PUBLIC NOTICES. a Millinery of Supreme Beauty for tke Ladies of South Dunedin at the Hub, Wc can't hope to describe the beauty, snap, and style of the New Autumn and Winter Millipery—it must really be seen to be realised and appreciated in all its bright novelty and charming freshness. As an indication of what is now on view wc give the following notes, and strongly urge ladies to call and see for themselves. Fashionable Millinery for Autumn and Winter Colored Straw ■ Shapes, smart styles, slightly turned up at side, Chip and Rustic Straws, in all the new shades of Heliotrope, Brown," Green, etc. Elegantly trimmed with velvet, ribbon, wings, etc. Prices, 14/0, IC/G, and 18/6. Colored Straws, the latest “Chic” shapes, in all colors, trimmed with glace silk, buckles, and wings, 16/6, 18/11, 19/6, and 21/. Very stylish. Imported Ottoman Cord Silk Hats, pew handsome turnedlip shape, trimmed with largo silk bows, in Blade, Heliotrope, and other colors, 19/11 j trimmed with velvet, ribbon, and quills, 18/11 —in Heliotrope, Black, Cinnamon, etc. Very stylish and toncy.” Black Trimmed Hats. We have a splendid variety; all new shapes, "trimmed with Black ribbon, velvet, and wings, also tulle and tips. Prices, 16/6, 18/11, 21/, 22/6, up to 28/6 each. Drapery Supply Ass&> 99 Thc_ “Hub, South Duaedin IRON IN COMFORT. Half the fatigue on I roiling Day is caused by the overheated kitchens in which women work. Your mother and grandmother HAD to do so. Yon don’t—because things are different to-day. , You can use the new HOT POINT Electric Iron. it’s heated by electiicity, and can be used in even a drawing room, because there is no smoke, soot, or dust. It keeps your room like a cool chamber. COST: Under One Penny per hour. Ask Us About It. Turnbull & Jones , Ltd., Dunedin. SUPERFLUOUS HAIR. THIVERY .loman alllicted should immediMli atcly procure VIOLET SNOW OtEAM. The most efficacious Skin Beautifier known, and the only preparation in the world that will Prevent and Cure Superfluous Hair. Price, 4/U per bottle. H. L. SPROSEN, and all Chemists. Ipl KT Quotations from 'Evening Star’ Hjr Office for large or small quantities of Printing before placing your Orders.
32^23253008 I DBEAV Just as a stream gathers momentum as it proceeds on its way to the ocean, \so does □ REAVER'S CLEARING SALE OF SUMMER GOODS increase in variety and number of mcney-sauing opportunities as it draws to a close. Every day fresh bargains crop up, ready to be taken advantage cf by discerning women. Dress Lengths, 10/6 oach. This is not “trumpery,” but good- merchandise merely reduced to facilitate sale. Sateen Hats, a special linn, suitable for cud-of-scason wear, to clear l/lleach. Look at the Savings Here: The remainder of our stock of Summer Millinery will bo cleared out without thought to cost. Children’s Washing Hats at 1 1, 1/6, and 2/6. Children’s Trimmed Straw Hats at 1/11, 2/12, and 3/6. And Here is something for your Seaside Trip: Ladies’ and Children’s Bathing Suits from 2/11. Caps, 1/3. Paddlcrs, 1/11. Then Here we have still left a few Feather Boas and Necklets in Saxe Blue, Brown, Mole, Navy, Green, Fawn, Grey, and Black. They cost us 21/. You may have them for 5/6. Also Here in our windows is displayed a special line in Sample Underclothing, slightly soiled. And Hero are Costumes that don’t cost you much. They are of the most favored styles, and retain their appearance no matter bow often they visit the washtub. Pure Linen Costumes from 10/6 and 12/6. Pure Linen Dresses from 5/11 and 7/6. Let us point cut again that pur Handsome Selection of New Season’s Millinery is now on view. i Dunedin’s Shrine of Fashion. sesßßßEsma MBM
Page 3 Advertisements Column 4
Evening Star, Issue 14315, 14 March 1910, Page 3
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