THE JUDGMENT DAY COMMENCED! "MILLIONS NOW LIVING WILL NEVER DIE." THK LEADING MEN OF. TO-DAY are agreed that the world is facing a. cnsis*of utmost magnitude. National and _ international problems loom large before the peoples who, ten years ago, were drawn helplessly into the maelstrom of war. ±ne war. that was to end all war failed to do so, and-to-day tlie foundations of civilisation are shaken by revolution', bolshevism, and anarchy. Both Capital and Labour are resorting to extreme measures. .The common people have lost confidence • in their leaders. The abandonment of the Word of God by the nations is resulting man avalanche of trouble. The great time of'distress ??£iv"r,? 01? , ? arth is Scripturally styled the DAY OF JUDO•n }■' ln whloh Societ^'s institutions, political and religious, will disappear and upon their ruins will be raised the^longpromised Kingdom of God. ■ ■ . ' 1^ i^j^^ COME."—Haggai 2:7. THE KINGDOM OF HEA"VBN: IS AT HAND. Speaker: MR. G. H. SCHUETT, of Melbourne. DE LUXE, THEATRE ' SUNDAY, Bth MARCH, 7.15 p.m. ALL WELCOME. SEATS FREE. NO COLLECTION.
QUEEN'S THEATRE. UEEN'S THEATRE. '•■...■■ (The Cosiest House in Town.) • ) . -. LAST NIGHT. '■■ TO-NIGHT! 8 o.'clock. TO-NIGHT 1 ONE OF PAKAMOUNT'S FAMOUS FORTY. j Th« Screen's Most Beautiful Actress, i ! GLORIA SWANSON,'. , GLOXtIA SWAN SON, l GLORIA SWANSON, ' . In . MARY ROBERTS RINEHART'S , MARY, ROBERTS RINEHARTS ■ Most Popular Novel, "HER MAJESTY THE QUEEN," '" "HER MAJESTY THE QUEEN," "HER MAJESTY THE QUEEN," 5 Picturised as c "HER £OVE STORY." TO-MORROW NIGHT. , TO-MORHOW NIGHT. MONSTER 1 MATINEE SATURDAY NEXT. . ,■. I AT LAST! AT LAST I .. THE FILM ALL WELLINGTON HAS ] BEEN WAITING FOR. THE GREATEST OF ALL , THE GREATEST OF ALL THE GREATEST OF ALL THE GREATEST OF ALL THE GREATEST OF ALL RAFAEL SABATINI'S WORKS. RAFAEL SABATINI'S WORKS, RAFAEL SABATINI'S WORKS, RAFAEL SABATINI'S WORKS, RAFAEL SABATINI'S WORKS, "CAPTAIN BLOOD." ■ "CAPTAIN BLOOD." "CAPTAIN BLOOD." "CAPTAIN BLOOD." "CAPTAIN BLOOD." "CAPTAIN BLOOD." "CAPTAIN BLOOD." "CAPTAIN BLOOD." "CAPTAIN BLOOD." "CAPTAIN BLOOD." Heart interest vies with the thrill of battle for pre-eminence, and dramatio pathos is | skilfully blended with a spice of subtle comedy. A Romantic Drama of Buccaneer Days on the Spanish Main. The Greatest Sea BatUo Ever Filmed. PROCLAMATION. Know All Men by these presents that the Greatest Picture of the Year, "CAPTAIN BLOOD," "CAPTAIN BLOOD," "CAPTAIN BLOOD," "CAPTAIN BLOOD," By RAFAEL SABATINI, With J. WARREN KERRIGAN, i/ JEAN P'AIGE, JAMES MORRISON, ' CHARLOTTE MERRIAM, Will bo shown here. It is hereby ordered that Every Man and Woman Must See this Picture. ' • MANAGERIAL. Owing, to the enormous expense entailed in securing this Masterpiece.- the Management aro reluctantly compelled' to' increase tli admission charges as follow: — FRONT STALLS Is. BACK STALLS 2s, D.C. 2s 6d, D.C. RESERVES 3s, plus : tax. ■ FREE LIST ENTIRELY SUSPENDED. BOX PLAN FOR ENTIRE SEASON NOW OPEN AT THE BRISTOL. PRINCESS THEATRE, ; RINCESS THEATRE, Manners street. '""' Daily 11 to 10. Tel. 1965. LAST KIGHT OF "TORMENT." "TORMENT." ■ ■ , "TORMENT." "TORMENT." "TORMENT." "TORMENT." ' ' And • "THE TENTS OF ALLAH." COMMENCING TO-MORROW: I.— Weird! Unique I Thrilling! The Epio of the Eskimo. "NANOOK OF THE NORTH." "NANOOK OF THE NORTH." "NANOOK OF THE NORTH." "NANOOK OF THE NORTH." "NANOOK OF THE NORTH." "NANOOK OF THE NORTH." The Most Wonderful Film to Date! 2 ALL STAR CAST, Including: George Arliss, Alice Joyce, David Powell, and Harry Morey In "THE GREEN GODDKSS" "THE GREEN GODDESS." "THE GREEN GODDESS." "THE GREEN GODDKSS." "THE GREEN GODDESS/ "THE GREEN GODDESS." JOHNSONVILLE ASSOCIATION FOOTBALL CLUB. rilHli ANNUAL MEETING of the -*- above Club will be held in' the Assembly Hall. Johnsonvillo, THURSDAY, 19U, MARCH, 1025. K. HOCiU, Uou. .Sepielwy.,
Page 2 Advertisements Column 5
Evening Post, Volume CIX, Issue 53, 5 March 1925, Page 2
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