Little Alice, on the arrival of her aunt, said: "Now, Aunt Mary, do make yourself at homo while here.” Her aunt replied : " What must I do to make myself at. home?'’ Alice said: "Pitch in and help mamma work.” One of the papers handed_ in at the examination of students training for employment as teachers described Oliver Cromwell as “a man with coarse features, and having a large, rod nose with deep religious convictions beneath.” PUBLIC NOTICES. \ A EE3 fea it IN m i m ) u 'i K AT Ail- TIMES The beverage for all times, all weathers, for men, for women. It is healthfully beneficial. ....AT ONCE.... A DRINK 1 A TONIC I A MEDICINE! BUY WHOLE BOTTLES. Ask your grocer for Johnston's Patent CornFlour ■V THE BEST FOR OLD AND YOUNG PILES PERMANENTLY CURED. DR FELLOWS’ PILE CONES. These Cones, for eighteen years successfully used by Dr Fellows himself in bis own practice as a physician, cure piles easily, quickly, and permanently without the, use of the, knife, cautery, ligature, or carbolic injections. No matter how many other remedies you may have tried, or physicians consulted, if you aro not yet cured don’t think that your case is altogether beyond help. The fact that Dr Fellows’ Pile Cones do cure is proven every day. The proof is beyond question, r.ucl it is for you to say whether you prefer to suffer, and continue in ill-health, or got well. The getting well is easy and painless by Dr Fellows’ Pile Cones method, and the cost is altogether too small to be considered. When constipation is also present, sufferers should take Dr Fellows’ -AntiConstipation Tablets, which quickly relievo, and finally cure, constipation. Price of the Cones, 3s 6d a box; of the Tablets, 2s 6d a box. From chemists, or direct from H. F. STEVENS, Wholesale Chemist, Moray place, DUNEDIN. ASK YOUR DOCTOR ABOUT LAKE'S EMULSION If he says it will do you good, take it, and take it faithfully. If lie says it is not suited to your case, then leave it alone. GO BY THE DOCTOR’S ORDERS. In any case, don’t forget fresh air. 6J GILMOIIR THOMSON’S “ROYAL” BLEND WHISKY. i As Supplied to the Prince of Wales. [ A Pure Matt Scotch Whisky of Great Maturity and Delicate Flavor. Matured in Sherry Casks. Mild, yet stimulating to a degree. A . trial will prove its worth. Wholesale Agents: THOMSON & CO., Dunedin.
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Evening Star, Issue 14315, 14 March 1910, Page 3
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