Church; “Well, you know, the people always have had tlieir doubts as to weather predictions.” Gotham; ‘‘ls that so?” “Of course it's so. Why, when old Noah said it was going to rain nobody believed him.” —‘Yonker’s Statesman.’ A teacher asked her scholars for some very long sentences. One , boy wrote : •“Imprisonment for life.”
e This Case Resisted Various Treatments, © Arms Numb ?nd Lifeless. Doctors ' Said Case was Hopekss. Cured by Dr. Williams’ Pink- Pills. The very worst form of nervous <1 i.sjrder known to medical science is Paralysis. There are degrees of Paralysis. Sometimes only one portion of the body is affected; sometimes the spine and all] the limbs. Its an appalling disease—some part of the body becomes apparently dead. It is caused, medical men agree, by a disturbance in the nervous system. Paralysis has baffled so many medical men, that it is regarded as well-nigh incurable. It is not a common complaint like rheumatism and anosmia, but it has actually been, cared in instances in. New Zealand by, Dr Williams’ Pink Pills. This will give you some idea of what a great medicine they are. The case of Mr Henry Wallis, 24 Coromandel street, Newtown, Wellington, will no doubt prove of interest to many. Mr I Wallis was''stricken with paralysis'of the I spine and arms. How he was wonderfully j cured by Dr Williams' Pink Pills he tells in his own words ! “ Some -while back P got paralysis in both. arms. They were bent in front of me almost joining. My wife got the doctor; he declared he could do nothing and recommended me to the hospital as a hopeless case. I was there for three months and came out no better. I was as helpless as a baby, every little thing ] had to be done for me. For nine months : I couldn’t wash myself or cut up my food. I was waited- on hand and foot. I could walk slowly, as my legs were not affected, but my spine was. I couldn’t ■walk upright. I had no feeling in my spine or arms. The doctor pricked me all over the spine and arms with needles, ferl I felt nothing. After my stay in the 7tL&pT&&l I had attendance . from three doctors, but no change ■ for the better came. I fell away in flesh, and reckoned that I was a cripple for life, till I road about Dr Williams’ Pink/ Pills. I took three after each meal, and' with the tenth box a change, for .the better came. My aims were a shade more supple; With a few more boxes ;theygot .easier,still. In a little while my, spine gained tone, and I could-walk more easily and straighten As I kept on with Dr Williams’ Pink Pills the stiffness and numbness passed off by degrees. My muscles became' flexible as ever. I haven’t had a sign' of it coming back. I have kept as agile as any man could wish. My health is capital.” •>- v Dr Williams’ Pink Pills are 3s a box, ’6 boxes 16s 6d, of all dealers, or from The Dr Williams’ Medicine Co. of Australasia, iLfcd., Wellington.—[Advt.] .
Page 3 Advertisements Column 1
Evening Star, Issue 14315, 14 March 1910, Page 3
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