EMPRESS THEATRE. MPRESS THEATRE. EMPRESS THEATRE, : EMPRESS THEATRE,, . The Best Show in Wellington. POSITIVELY LAST NIGHT. Early' Evening Session 4.35. De Luxe Session 7.50. THE SPIRIT OF BROADWAY, Blase, Beautiful, Cynical, Gay, Intoxicating as the Spirit of \outh. . "BROADWAY AFTER DARK." , "BROADWAY AFTER DARK." A startling romance set amongst the Cafes and Night Clubs, where youtn and beauty often , scorch their wmgs.i starring ADOLPHIi MENJUU ' And . . _ . ANNA Q. NILSSON. Scenes of • not and luxury that beggar description. Episode more bizarre than : any Arabian Nights. ■ A VERI'J'ABLE FAIRYLAND OF MIDNIGHT ADVENTURE. TO-MORROW. : ■ TO-MORROW. NEW ZEALAND PREMIERE OF THE MOST PRETENTIOUS PICTURE THE WORLD HAS EVER SEEN. HAVE YOU. SECURED YOUR SEAT YETV BOX PLANS RAPIDLY FILLING. BOX PLAN AT THE BRISTOL AND THEATRE. TEL: 3442. " CAPTAIN BLOOD," " CAPTAIN BLOOD," " CAPTAIN BLOOD," - "CAPTAIN BLOOD," . "CAPTAIN BLOOD," | ' "CAPTAIN BLOOD," " CAPTAIN BLOOD," .', "CAPTAIN BLOOD," From the Pen of the World's Most Romantic Writer, . • RAFAEL SABATINI.' RAFAEL SABATINI i RAFAEL SABATINI. ' RAFAEL SABATINI . RAFAEL SABATINI •*.- RAFAEL SABATINI. V.'-; RAFAEL SABATINI. ;v RAFAEL SABATINI. CANNOT DESCRIBE THE GREATEST SEA BATTLE EVER FILMED, it is a Tremendously Dramatic and Finelyr w» rT^^'^-G^RGEOUS! lr L &a£ eon 3 G?inS Up Heaven High in thl gny i U QSt of.Flalne a»d Smoke and the Decks Swarming with Struggling Sea- „, , men. « S?^ °f- the Arabe«a and ■ her Sister bhip Against the Fleet of Franco has the Thrill of Finely-chanted Poetry! ;; captaeTblood," captain blood " captain blood " ' captain* blood " captain blood" " captain blood " " captain blood'" " CAPTAIN BLOOD;" . jv Endorsed by Press and Public alike MANAGERIAL. In view of Iho Enormous-Expense in securing rJIIB Masterpiece, the Manage ment arc re uctantly compelled to Increase • follow -ISSI °" ChargeS ' whioh wi!l bo mDAciIc?I°& TALLS ' l 5; DRESS NIGHT SESSION DELUXE-STALLS, ■ts, <is, D.C., 2s 6d, 3s, plus tax. gRJSgJJS^jgtmigLY SUSPENDED Under the Distinguished Patronage of His Excellency the Governor-GeneV : . ENORMOUS SIJCCESS fTTHE Incomparable Bramatio Basso •*■ Cantaute, WILLIAM HEUGHAN ■ WILLIAM HEUGHAN' • • WILLIAM HEUGHANI ■ WILLIAM HEUGH4N WILLIAM HEUGHAN; WILLIAM HEUGHAN; ''"The King .of Scottish Song," "One of the world's greatest singers," In the Most Amazing Galaxy of Songs Ever Presented in Wellington. Assisted by the Brilliant Artists HYMAN LENZER ! HYMAN LENZER I Australia's Greatest Violinist. GLADYS SAVER, GLADYS SAVER; The > world-famous Pianiste. Scenes of the Greatest Enthusiasm at Last Night's Concert.' , A MUSICAL FEAST DON'T MISS HEARING THIS BRILPrices: 5s and 3s, plus tax, and 2s. Box Plans at Bristol. Concessions to Students. SHORTT'S THEATRE. HORTT'S THEATRE. TO-NIGHT. TO-NIGHT. LAST NIGHT OF That Superb Production, "BUTTERFLY." "BUTTERFLY." "BUTTERFLY." "BUTTERFLY." • "BUTTERFLY." "BUTTERFLY." To miss this is to miss one of the finest pictures of the year. COMMENCING TO-MORROW: 0 ' RICHARD TALMADGE In "IN FAST COMPANY.'' "IN FAST COMPANY."' "IN FAST COMPANY." . i ifwialrAui. of ihrills and laurklcr.
Page 2 Advertisements Column 6
Evening Post, Volume CIX, Issue 53, 5 March 1925, Page 2
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