by tho large attendance of spectators at the Otago Courts on Saturday to witness the aboyeinatch. which was to decide the winners of tho B Grade banner. Otago won the contest by a margin of twelve games, and thus retains the coveted prize. The detailed scores are as follows, Otago players being named first: Alen’s Singles. Jones lost to Wilkie 6—9, Reading beat Browning 9—2, Purchas lest to Nicholson 7—9, Sise beat Minims g 8. Men’s Doubles.—Jones and Reading lest to Wilkie and Alirams 3—9, Purchas anjiSise lost to Browning and Nicholoson 5- 9. ■ Combined Doubles —Jonea and Airs Cohn beat Wilkie and Miss Laing 9—5, Reading and Aiiss Jackson lost to Browning and Aiiss Fletcher B—9, Purchas and Aiiss Salmon lost to Nicholson and Aiiss Dunbar 6—9, Sise and Airs Reading beat Minims and Aiiss Le Biun 9—B Ladies’ Singles.—Airs Cohn beat Alisa Laint: 6—l, Alias Jackson beat Alisa Fletcher 6—A Ladies’ Doubles.—Airs Cohn and Alias Jackson beat Alices laing and Dunbar 6—2, Alias Salmon ard Atm Reading beat Alisscs Lo Brun and Fletcher 6—o. Totals.—Otago 95 games, Kaituna 83 games.
Evening Star, Issue 14315, 14 March 1910, Page 2
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