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SHIPPING. UNION STEAM SHIP COMPANY OP NEW ZEALAND, LIMITED. Steamers will bo despatched as under, cir““LSEITOIf“Sd"vEI,LINOTOS (Booking Passengers West Coast portsl Warrimoo Wed, March 16 Tarawera Friday. March 18 . NAPIEK, GISBORNE, and AUCKLANO--Tarawer*. Friday, March 18 j Monowai Tuesday, Man* ** i rn,nt!llm - SYDNEY via 'LYTTELTON and WELLINGTONWarrimoo Wed.-, March lS 4-4 tram Manuka* Tues., March 22 4.4 tram •Twin screw. —— SYDNEY via AUCKLAND— Monowai* Tues., March 22 Dntmdm Monowai* Tues., April 7 2 Kiand •Transhipping to t.s.s. Mahcno_at_Au*ton. MELBOURNE via BLUFF and HOBAKi Moeraki* March 20 t'Vnnrdin Moana March 27 4 Dunedm ♦Twin screw. —7— NEW~PLYMOUTH Oamaru, Timaru, Lyttelton, A „«[»)— Nelson, and New Plymouth ( ° n W Corinna March 13 -LSSSSSHL. WESTP.ORT and GRBYMOUTH pins* for Hokitika), via Oamaru. Lyttelton, Wellington, and New n, mouth (cargo only)— -n„«odin Koonva Thun.. M.irchlT LAUTOKA, SUVA, and LEVUKA Navim (t..0 leaves AueUand on Wednesday March 16 (connects with B.M.S. Mmmmfor Canada. United States, TONGA. SAMOA. FIJI, and SYDNEY Tofua (t.s.) leaves Auckland Tiies.. March ff. RAROTONGA and TAHITI Talnne leaves Auckland Toes., Marc Mokoia leaves Wellington W OANADA. AMERICA. LONDON, Etc., via VANCOUVER— ...... Makura (t.s.), from Sydney, Apn! U, Suva, April IS. Via SAN FRANCISCO _ (Transhipping to Mariposa at Pa£® e "*' -» Mokoia leaves Wellington Majffi. j£- — CAIfGO - RECEIVED AT DUNEDIN Per s.s. Till _ Da f. Warrimoo 4 p.m. Koonva Noon Thursday Tickets available for stop-over or return by Messrs Huddart. Parker, and Co.s steamers. C 0 M P A N Y’i > AND O. • ROYAL MAIL STEAMERS TO LONDON. PASSENGER SEASON. 1910. Proposed dates of departure for London. Feb. 15 Feb. 15 Feb. 2S;Mch. 1 Huh. 9,Mch. 15 Mnh. 23-Mch 29 April OApril 12 AprU 20 April 20 M»y 7May 10 Galling ac nooaru » ....... -- (d) Fitted with wireless telegraphy. Carrying First and Second Class only. ron“b fares from Dunedin to any of above porta payable by the Company* lake early application for berths to DALGETY AND CO., LIMITED, Agents* s HAW SAVILL AND ALBION COMPANY, LIMITED. R LONDON.— ROYAL MAIL STEAMwith Superior Accommodation for ad a of Passengers, calling at Monte Video, Teneriffe, and Plymouth. Steamers now being fitted with Clay, rnj V\rt» FTtin^uisher. 'ainui* .. onio* .... Itboplc* Jorinthic irawa* [Date. Mar. 24 Apl. 21 AHvl9 , June Ifi July 14 •Twin screw. tCalls at Rio if sufficient inducement. Special facilities given to residents in the slony to bring out friends from Home, ither by prepayment of passage money m few Zealand or by guarantees ____ 'assage-money to Port of Departuro FREE. For Freight or Pas»age apply to the Agents, NATIONAL MORTGAGE AND AGENCY COY. OP N.Z., LTD. MURRAY, ROBERTS, AND CODALGETY AND COMPANY. LIMITED. IUEW ZEALAND SHIPPING ewgeaw, COMPANY’S OYAL MAIL STEAMERS FOR LONDON, ia Monte Video. Tenerifle. and Plymouth. Bnecially Filled with Clayton’s Patent FIRE EXTINGUISHER. •Twin screw. tCalls at. Rio, iperior accommodation for Passengers. Warrants issued for Passages from the ted Kingdom. 3r further particulars apply to THE NEW ZEALAND SHIPPING COMPANY, LIMITED, 19 Bond street. Dunedin. rUDDAET-PARKER LINE FAVORITE PASSENGER SERVICE. Steamers will sail as under (weather and cumstances permitting): — ?or LYTTELTON and WELLINGTON—immera Tuos., March 15 4 p m.. Dun. imaroa Tues., Mat. 2? 4.30 p.m., Dun etoria Tues., March 29 3 p.m.* Dun. tPIER, GISBORNE, and AUCKLAND—mmera Tues., March 15 4 p.m., Dun. s toria Tues., March 29 5 p.m., Dun. SYDNEY via LYTTELTON and WELLINGTON—imaroa Tues., Mar. 29 4.30 pan.,. Dun 'For SYDNEY via AUCKLAND—mmera Tuea., March 15 4 p.m., Dun. itoria Tues., March 29 3 p.m., Dun. JLBOURNE via HOBART and BLUFF—maroa Suu., April 17 2.30 Port Tm go received for Northern Ports of New Zealand and Sydney, per s.s. Wimmera, till noon TUESDAY, 15th inst. tickets available also for stop-over or am by Union Company’s steamers, and dexs of Union Company’s tickets may vel by above vessels. NEILL AND CO., LIMITED. 27 Bond street, Agents. IHB ’ PENINSULA FERBY COMPANY, SUMMER TlMfc-TABLE. )AILY (except Saturdays and Sundays). ’.S.S. WAIKANA Leavss Dunedin 10 n.m., ) p.m., 5.15 p.m.; leaves Portobello 7.35 1., 12 30 p.m.,. 4 p.m. i.S. MOERXNGI Leaves Dunedin 6.20 i.; Portobello 6.20 a.m., 5 p.m. ’he Moerangi will run a special trip to we Ports every Wednesday, leaving Dun a at 1.20 p.m. SATURDAYS .S.S. WAIKANA leaves Dunedin 10 a.m.. j p.m„ 6.30 p.m.; Leaves Portobello 7.35 1.. 1 12.30 p.m.; 5 p.m. IOERANOI Leaves Dunedin 1.15 p.m., tobello 6.20 a.m.. Broad Bay 6.35 a.m. he Moerangi wiii run a special trip from nedin to Portobello, Bread Bay. and Maorews every Saturday night at 9.45. Fore, Sinsle ' SUNDAYS. .S.B. WAIKANA Leaves Dunedin 10 a m., ) 'p.m., 6.30 p.m., Portobello 8.15 a.m., 10 a.m., 5 p.m. .dults, la Return. Children 6d Return. Faikana leaves from Rattray street wharf, srangi leaves from Jetty street wharf. ’ECIAL TIME-TABLE ON HOLIDAYS, [oerangi takes cargo Monday, Tuesday, iraday, and Friday up to 1.3Q p.m*
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Evening Star, Issue 14315, 14 March 1910, Page 1
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790Page 1 Advertisements Column 1 Evening Star, Issue 14315, 14 March 1910, Page 1
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Page 1 Advertisements Column 1 Evening Star, Issue 14315, 14 March 1910, Page 1
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Allied Press Ltd is the copyright owner for the Evening Star. You can reproduce in-copyright material from this newspaper for non-commercial use under a Creative Commons New Zealand BY-NC-SA licence. This newspaper is not available for commercial use without the consent of Allied Press Ltd. For advice on reproduction of out-of-copyright material from this newspaper, please refer to the Copyright guide.