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J DANCINQ. DANCING. DANCING. MASONIC HALL, BERHAMPORE. CHRISTIE'S. CHRISTIE'S. 1925 SEASON. TjVVERY TUESDAY AND SATURDAY JCJ NIGHT, AT 8 p.m. Commencing TUESDAY, 10th MARCH, for Beginners only. Early application necessary. Terms Is 6d per session. Tel. . 24-217. , ■-. WELLINGTON ARTILLERY BAND COMMITTEE DANCE, JAZZ DANCE THURSDAY, sth FEBRUARY. ■'■ NEW ■ CENTURY HALL. . Good Floor, Good Supper, and Music by Dixie Jazz Orchestra. Ladies Is 6d Gents 2s. The Newcastle Bandsmen are cordially, invited to attend, as guests of Artillery Band. . OLD-TIME DANCING. '■..'■ TOE Library Old-time Dance will be A held TO-NIGHT and Every Thursday, at Library Hall, Newtown. Dancing 8-12. Gents 2=, Ladies: Is 6d. Refreshments. • ' Zealand ia Orcliestra. JAZZ. JAZZ.. JAZZ. SCOTTISH HALL, .57, Cub* street, . EVERY THURSDAY NIGHT, at 8 o'clock. . .. ... Claude Sander's Kentucky Dance Band.' Ladies Is, Gents Is 6d. WELLINGTON CALEDONIAN "* SOCIETY. (MREETINGS, Social and Dance TO-^ Vr NIGHT, Oddfellows' Hall, Clyde quay, at 8 o'clock. The well-known artists, Mr. William Heu s hau and Mr. J. Moore, are expected to honour us with a, visit.- '';'■'.. . Members, Is 6d; Non-Members, 2a. -.■■ ■ ■ H. S. HANNAH, Sec. | DANCING. . . MADAME ROSINA BLIGH (Certificated Teacher, London) will short- ] ly open Classes for Dancing. Ballropm, , -Operatic, Classical, Character.' Specialist Grecian Dancing, Eurythmics, etc^ All the latest dances, including five-step. For terms and particulars apply 69, Waitoa road, Hataitai.. ' : DANCING 4.ND DEPORTMENT. "', MISS ' DAISY DONNELLY,': Pupil of Miss Minnie Everett, Sydney. , .Classes held daily for Children and Adults in Classical, Ballet, Toe, Character, Acrobatic, and Exhibition Dancing, and Eurythmics, and the latest Modern Ballroom Dancing. Suburban Classes at Hataitai and Kelburn. Private Lessons by appointment. 48, Mulgrave-6t., Thorndon. DANCING. iTlf-ISS ESTELLE BEERS resumes ■•"■*■ teaching on 9th March. Private lessons only. , Classes resume after Easter. . Studio:, 76, Hill street. TeL 1919. ■]\|?SS MAY . MARRIS .., . ■ SCHOOL OF""7 ■.'•"-'■' :~"; T'}* Physical Culture, Operatic, Greek, Character, .and Baflroom Dancing. WATTS BUILDINGS, 250, Wakefield street, opp. Old. TelAro Railway.Station. Juvenile Classes Jvill. be resumed, subject to thjs 'lifting of the present Medical restrictions, at Studio, Lyall Bay and^Kelburu. . ' .. : . ■ • Private Lessons by appointment. v Evening Classes for Adults.iv Modern Ballroom Dancing. ' FUNERAL NOTICES. FUNERAL CARD. THE Friends of the late Thomas James Banks are invited to attend his Funeral, which will leave his late residence, 11, Ariiey street, To-morrow (Kriday), at 10 a.m., for the Cemetery, Karon. .'.'-.. E. MORRIS, JUN., Funeral Director, * 60, Taranaki street, and 28, Riddiford : street. ' Telephone 22-159 (day and night}. FUNERAL CARD. rpHE Friends of the late Mrs. ReX becca Cresswell are invited to attend liar Funeral, which will leave the Mortuary Chapel of E. Morris, Jun., 60, Taranaki street, on (Saturday, at 2 p.m., lor the Cemetery, Karori. E. iMOIUUS, JUN./ Funeral Director. 60, Taranaki street,-and as," Rjddiford street. ■ ' Telephone 22-159 (day and night). \ HAIR AND TOILET SPECIALISTS. MILSOM'S, The Hair and i'aco Specialists of lieputs. ilau- Work bj tUa Ijbsi hair workers, all treatments ami staimnga. i'aco Preparations guaranteed pure uud Deuoticml. a 4, Willis-at.' 'iel OUR Specialist, Miss Lilian Grey, Associate burnham's BcUuol of lioauty Uultuie, Chicago, 111., uses all the latest mulhods for iruatiug all troubles counectod with the skin. Boudoir (Jainille Manuel's Building, Wilijs atreec. WRINKLES banished iv. one week. Comau method—not massage. Call for particulars or send stamped and addressed envelope. Mrs. HuUen, .Belcher's . .building (near King's Theatre),vWeUington. Also at Auckland. "rr\HK LOUVRK" for every kind of JL. Toilet and Hairwork,, iSlectrolyaea we specialise vi. MISS ELLIOTT, Opposite Hotel Windsor, 50, Williß street. Telephone 203. ■ MHtj. KOLLESTON, LTJJ., 256, Lambtou quay. Certiiicated Experts in i'eruianunt \V'aving, Electrolysis, Diseases ot the Scalp, Facial Medical Mud Pack, and Massage. Hairwork. Best quality Enghsll Hair, any style. Tel. 1599. ADAME EGYPTUS — ' Genuine Egyptian Treatment. For Face Massage, Superfluous Hair, Grey. Hair, and all Scalp Treatments. Specialist in Skin Treatments. 276, Larubton quay. Tel. 22-945.. . • . FINANCIAL. MORTGAGE MONEY. £500, £1000, LARGER, and Smaller Sums, on Ist mortgage, 6i per cent. Also 2nd Mortgage Finance; Debenture* ou Companies arranged; Prompt payNAITONAL INVESTMENT CO., LTD., 8, Brandon street. LR. FREEMAN, Hotel Broker and . Valuer, Box 382, Palmerston North, has several Good Leases and Freeholds of Town and Country Hotels for Sale. Finance arranged. Formerly Whyte's, Foxton, and The Albert, Auckland. MONEY TO LEND. £3500 ON Mortgage; £250 Second Mortgage, sums to suit. G. S. Hill and (Jo., Lambton-qy., opp. Bank N.Z. LOANS to Clients on Furniture, Pianos. (business strictly confidential). Standard Loan Company. 56, Willis-st. WANTED to Borrow, £500, let mortgage, now 4-rd. house, with cbnvs,, sound security. Write SlOj Ev.s. Poet.
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Evening Post, Volume CIX, Issue 53, 5 March 1925, Page 2
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735Page 2 Advertisements Column 7 Evening Post, Volume CIX, Issue 53, 5 March 1925, Page 2
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Page 2 Advertisements Column 7 Evening Post, Volume CIX, Issue 53, 5 March 1925, Page 2
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