PUBLIC KOTICcoa To the Housekeeper! It is dear to buy cheap canned fish. If you wish to have the best ask your grocer for ‘.‘KING OSCAR”"Sardines . H.» Hi.., ■IIII.U WJ - And - “SHIP BRAND” Salmon. Don’t take “ something just as good,” but insist bn getting above brands, which are the highest grade imported. Every Tin Guaranteed.
See our New Stock of 0 j 0 04 4 8 Up-to-date, Reliable, and Low in Price. Wmm im m tiffi VM * ,v*'* ‘ l ' J'*/’'*’’Specialiy Selected by our London Buyer for this market. Call and Inspect, Prices to suit all, & 7 j a»vviAS;w»>^ fiTMiflii a aa
THE FINEST SIGHT TESTING ROOMS In New Zealand. & 11 isfisa MvV Call, ’Phone, or Write for our New and Instructive Booklet on the eyes, entitled “ GOOD VISION.” By our Eyesight Specialist, Mr Geo. Chance, D.8.0.A. (by Exam.). . Dawsons 14 Princes Street, ’Phone 98. iDUNEDIN. r-; U A/ r '■ ■ ■'
w vavxtiSMi E HAVE HAD A SPLENDID CLEARANCE this Last Month, but there are always a FEW ODDMENTS TO BE CLEARED WHEN AN ABSOLUTELY CLEAN STOCK IS WANTED. ©ddmem CUrf M THESE ODDMENTS WE ARE DETERMINED TO QUIT. PRICE WILL NOT STOP US. READ AND BE CONVINCED:— A Few Only—Sunshades—to be cleared at I/-. About 20 Summer Hats left, to be cleared at l/5 dozen Smart Lustre Motors, 6cl each—worth 2/11. Oddments in Children’s Hats, t ■> be cleared at 1/-. 2%in Ribbon Velvet, Violet and Navy only, 4%d yard—worth I/-. 150 pieces Fine Mohair Trimming Braid, to be cleared at piece of 36 yards. No room to keep them. Oddments in Ladies’ Underclothing, slightly soiled, half marked price: will all wash. Oddments in Pink Wool Undervests, half marked price. Children’s Washing Tunics, 1/3—■worth 3/11. Ladies’ Bathing Dresses, 2/6. Oddments in Back Combs, 4jd each. 150 Smart Lustre Motors to be clea ed at 6d —worth 2/11. Ladi.s’ Flannelette Combinations, 1/11% —worth 3/11. Black Cloth Dress Skirts, 3/6 worth 8/6 Ladies’ Long Navy Coats, 9/11 —worth 25/-. Ladies’ White Drill Costumes, Coat and Ssirt, 9/xi—wo th 25/-. All these must be cleared to make room for New Goods showing Next Week. This is a Good Chance. Don’t Miss It. Unique Store, Stuart Street, Dunedin.
Page 3 Advertisements Column 3
Evening Star, Issue 14315, 14 March 1910, Page 3
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