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SHIPPING. THE VANCOUVER ROUTE. CANADIA N-AUSTRALU N ROYAL MAH. S.S. LINE AND CANADIAN-PACIFIC RAILWAY. To VANCOUVER via FIJI and HONOLULU. thence by Rail to ANY PART OF CANADA or UNITED STATES. THE BEST ROUTE TO EUROPE. And at 28 days’ interval thereafter. tNew steamer (8,075 tons). *Twin screw. Passengers from N.Z. have the option of joining at Sydney or Suva. UNION S.S. CO. OF N.Z., LTD., Managing Agents. ~Y IA SAN FRANCISCO TO AMERICA AND EUROPE. NEW MAIL ROUTE. S.S. MOKOIA. from WELLINGTON to RAROTONGA AND PAPEETE (Tahiti) /as under: MARCH 16. APRIL 21. Connecting with s.s. MARIPOSA at PAPEETE for SAN FRANCISCO. For particulars regarding passages and freight apply UNION S.S. CO. OF N.Z.. LTD. VfANTEDS. ETC. WANTED, GOOD CO ATM AKERS; constant employment. Apply STEEL AND CO., Moray place. SECOND-HAND Sacks Wanted in any quantity. Apply A. Moritzson and Co. ANTED To Rent, 6, 7, or 8-roomed Bungalow, Roslyu; no children. “ Careful,” ’Star’ Oihce. SITUATION of Mackenzie's Great Central Furniture Warehouse: Corner Moray place and Stuart street (near Station). ESTABLISHED- for the Manufacture and Sale of High-class House Furniture all styles, lowest prices. TO Capitalists.—Wanted,' 121,600 on freehold agricultural land, close to town. Address “Mortgage,” ‘Star’ Office. MONEY Lent, City Fawn Office, 145 George street (near Hanover street); pledges taken: lowest interest; confidential. REFRESHING, invigorating, pungent, stimulating; lots of other good things could be said of Symington’s Coffee Essence. RS ROBSON. 140 George street Cash Buyer of Ladies’ and Gentlemen’s Left-off Clothing. Letters attended. NEW Paper Patterns.—A splendid new range of “ Butterick ” Paper Patterns: 8,000 in stock; any garment post free 10d; send stamp for free monthly fashion book. Brown, Ewing, and Co., Ltd., Dunedin, sole agents. WHY can Alf Brown, fruiterer and grocer, 279 George street, Return One Day’s Cash Takings a Month? Because he Sells fop Cash and Saves collectors, bad debts, and clerka. RETURN Cash Receipts dated Tuesday, ■ 15th, ■nd Get Yblii Money Back. A!? Brown, 279 George street; telephone 980. GRUYERE CHEESE, specially imported from Switzerland; the Cheese for epicures. Only a few left at IRVINE AND STEVENSON’S. IDEAL TURKISH CANARY SEED, the finest procurable, only 3d per lb. At IRVINE AND STEVENSON’S. EMPLOYMENT WANTEDS. WANTED, Boy, leam butchering and make himself generally useful. Address “Canterbury,” ‘Star’ Office. YOUNG Man wants Work of any description. Address “ Despair,” ‘ Star ’ Office. IX. " 1 1 ' TENDERS. DUNEDIN DRAINAGE AND SEWERAGE BOARD. CONTRACT 326. STORM WATER SEWER in Township of New Market, St. Clair. CONTRACT 528. 6in PIPE SEWER in Walter street, Eglinton road, and Main South road. f|lEN DERS arc invited for the above, reA tamable up to 4 p.m. on TUESDAY, 15th March, 1910, to the Secretary, Town Hall Buildings, Dunedin, where specifications, etc., may bo seen and tender forms obtained. Deposit marked cheque for £ls with each tender. The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. A. SLINGER, Drainage Engineer. March 7th, 1910, Town Hal), Dunedin, I FURNITURE AND JOINERY FACTORY FOR SALE. TENDERS Invited for the PURCHASE of above FACTORY, at 5 Thomas Bums street, Dunedin, in building rented from D.1.C., either as a going concern or for the whole or any portion of the Plant and Material. Conditions of tenders, schedules of Stock and Plant, terms, and all particulars at Factory. Tenders to be in by SATURDAY’, 19th March, at office of A. and D. Macpherson, Empire Buildings, Dunedin. TENDERS will be received until 1 p.m. on THURSDAY', March 24th, for the ERECTION of BUILDINGS (Brick) and RENOVATIONS of Old Buildings in Cumberland street. BASIL HOOPER, A.R.1.8.A., Architect, A.M.P. Buildings. TENDERS Invited until 19th March for Erection of Residence at South Dunedin. James Clark, Brunswick street. South Dunedin. MONEY. mRUST MONEY TO LEND. In Large or Small Sums, for Long or Short Periods, at LOWEST CURRENT RATES OF INTE rest. CALLAN AND CALLAWAY, Solicitors, 137 Princes street, Dunedin (Nest door ‘-o Auction Rooms of Messrs Ales. Harris and Co.). MONEY TO LEND. WE HAVE MONEY TO LEND on Personal Security, also on Furniture, Lite Policies, Bond Warrants, Freeholds, Leaseholds, etc. Bills discounted. Large or small turns. Lowest current rates of interest. D. MOLONEY AND CO.. Finance and Estate Agents, SO PRINCES STREET, DUNEDIN. MONEY To Lend at current rates. Tho Trustees, Executors, and Agency Company of New Zealand. Limited. Money to lend on mortgage in ANY SUMS, lowest current interest. ADAMS BROS., Empire Buildings, Princes GNEYTO LEND IN .ANY SUM. M MOORE, MOORE, AND NICHOL, Solicitors, 85 STUART STREET (below Octagon). 'ANTED To Borrow, £I,OOO, on City security. For particulars address to 518, P. 0., Dunedin.
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Evening Star, Issue 14315, 14 March 1910, Page 1
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753Page 1 Advertisements Column 2 Evening Star, Issue 14315, 14 March 1910, Page 1
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Page 1 Advertisements Column 2 Evening Star, Issue 14315, 14 March 1910, Page 1
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Allied Press Ltd is the copyright owner for the Evening Star. You can reproduce in-copyright material from this newspaper for non-commercial use under a Creative Commons New Zealand BY-NC-SA licence. This newspaper is not available for commercial use without the consent of Allied Press Ltd. For advice on reproduction of out-of-copyright material from this newspaper, please refer to the Copyright guide.