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PUBLIC NOTICES. JOLLY’S WATCH INFIRMARY. REDUCED PRICES. Watches Thoroughly Cleaned .. Mainsprings, best quality Clocks (striking), Cleaning 3s 6(1 3s 6d 5s 6d REDUCED PRICES. Clocks (silent). Cleaning Brooch-pins. Joints, and Catches , 2a 6c 3deacl OTHER REPAIRING AT GREATLY REDUCED PRICES. CRITERION BUILDINGS. 6 MORAY PLACE (opposite Choral HallN NIGHTCAPS COAL. THE position of this fine Coal in the market now is, that every Coal Merchant wants to buy it, because ho has no waste to contend with. He has a further stimulant, in that all his easterners prefer it, and many disappointments have arisen to them by the merchant not having it at the moment. It is now, however, AVAILABLE EVERY DAY from anybody m the trade. THE DEMAND FOR IT IS QUITE PHENOMENAL. Price, 25/- per ton delivered. (2s per ton extra will be charged on the hill where extraordinary cartage is unavoidable.) SPECIAL RATE for 4 TONS AND OVER. Telephone 1,138 or 329. W. P. WATSON, Representative. kaitangata coal. KAITANGATA COAL. The Famous Household Coal. Makes a clean, bright fire. The cheapest fuel in the market. KAITANGATA NUTS. Specially suited for kitchen ranges. Just the Coal for the winter mornings. TRY IT. SOLD BY ALL COAL MERCHANTS. Country Orders for Truck Loads can be Supplied Immediately. OFFICES: 107 HIGH STREET (OPPOSITE TELEGRAPH OFFICE), DUNEDIN.
J. A. HAGGITT-1 MAULS LIVINGSTON. SIEVAVRIGHT, HAGGITT, AND CO.. AUCTIONEERS. LAND SALESMEN, AND HOTEL BROKERS. EMPIRE BUILDINGS. PRINCES STREET. 1355. ROSLYN: 6-ROOMED RESIDENCE, with bathroom, hj. and c. water; modern in every way; in GOOD POSITION, very handy to car. £675. 1363—ROSLYN- 5 ROOMS; bathroom, hj. and c. shower, etc., nice wide hall, oriel window, the usual outhouses; GOOD SECTION, i-acre; only 3 years old, and therefore as GOOD AS NEW. £520. 1362.—MUSSELBURGH: 5 ROOMS; bath, copper and tubs, gas kid on, stable and shed; LARGE SECTION; this property can bo bought on VERY EASY TERMS. Price, £550. 1344. A BARGAIN AT ST. HILDA: A BEAu ITFULLY-BUILT 7-roomedDWELLING, bathroom, hj. and c. water, scullery, pantry, cupboards, wardrobes; good outbuildings : rooms are all large, with high ceilings. Altogether this is ONE OP THE BEST properties for the money at present offering in tins splendid suburb. Full particulars to .bona fide buyers. FINE FREEHOLD SECTION in QUEEN STREET; frontage of about 50ft; a splendid BUILDING SITE. Gall for particulars. 1291.—HAZELHURST: NEW HOUSE, 4 rooms; bathroom, hj. and c.; splendidly built, and UP TO DATE in every way ; nicely fmjshed; gels all the sun going. £435. TO LET. ' I Mrs Sinclair’s HOUSE at NEWINGTON: 10 rooms, with all modern conveniences; about nn acre of ground, comprising tennis lawn and iargo garden. Also, Hon. J. R. Sinclair’s RESIDENCE of 13 rooms, at corner of Melville street and Manor place, will be Let as from the middle of April. QUEEN'S DRIVE, MUSSELBURGH; 8 ROOMS, bathroom, hj. and c. 265. 8 ROOMS, every convenience, WITHIN 2 MINUTES’ WALK FROM CITY. 30s. 6 ROOMS, MUSSELBURGH. 18s. 8 ROOMS, EGLINTON; all conveniences; fine garden. £B4 per annum. MONEY TO LEND AT CURRENT RATES ON GOOD SECURITY.
BURTON AND PATTERSON, ALBION CHAMBERS, 41 DOWLING STREET, DUNEDIN. QUEEN’S DRIVE (Musselburgh, close to tram).—s-roomed Modern Residence, all conveniences, and in first-class order; bathroom, h.p. boiler; attractive appearance. £540. WE. VALLEY.—S-rocmed Residence, Glcnaven, with bay window, verandah, bathroom, washhouse, etc.; fine view; very sunny; two freehold sections, garden, etc.; in splendid order. Easy terms if desired. £SOO. ( A ' VTJSHAM (close to Forbury Junction).—Attractive 5-rooracd Residence; box windows; bathroom; h.p. boiler: washhouse, copper and tubs; nice freehold section. £SOO. WELL-SITUATED Residence of 6 rooms; splendid locality, on bill; fine outlook, sunny; two bay windows, etc.; all in firat-class order; with large freehold corner section, over three-eighths of acre; good frontages; could be conveniently subdivided. £825. NORTH END (ClTY).—First-class 7-roomcd Modern Residence; nice appearance, in good order; bathroom; h.p. boiler; freehold corner section; very sunny situation. £750. FREEHOLD BUSINESS SlTES.—Three fine level Sections, fronting two streets, also Quarter-acre, ail in best business parts of City, for immediate sale. Terms of purchase arranged. SOUTH DUNEDIN. —Six-ronmod Two-storc Residence, with h.p. boiler, bathroom, scullery, gas, tiled hearths, etc.; large rooms; freehold section. Price, £6OO. SOUTH DUNEDIN.—6-roomed Residence, with all conveniences, two storey, bay window. Price, £470. N. AND B. S. PATERSON, LAND AGENTS. SURVEYORS, SHARE AND LAND BROKERS. ETC., 73 PRINCES STREET (Note the Number). A FINE ROSLYN PROPERTY (Close to Town Belt).—Fine Modern Residence (one flat), containing 8 rooms, with all modern conveniences and in splendid order, with over d-acre section, beautifully laid out in lawn, fruit and vegetable garden, asphalt, yard and walks, stable, coachhouse, and vinery. This property lies beautifully to the sun, and is surrounded by live hedges. Never in the market before. Card to view on application. „ , , • CASTLE STREET (Close to Frederick street).—Good House ot 4 rooms, washhouse, scullery, copper and tubs; drained to sewer; verandah front; good freehold section. Easy terms. £445. MAORI HILL (in a Splendid Situation).—First-class House of 6 rooms, bathroom, scullery hot and cold water, washhouse, copper and tubs, fine wallpapers, with friezes, verandah front; freehold section, well elevated; good view, and very sunny position. £4O deposit, balance as rent. A sacrifice, £450. ROSLYN (Town Side, Close to Both Trams).—Comfortable House of 4 good rooms, with conveniences, with a good freehold section, sunny position. This is in the part of Roslyu where property is most difficult to secure. Hurry up anti inspect. Terms to suit. £4OO. . . ST. KILDA (Close to Beach).—Two fine Building Sites; real bargains; must he sold. OUR "best BARGAIN. —North End (near Gardens, slightly on rise) : Fine House of 6 rooms, with scullery, bathroom, washhouse, copper and tubs, 2 hay windows and portico; good freehold section, fine view. The owner of the property has left Dunedin, and our instructions are to sell. Easy terms arranged. Don t miss this bargain. £450.
JOHN REID AND SONS (JOHN REID. HENRY W. REID. C. BUSSELL SMITH, F.1.A.N.Z.), ' LIVERPOOL AND BOND STREETS, DUNEDIN Telephone 190. (Next. ‘Star’ Office), Telephone 190. PROPERTIES TO LET AND FOR SALE. TO LET. MORNINGTON: 4 Rooms; 6s week. KAIKOBAI: 5-roomcd Cottage; 9s week. MORAY PLAGE: 8 Rooms: 25s week. RUSSELL STREET; 4 Rooms and scullery; 11s week. NORTH-EAST VALLEY: 6 Booms; modern; £1 week. CITY (Melville street): 5 Rooms; 9s. MORNINGTON: 6 Rooms; 15s week. HILLSIDE: 8 Rooms hot and cold water, sewered; 27s 6d week. ROSLYN: Stable, Trap Shed, and Yard; 6s 6d week WAITATI: 4 Rooms, sunny position; partly furnished; 10s. . CITY: 12 Rooms, billiard room, shop, etc.; 32s 6d week. SAWYERS BAY: 8 Rooms, modern, 4 acres land, tow shed, stream of water, nice position; -ent £1 week. CITY: 2 Rooms; Cs week. CAVERSHAM: 8 Rooms, gas, hot and cold water, etc.; £1 week CAVERSHAM: 6 Rooms, modern; 15s week. WAIKOUAITI; Fine 7-roomed House, with stable; 3$ acres land; rent, £4O year. CITY: Attractive 8-roomed Gentleman’s Residences thoroughly modern; £7 month. CITY: 8-rooraed House (furnished), gas, hot and cold water; £2 per week; immediate possession; full particulars on application. KENSINGTON: 5 Rooms, copper, etc.; 12s 6cl week. FOR SALE.* OOOA—NEAR GARDENS: Substantial 4-rooraed Cottage, containing verandah, 3 fire3bOril/ places and Zealandia range, bath, hot .and cold water (high-pressure boiler), washhouse with bniltrin copper, tubs, and boiler; property only four years old; handy to car; good locality; good section. Price, £320; BARGAIN. 997 ‘570 UrosLYN: Attractive Bungalow Residence, 5 rooms; oriel window, deep re- , J t um verandah, gas throughout, 7ft panelled hall, bath, hand basin, liot and cold water throughout, good pantry, scullery washhouse, tubs and boiler; asphalt paths and yard, lovely”garden, with native bush, etc.; house years old; Church Board lease, £4 10s year; close to car; panoramic view. Well worth inspection. 1018 GOOD FREEHOLD FARM. GOOD FREEHOLD FARM. Oiy K A —OWAKA: Good Farm of 109 Acres, subdivided into 6 paddocks; good water gtj 1 Oil supply; 6-roomed House; trap shed, stable, pigsty, fowlhouso, etc.; about 75 acres grass, balance bush; only two miles from Owaka Creamery; good road. Price, £750. Terms on small deposit. Full particulars on application. , 144 JOHN REID AND SONS. AUCTIONEERS AND LAND SALESMEN.
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Evening Star, Issue 14315, 14 March 1910, Page 1
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1,336Page 1 Advertisements Column 3 Evening Star, Issue 14315, 14 March 1910, Page 1
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Page 1 Advertisements Column 3 Evening Star, Issue 14315, 14 March 1910, Page 1
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