HIGH WATER. To-day—B.36 a.m."; 9.5 p.m. To-morrow—9.29 a.m.; 9.57 p.m.
ton^w s.s. (4.20 p.m.), 8607 tons, Howell-Prlce, from Dunedln. -May s—Tamahine. s.s. (6.5 p.m.), 1990 tons, Prosser, from Picton. May s—Tutanekai. s.s. (9.10 p.m.), 811 tons, Bolion 3 , from Cook Strait. .f ay, ,6 —Hawera, s.s. (2.45 a.m.), 174 tons, MLachlan, from Patea. aiay o—Kalranga, s.s. (2.45 a.m.), 2830 tons, Bruce, from Newcastle. . 31ay 6—-InvercarglU, s.s. (3.30 a.m.), 224 tons. Smith, from Wanganut. , v ?,'. ay S—Ngalo, s.s. (5.10 a.m.), 1203 tons, WUdman, from Nelson. May 6—Port Darwin, s.s. (5.30 a.m.), Sira tons, Swan, from Wanganul. May 6—Wahine, s.s. (7.15 a.m.), 4436 tons, Cameron, from Lyttelton. o. i? S~ Komata, s.s. (11 ».m.), 2115 tons, Sen-ell, from Wostport. ■ *J ay TO ,£r Ton Sarlr °> s.s. (2.20 p.m.), 8729 tons, Williams, from London, via Auckland.
w ,M ?y s—John, s.s. (3.10 p.m.), 342 tons, Hawick, for Lyttelton. *^*J G? le ' s-s- <4M P'm->. "3* tons, Rodger, for Lyttelton. tms y s—Waipiata, s.s. (5.30 p.m.), 2826 tons. Elders, for Auckland. Martin, for Motueka. tons, Wildman, for Nelson. Tr»fay t5 ~ rlaorl' ss- <r-S0 P.m.), 3412 tons, Irwin, for Lyttelton. t,i layxrfcroDawa- moU>T 3h'P (midnight), 110 tons, MKlnnon, for Blenheim. tons, Wylllo, for Sydney. n-n V Ai exander ' *'s- {U'ls »-m-). 3" tons. ODonnell, for Motueka.
J°rd^~"Tonearlro' London, Auckland; B"outunui, Napier; Waverley, Patoa. To-morrow—Maori, Lyttelton; Arahura Nelson; Tamahine, Picton; Kamo, Lyttelton; Opawa, Blenheim; Kaitoa, Mapua. Sunday—Wahlne, Lyttelton; Ngaio. Nelson' Wingatui, Auckland; Totara, New Plymouthl ™°£: Gr«yn°uth; Kahlka, Westport; Echo, Blenheim; Alexander, Motueka. ' Monday—Tahiti, San Francisco, via ports; Otokla, San Pedro. '
Tuesday—Maori, Lyttelton; Arahura, Nelson; Tamahine, Plctonj Walrau, Blenheim; Port Denison, Lyttelton; Inaha, Patea.
To-day—Wahine, Lyttelton; Ngaio, Nelson; Tamahine, Picton; Ulimaroa, Sydneyj Kaimal, Westport; Takura, Napier, Gisbome; Alexan-
To-morrow—Maori, tyttelton; Arahura, Nelson ; Somerset, - London; ■ Kamo, Napier, Gisborne; Poolta, New Plymouth; Hurunui. Napier, koutumil, Eaat Coast; Waverley, Patea; Opawa Blenheim; Kaltoa, Nelson; Inaha. Wauganul; Port Darwin, Port Chalmers. Monday—Wahlne, Lyttelton; Ngaio, Nelson; Tamanino, Picton; Kauri, Newcastle; Komata, Westport; Wlngatul, southern ports; Echo, •*lenliei!n.
« n J'"'r df»rH a? i ' 011; Arahura, Nelson; Tahiti, Sydney; Walrau, Blenheim.
v J w°fr( a"lwd at Wellington on 3rd May; •eaves Wellington on 6th May far Sydney; due at Sydney on 10th May. (Huddart-Parkcr
Marama, arrived at Sydney 3rd May; Icavos Sydney on Oth May for Auckland; due at Auckland on 10th May. (U.S.S Co) Maunganui arrived Sydney 3rd May: leaves Sydney on 6th May for Wellington; due at Wellington on 10th May. ( Co.) Moeraki, left Wellington on 4th May for Met- « direct; due at Melbourne on 9th May. (U.O.M. Co,)
Aorangi, loft Sydney on sth May for VanTahiti, from San Francisco, ' leaves WelneTon Mth'SaJf" "* WaV>l &™ " Syd"
TJlimaroa—Queen's Wharf, No. 2 Tamahine—Queen's Wharf, No 4 Kapunl—Queen's Wharf, No. 7. Inaha—Queen's Wharf, No. 7. Neaio—Queen's Wharf, No. 12. Cygnet—Queen's Wharf, No.- 13. Echo— Queen's Whnrf, No. 13. Pakura—Queen's Wharf, No. It. Poolta—Tnrnnakl Streot Wharf. Miiheno—Clyde ' Quay Wharf. Waliine—Terry Wharf. Tiitanekai—Ferry Wharf. Kalranga—Railway Wharf. Invcrcarglll—Glasßow Wharf. Tort Darwin—Glasgow Wharf. Somerset—Glasgow Wharf. Kitpitl—Glasgow Wharf. Alexander—King's Wharf. Hawcra—King's Wharf. Kalmal—King's Wharf. Jlurunul—Plpltea Wharf. Anainba—Jliramar Wharf. Kauri—Miramar Wharf. Huamil—Miramar Wharf. Corlnna—ln Stream.
Huntingdon, left Liverpool on 17th April for Auckland, Wellington, Lyttolton, Port Chalmers, and BlufT; duo at Auckland on the 24th May; duo at Wellington on 31st May. (Federal Company).
Tongariro. left London nn 11th March for Suva Auckland, and Wellington; arrived at Auckland on 26th April; due at Wellington on fith May. (N. 55.5. Co.) Cumberland, loft Liverpool oa 15th March for Auckland, Napier, Wellington, Lytt.lton, and Dunedln; arrived at Auckland on 24th April; duo nt WolUnnton on Oth May. (Fodo-
Mataroa, left Southampton on 25th March for Auckland and Wellington; arrived at Auckland on 2nd May; duo at Wellington on IUU May. (Shaw-Savill Co.) Arawa, loft Liverpool on JCth March for Auckland, Wellington, Lyttelton. and Dunedln; duo at Auckland on Bth May; due at Wellington on 13th May. (S.S. and A. Co.) Canadian Brltlshor, left Halifax on STth March for Auckland, Wellington, Lyttelton, llmaru, and Dunedln; duo at Aucilund on Sth "?£! <l»o at Wellington on 15tS May. (C.b.M.M.)
Sussex, loft Calcutta on 3rd April for Au«kland, Wellington, Lyttelton, and Duncdin; due on igffX. 0- mis MECo.) dU" " Wel"n 'tOU Aiißtrallnd, left New York on 2nd April Tor Auckland. Wellington, Lyttolton, Dunodln, mm Wancnnul; duo at Auckland on 7th May; due at Wellington on 14th May. (A. and A. Lino.) . .
Port Ilardy, left London on Bth April for Auckland, Duncdin, and New Plymouth; due at Auckland on 19th May. (C. and D. Line.) liotorua. loft London on Bth April for Wel- ."& ol}\ Wokon. HI""", and Auckland; due at Wellington on 14th May. (N.Z.S. Co.) West Carmona. left San rcdro on utlv April for Auckland, Wellington, Lyttolton, Dtincdin, nnil Melbourne; arrived at Auckland on 4111 S, IIIT,a ateo Vf lllnuton °" luh May- (BurasWalruna, left San Francisco on 14th April . i VP, 00'0 ' Auckland, Wellington, Jfelbourno. ami sydnoy; duo at Auckland on 14th May: duo tit Wellington on 2lst May. (U.S.S. Co ) Canadian Pioneer, left Halifax on 25th April for Auckland. Wellington, Lyttelton, Tlmaru, and Dunedln; duo at Auckland on Gth Juno; v ?'.w emn«on °n 13th June. (C.G.M.M.) Tahiti, oft ban Francisco on UOth April for fl? ""?' * *>a Pce'c> Rarotonga, and Wellington, due at Wellington on 9th May. (U.S.S.
Queen Eleanor left St. John on 26th March Si ' W'M'nitton, Lyttclton, D un edln. Melbourne, and Sydney; arrived at Auckland (N7S c" 5): "' Welllngton °" 10t" May.
fn» a 11 U> .left San FrllIlt"sco on 24th April tor Auckland, N»plor, Wellliieton, Melbourne, and Sydney; flue at Auckland on 20th May. Mamari, loft London on 20th April for Auckland, Dunedln. Lyttelton, and Wellington: duo at Auckland on Sth Juno. (S.S. and A. Co.) An\i y e ,Ivh,nrtoum, left New York on 28th «rP.f n° r A"Cltl!} nVVelllnKt<m- I*««lton. Tim-\»ni-u "? edln ' < ? lufr. «■><! liaunceston; duo at AucKknd on 4th June; duo at Wellington on Hth Juno. (A. and A. Lino.)
Iho Qucon Eleanor, from St. John, arrived JLr" c yesterday morning. Having discharged a quantity of cargo thero. sho will sail to-morrow for Wellington, and is duo here on Tuesday next. She will later proDie c L S and Australiatt I)0«3 com-
A radio message has been received from the Aiistrallnd, en route from New York to New Zealand ports, stating Hint sho will ar- .«. ,ii At'cltland '"-morrow. She is duo ■>*; Wellington at tho end or next week, and will later proceed to Lyttelton, Dunedln, aud Wanganui to complete discharge.
The following radio message has been received trora the Talnul, which left Wellington on Wednesday morning for Southampton and London i—'-Weather has been favourable; making excellent progress; all passengers well."
Tho Arawa, from Liverpool, has sent a wireless message stating that she oxpocts to reach Auckland at 10 a.m. <m Sunday.
i n * It, Ilransa leaves Nelson to-day for loadAuck o lftncl- Naito, Wangamil, ami Wcli»M, m SllS ls dlle at Wellington on the istli Mny, and Is expected to sail from hero ?",„, |° 22nd 3f ny fur Lo»dt">. Tl* Falkland islands, Montevideo, and Mo do Janeiro.
The Cumberland arrived at Napier this morning from Liverpool, via Auckland. She loaves Napier on Wednesday next for Wellington, and is due hero the following day. <?
_ The Sussex, from Calcutta, via ports, leaves <?, i'Y"' J° (Queensland) this afternoon for Auckland, Wellington, Lytteltoii, and Dunedln.
The Hnrunui complctos her loading nnd coaling here to-morrow, and proceeds to NaPlcr to take In further cargo. She Is
expected to sail from Napier on Wednesday next for London and West Coast ports' of Great Britain.
The Aorangi left Sydney yesterday afternoon for Auckland, Suva, Honolulu, and Vancouver. She Is due at Auckland on Monday.
The Tofua leaves Apia to-day for Suva, where suo is due on Tuesday next.
Tho following booked passages by the Uliffiaroa, which left for Sydney at 12.20 p.m. to-day:—Saloon: Misses Watson, Savage, I/Estrance, M'Laren, Barrowdale, Stevenson Gee, Jlalgrom, Gillies, Ltndstrom, Allen, Crisp, Push, Hutchens, Hughes, Auberson, Pegg, B. Bell, Townscnd, Stltchhury (2), Bland, Rennie, Paterson, Winter, Stone, Magulre, Champion, Palmer, Meadames Bell, Unvin, Bradley, W. Wood, Lawn, M'Phail, B. F. Gardiner, Cramond, Stevenson, Malgrom, Duff, Webber, Emeny, Baiter, Brodle, Hardie "Hughes, Wong, M'Ardle and child, Henniker, Flower, Hudson, E. Withers, Garrctt, Justice, Auberson, Burns, I. D. White arid two children, Townsend, Stitchbury, Jones (2), Pontiflx, Winter, Grant, Godward, Jamteson, Regan, White, Messrs. G. S. Anderson, Garlick, Hampton, J. H. Bennett, C. HolUs, King, Dewar, E. Bell, Stewart, Reardon, Warnes, Pike, Barrowdale, Cramond, L. Turner, Langford, A. Williams, Bleasel, J. Redmond, A. Champion, Segal, A. Bell. Urwin, Bradley, Master Wood, Lawn, B. F. Gardiner, Webber, Emeny, Dickson, Day, C. Atkinson, Baker, H. E. Auderson, Perkins, Brodle, Matkin, J. H. Parker, Hardie, Shannon, Auberson, Blackman, Hughes, Master jFlower, Godward, Turley, Traill, Richards, Handcock, W. H.. Wylie, M. Wylie, Cranby, Mapkett, Cherry", Florence, Pendleton, H. J. Wilson, M'Ardle, Justice, Durnlng, Randell, G. Young, Craine, Arthur, Biley, M. O'Brien, Anderson, Burrcll, Robertson, Ross, Osmond, White, Hon. Sir Francis Bell, Professor T. A. Hunter, Dr. D. Scholnnttn, Father Masterton, and 152 steerage.
The Waiotapu left San Francisco on 24th April for Auckland, Napier, Wellington, Melbourne, and Sydney. She Is duo at Auckland on the 20th May.
The Wairuna left Papeote on Sunday last for Auckland, Wellington, Melbourne, and Sydney. She Is due at Auckland on Wednesday next.
The Waitcmata arrived at Suva on the 29th April from Sydney, and sails again to-morrow for Vancouver and San Francisco. She is duo at Vancouver on the 27th May.
The Haurakl arrived at Vancouver on the 29th April, and clears Powell River on 17th May for San Francisco to complete loading for Auckland, Melbourne, Adelaide, and Sydney. .
The Walhemo left Pago Pago on the. 30th April for Vancouver, where she Is due on the 18th May.
The forward loading dates at Pacific Coast ports are approximately as follow:—
Tho Walhemo loads at Vancouver nnd San Francisco during May for Apia, Wellington, Lyttelton, Tlmaru, Dunedln, Bluff, and New Plymouth.
The Waitemeta loads at Vancouver nod San Francisco in June for Auckland, Melbourne, and Sydney.
Tho Waituna loads at Vancouver and San Francisco in July for Auckland (possibly Wellington), Melbourne, and Sydney.
The Waiotapu loads at Vancouver and San Francisco early In August for New Zealand and Australian ports. The Haurakl loads at Vancouver and San Francisco in September for Auckland, Melbourne, Adelaide, and Sydney,
The Tongariro, from tondon, via Suva and Auckland, arrived at Wellington at 2.20 p.m. to-day to continue discharge of her Home cargo. .
The Kairanga arrived hero at 2.45 a.m. today from Newcastle to discharge a quantity of coal. Sho left Newcastle on Saturday, and experienced fine weather and light winds throughout. The return trip to Newcastle will be commenced next week. Captain J. Bruce is In command, and the following are his officers:—Chief, Mr. J. H. Miller; eecond, Mr. A. M. Harry; third, Mr. E. K. Pate; chief engineer, Mr. A. M'Donald; second, Mr. J. Leach; third, Mr. A; G. Weld; wireless operator, Mr. J. Logan.
The Port Darwin arrived at 5.30 a.m., today from Wanganul! and 18 to leave to-morrow evening for Port Chalmers to complete loading. She will sail from there on Wednesday for London, via Montevideo.
Tho Somersot, now loading at Wellington, is to sail from here at daybreak on Tuesday next for Hull and London, via Panama.
The Port Denisou is now due hore from Lyttelton on Tuesday to continue loading. She will later proceed to Napicf, Wanganul, and Wellington to complete. Sho will tail from hero on tho 20th v May for London.
NEWPOIiT NSWS, 4th May. Arrived—rialco. GIBRALTAR, 4th Slay. Passed—Hofison's Bay. Sailed—Orvlcto. ' LAS PALMAS, 4tli May. Passed—Jason. Sailed—Bendigo. I>ERIM, 4tli May. rassed—Mooltan. TENERIFfE, 4th. May. Sailed—Euripedcs, for London. -NAPLES, 4tH Majv* Sailed—Oronsny. VANCOUVER, 4th Slay. Sailed—Niagara, for Auckland, via Honolulu and Suva. LONDON, sth May. Sailed—Remuora, for Auckland. SYDNEY, sth Slay. Sailed—AoranEi (5 p.m.), ror Auckland. AUCKLAND, sth May. Sailed—Wingatul (10.15 p.m.), for Wellington. AUCKLAND, 6th May. Arrived—Karligl (0.25 a.m.), from Westport: tt.M.S. Veronica (I.SO p.m.), from tho Soutlr. PATBA, 6th May. . Sallod—Wavcrley (12.15 p.m.), for WcMnirton. v WANGANUI, sth May. Sailed—lnvorcargill (2.50 p.m.), for Wellington. BLENHEIM, 6th May. Arrived—Opawa (11 a.m.), from Weltlncton. , NELSON, 6th May. ton V° Aro <0 aM 'r°m WelllnsTo anil—Kaltoa (r p.m!), for Welllncton. To sail—Arahura (7.30 p.m.), tor Wellington. WESTPORT. sth May. Sailed—Komata (12.40 p.m.), for Wellington. LYTTELTON. Gth May. orJi lT? a~^ rcos (I'3o »•">•>• trom Wellington. Sailed—Totara (3.50 p.m.), for Wellington: Katoa io p.m.), for Duucdln; Crosskoys (5.25 p.m.), for Tinmru. Arrived—Klttuwn. (10.50 p.m.), from Wellingtun. Sailed—Calm (0.30 p.m.), for Wellington. Arrived—MaorL (0.50 a.m.), from \veillngArrivod—Maori (6.40 a.m.), from WelUnEton; Kamo (10.15 a.m.), from Timaru. To sail—Maori (7.30 p.m.), for Wellington. . , DUXEIMN, sth May. orF,iv^ a Ts>torm (v l'-m->' from Lyttelton. Sailed—Hertford (0.15 a.m.), for Wanßanul roadstead; Oretl (5.55 p.m.), for Invorcurglll.
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Bibliographic details
Evening Post, Volume CXIII, Issue 105, 6 May 1927, Page 9
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2,164SHIPPING Evening Post, Volume CXIII, Issue 105, 6 May 1927, Page 9
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