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GRAND QPERA HOUSE. Proprietors—J. O. Williamson (N.Z.), Ltd. At 8 o'clock — LAST THREE NIGHTS — At 8 o'clock. ALSO MATINEE, ; ' . At 2.30 — SATURDAY! SATURDAY! —At 2.30. Under the Distinguished Patronage of His Excellency the Governor-General, "ROMANTIC INDIA." THE MOST MAGNIFICENT COLOURED PICTURES EVER EXHIBITED IN "WELLINGTON. " EVENING POST "— : !' An excellent entertainmqnt of more than usual interest. Not only is the story gripping, but the pictures,-especially o.f the world-famed Kashmir Valley, are wonderfully tinted in'natural colours. THE STORY TOLD BY I COLONEL E. POTTINGER, D.5.0., F.R.G.S. MATINEE ON SATURDAY NEXT. IN RESPONSE TO NUMEROUS REQUESTS FROM OUTLYING DISTRICTS, A MATINEE ■ WILL BE GIVEN NEXT SATURDAY, 7th INST., AT GRAND OPERA HOUSE, AT 2.30 P.M. ai, popJJLAR PRICES—3s, 2s, and Is. Reserved Seats, 4s.' Box Plan at Bristol. All taxable prices plus tax. REPRESENTATIVE CRICKET. VICTORIA v. WELLINGTON. (HOLDERS OF THE SHEFFIELD ■ ! SHIELD AND CHAMPION STATE . ' TEAM OF AUSTRALIA) BASIN RESERVE. BASIN RESERVE. THIS FRIDAY. SATURDAY, MONDAY. TIMES OF PLAY:—Friday, 2 to 6; Saturday, 11 to 1, 2 to 6- ' 1 ■ Monday, 11 to 1, 2to 6. SOUVENIR PROGRAMMES, ???£&$ mGr INTERESTING PARTICULARS OF PREVIOUS . v MATCHES. . / PRICE—SIXPENCE. R. DARROCH, Hon. Sec., W.cX a Seal Genuine sale* AS WE ABE CALLING .TENDERS FOR THE LEASE OF OUR RETAIL BUSINESS, "S ■ '♦i ™E.HYGRADE CLOTHING CO. (Wholesale) has decided to do away with the Retail Business so well known as THE HYGRADE, LADIES' OUTFITTERS 167, Cuba Street A GREAT SALE ■,WILL COMMENCE ON THURSDAY sttA^t: p mn bS REALLY SACRIFICED, >a S te nder S are S^ld LATEST IMPORTATION OF • . LADIES' AUTUMN AND jWINTER GOODS.' FUR COATS AT COST ... .. Frnm £in VELO DT?R ¥rnA^ L°T UR CS ATS-F«r-^-ed'--'. ■::. Fro^Ts vfcLyUR COATS^-Jacqu»rd ... . Fmm iS in= PLAIN VELOURS-Great quality ..;..■■;••• " "wil MAIDS' VELOURS H... *. ... AT BARGAIN PRICES ALL NEW, CLEAN STOCK. SPECIAL LINE OF SSW COVTS EVERY LINE MUST BE SOLD! WOOL SUITS, CARDIGANS, JUMPERS, SILK SUITS. THE HYGRADE, 167, cuba street .■•;■...■.'.■ ■:.....:■■' :; : ;,(NEXTDUSTIN'S). ; . V ■ . ON FRIDAY— ' THE FIRST GREAT BARGAIN OF THE SEASON! PERSONALLY PURCHASED AT THE FACTORY TN SWITZERLAND BY MR. WALTER QUEREK 70 dozen REAL SWISS VESTS, ■. | ; HALF-PRICE, q/Q USUAL PRICE 6/11. QIIEREE BROS., iie, willis street. ON SALE TO-MORROW! 15 Cases of DRAPERY, Etc., EX S S lONIC AND TAIROA, FOR , • ' /' L. EVANS & CO., LTD., 144-146, CUBA STREET L§e"Lf arß , Is, U 3d, la 6d ; 36-inch C^S^^> * **. 2s 3d , ' Coloured Pr^i, a t fa yar d lOid Jard . %f| J"^^o^. W* ** FUGI SILK, SPECIAL, 2s lid yard L. EVANS & CO., LTI)., BARGAIN DRAPERS, 144-146, CUBA STREET. ARCHERS MISFORTUNE! GOODS BY LEAKY ROOF, IfCh|n gpf^ f^W hSs£ I?? 1* Ensbrold-d B1 — *° S° LMit'cteuna'printo, togo at 9*d yard *' ™* C> *° g° "* 4&XK ea,h Ll dor; d >AlW°01 Sp °rts C^' to «<> Lache, Sdk-ankle Hose, to go at Is lid LadiesJ^avv Blue Silk Blouses, to go at fes a., a&^fefsjfe,^ v s d e-h sires to go at 10s 6s, 14s 6d, to 21s to Lat 3s firf «n? W Blue Dresses. Lad.^Lon.eloth.N^htdres^s, to g o at ar^t^ Shapes, your Ladies' Underskirts, to go at Is lid 1 Bro^n Marmot Fur Coat £19 10s DOORS^OPEN 10 a.m. TO-MORROW. - ARCHER'S ARCHER'S UPPER CUBA STREET.
MEN—7 DAYS ONLY. TJV3R 7 Days Only we are offering 50 J- Men's Suits, usual price £5 10s to £5 15s 6d. now 89s 6d, to lit all figures at Schneideman's, 99, Willis-si., a few doors from Duke of Edinburgh Hotel. *?1 (ONE Pound) deposit, and you have 3U a handsome Full Cabinet Gramophone. A startling offer this. Hear them at Turner's, 34, Willis-si. NEVER Want, for Money 1 Financial Assistance Bureau, 263, Lambtouqy. (Star Registry stairway). Lends Money p!) pcisoual (.'hi'tlels. sod other oenui.'i(.iiia; £3 iU»w»rJU- AlJUUuiiliuus oU'iuliy cojiUdeati»l. , ■
P SECTION OVVNERg; ~ ljAlNb and fapeciiications preparedworks supervised; moderate fees. A.' Victor Smith, Architect, 146, Wiliest. ' 50 .MEN" T^ANTED," Men for our Special Offer M °f =>u>ts m high-grade tweeds; usual price■ £5 10s; special for 7.< lav, only H9s 6d. At Schneideman's. ' 99, Willisst.. a few doors from 'Duke of Edinburgh Hotel. frU-IK best news for bad legs—Varex X Treatment cures long-standing ulcot;. i tlu' rurljlifj nocrK.av.y, \Vi.'UlllHtu|l agent, H. WoglctiU,.B&. Uimtw-nl. 'i'«l,
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Evening Post, Volume CIX, Issue 53, 5 March 1925, Page 2
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677Page 2 Advertisements Column 4 Evening Post, Volume CIX, Issue 53, 5 March 1925, Page 2
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Page 2 Advertisements Column 4 Evening Post, Volume CIX, Issue 53, 5 March 1925, Page 2
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Stuff Ltd is the copyright owner for the Evening Post. You can reproduce in-copyright material from this newspaper for non-commercial use under a Creative Commons BY-NC-SA 3.0 New Zealand licence. This newspaper is not available for commercial use without the consent of Stuff Ltd. For advice on reproduction of out-of-copyright material from this newspaper, please refer to the Copyright guide.