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MEETINGS. WELLINGTON FOOTBALL CLUB. KKTH ANNUAL MEETING, Dußtin's, «*U Cuba street, FRIDAY, 6th March, 1925, 7.20 p.m. ■ Business: Annual Report and Balancesheet, , Election of Officers, Consideration : Gymnasium Fund Rules. General. I All'members and intending members requested to attend. G. H. FRASER, Hon. Sec. ; \ WELLINGTON CIVIC LEAGUE. SELECTION OF MAYORAL . CANDIDATE. NOTICE TO CITIZENS. A MEETING of the Candidates' Selec-. tion Committee will be held on WEDNESDAY, 11th >lARCH, 1925, at .7.45 p.m., in Room 39, Johnstonstreet.^ Business: ; , To select a Candidate for the Mayoralty. 1 NOTE.—Any citizen having the name of a person to propose whom he or she deems suitable as a candidate is respectfully invited, to submit the nomination in writing to the Secretary. /■. ..' ■•' For the Executive, : ' . ■, . D. M'LAREN, . ■ Hon. Secretary. ' ■■■ WELLINGTON BRANCH. fITHE Annual Publß Meeting of Sup;- -. X porters of the Workers' Educational " Association will be held in the Trades Hall, Vivian street, on FRIDAY EVENING, 6th Marchj/.at 8 o'clock. Business: Annual Report; Election of Officers; and General. • ..■• • Everyone invited. ; . ■ », ' B. YKATES, : President. jIRETURNEO SOIDIERS]] GENERAL MEETING. A GENERAL MEETING of the Wellington Returned Soldiers' Associa-tion-will be held in the C!«b Room, Brandon street, on THURSDAY, 12th MARCH,. 1925, at 8 p.m. Business: ■ , P°ppyDay- . •■ - !'• ■ Membership. ■ ■ To Nominate a Delegate to the Wellington District R.S.A: Conference. Returned Spldiers are reminded of the unveiling of the Tablet to the memory of their comrades at the Kent Terrace Presbyterian Church oil Sunday next, Bth March, at 11 a.m., and*are invited to attend. Decorations may be worn J.'-T. WATSON, Secretary... pART & CO., •.'-■ .31-33-36, WILLIS" STREET.' ANOTHER SPECIAL OFFER. EVERY CUSTOMER SPENDING. ;■ ;T*3/6/. ;■■;■'■■ WILL RECEIVE FRBE A HANDSOME 1925 CALENDAR, - REMEMBER! FORfrIUDAY Ai\D SATURDAY ONLY. ' ■ 2s tin Cuticura Ointment, Is 3£d tin. '■ &s packet English AuaOrbent Cotton Wool, Is 3id packet. ' Is 9d tin Culvert's' Tooth Powder, Is 3Jkl 'tin. '..,..■ ■ . .-"--. . •'■ Is tin Colgate's Shaving Soap, 2 tins ' for Is did. ... . : , " ■■-. 2s tin Colgate's Florient Talcum Powder, Is 3|d tin. 3s 6d dpzen Prindle's Butterfly Bath Blocks, 12 for Is 3£d: ' ■ 2s 6d bottle Farina, 1648 Eau de Cologne, or Lavender Water, Is 3id bottle. Is 6d tube Opofoid Tooth Paste, 2 tubes for" Is' 3£d. * - . .- . . ,; Is 6d jar Largo Size Cheseborough Blue :Seal Vaseline, 2 for Is 3;d jar. 2s 6d tube Woodbury's Facial Cream, Is oid tube. : •:■■'-.- ---2s 6d tin Woodbury's Facial Shaving sticks, ]s 3Jd tin. ■ 3s 6d each Gents' Military Hair Brushes, Is 3Jd each. 2s 6d bottles Donnelly's Cosmos ■ Hair .Cream, Is 3Ad. 2s 6d each Colgate's Week-end Sets, consisting of Tub© of Colgate's Dental Cream; 2 Cakes Cashmere Bouquet Soap, Tube' Cold Cream, and Tin Talo Powder, Is 3Jd set. . Is tab Colgate's Large Size Cashmeic Bouquet Soap, Is 3Jd tab. . .'. . Is tab 'Colgate's All-round Soap, 2 for " Is 3id.■""... 9d tab Colgate's Coleo Soap; 3 few Is 31d . ■■■ 9d t»b Colgate's Vioris Soap, 4 for Is 3Jd. Is 9d each White Xylonite Soap Boxes, 2 for Is 3id. 3s 6d box Colgate's Face Powder, in Cashmere, Eclat, etc., all shades", Is 3W ■ box. Is tab Colgate's Big Bath Soap, 2 tabs for 1«.34d. : . -.- -. 9d tab Cremo Soap, 4 for Is 3Jd. : 6d tab English Carbolic Soap, 8 for Is 3Jd. ■ ■ "-. ■ ■ 6d ta-b Verono Bost Perfumed- Milled ■ Soap. 5 for Is 3td. . Is bar Genuine Borax Barilla Soap, 2 bars for Is 3Jd. 6d packet Children's Crayons, 12 assorted colours, 5 packets Is 3Jd. Is tube Stick-ko. for Sticking Ironware, 'Woodwork, etc., 2 tubes Is 3Ad. 9d each.White Xylonite Serviette Ring?, ' 4 for Is 3id. , • • 6<J each Bone Mustard and Salt Spoons, 6 for Is 3jd. Is 6d each Saw-«dged Bread Knives, 2 for Is 3id. -■-• 2s 6d packet Best English Ivory-Playmg Cards. Is 3id packIs 3d each Wire-bound Slates, 2 for 1 Is 3s 6d each Double Nickel Silver W«Jch Cliains. Is 3Ad. - ■; ■ 3s 6d each E.P. Silver-mo\intcd to fit allsizo of bottles, 2 for Is 3i<l.-. 2s dozen Load Pencils (Faber's), 2 dozen for Is 3W. ■ , . 6d each Blui? and Red Lead Pencils, ■ 6 for Is 3id. . ■..■■■• te dozen Johnson's English Carpenter c Pencils, Is 3Ad dozen. ' ' 6d each Assorted Penholders, 12 for H 3id. .-".-■ 6d ea«h Best Tinsel Pot Cleaners, "4 for Is 34d. '•-•-. - . . - 3s dozen Black Lead Pencils, with nickel shields, Is 3id dozen. 2d packet Best Cigarette Papers, 12 packets for Is 34d 3d packet 8.8.8. Pipe. Cleaners, 12 packets for Is 3£d. , ASK FOB OUR FREE GIFT.
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Evening Post, Volume CIX, Issue 53, 5 March 1925, Page 2
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727Page 2 Advertisements Column 8 Evening Post, Volume CIX, Issue 53, 5 March 1925, Page 2
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Page 2 Advertisements Column 8 Evening Post, Volume CIX, Issue 53, 5 March 1925, Page 2
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