Q.UAND' .OPERA HOUSE. Proprietors: J. C. Williamson (N.Z.), Ltd. TO-NIGHT! At 8. -TO-NIGHT! SATURDAY AT 2.30 AND 8 P.M. . "ROMANTIC INDIA." '•ROMANTIC INDIA." 'MJOMANTIC INDIA." Including, tho Ascent of, Mount Evorest. UNIQUE MOVING AND COLOURED "■■'•;■■ PICTURES. . • Story/Amusingly and Interestingly, told by COLONEL E. POTTINGER, D.5.0., F.R.G.S. ■•■■..- "THE DOMINION." "A delightful entertainment —ravishingly beautiful. Should ;• be seen by'all." ■ ■ THE. "TIMES." . "India, land of, romance, : one of the most ri asciuating . .t countries in the -world." "EVENING POST." : ' ' . "An excellent entertainment • oE more than usual interest. ■■ ', The story gripping; but the pictures ape wonderfully tinted ■■ jn natural colours." ■ : BY :SPECIAL'rEQUEST— i .: ' V ..MATINEE, SATURDAY, it 2.30, POPULAR PRICES: 3s, 2s, and Is. Reserved Seats. 4s. Bos Plaa at Bristol; All taxable prices,plus, tax, ... -,- DE LUXE THEATRE. \ E LUXE THEATRE. (The 1 Finest'Thoatre' undfir the Southern ■•'■■■.- Cross.) ';' : TO-NIGHT, 8 o'clock. ■'■; .Absolutely Last Night ■'•■ Of the Picture Beautiful. Of the Picture Beautiful. Acclaimed by Thousands of Delighted Acclaimed by Thousands o£ Delighted : ..'. Patrons, . Patrons, •'. . The most, tremendous, Bpectacular film Tho .most- tremendous, spectacular film. . ... ever seen on the screen. . ■ . ever seen da the screen. ('. 'Paramount Special, Paramount Special, "WANDERER OF THE WASTELAND," "WANDERER OF THE WASTELAND," "WANDERER OF THE WASTELAND," '•WANDERER OF THE WASTELAND," "WANDERER OF THE WASTELAND," ZANE GREY'S MOST POPULAR BOOK, Entirely in Natural Colours. — . . Entirely, in' Natural Colours, - COMMENCING FRIDAY NEXT. Uigautio Matinee, Saturday, 2.30. Another Paramount Special. One of the Most Unusual Photoplays that 'fias-ever been flashed on the silver screeo, "EMPTY HANDS." "EMPTY' HANDS." '•EMPTY HANDS." "EMPTY HANDS." "EMPTY HANDS." "EMPTY HANDS." '■EMPTY HANDS." "EMPTY HANDS." "KMPTY HANDS." "EMPTY HANDS." "EMPTY HANDS." "EMPTY HANDS." "EMPTY HANDS." "EMPTY HANDS." "KMPTY HANDS." "EMPTY HANDS." "EMPTY HANDS." "EMPTY HANDS.""EMPTY HANDS." "EMPTY HANDS." ,: "EMPTY HANDS." , • ' - "EMPTY HANDS." ■ : "EMPTY HANDS." "KMPTY HAND'S." "EMPTY. HANDS.", "EMPTY HANDS." "EMPTY'HANDS." "EMPTY-HarNDS:" "E'MPTY^HANDS." : "EMPTY? HANDS." "EMPTY HANDS."" "EMPTY HANDS." "EMPTY HANDS." • "EMPTY HANDS."-. Featuring .: Popular JACK*. HOLT -and Delightful STORMA SHEARER. . charlies " Clary, hazel' keener, gkrtrude olmsted, etc. A Powerful Drama of a Man and a Woman—the Man a product of outdoor life, the Woman bred in luxuries of city life, who find thems.elyea. lost, in the Northern Wilderness EMPTY-HANDED. From the Popular novel by. ARTHUR STRINGER. . .;. . "EMPTY HANDS" HAS THE STARS, "EMPTY HANDS" HAS THE STARS, THE DIRECTOR, AND THE STORY. THE DIRECTOR, AND THE STORY. IT IS A PICTURE THAT WILL IT IS A PIOTtFRK THAT WILL PLEASE EVERY PATRON. PLEASE EVERY PATRON. Excellent Supports. ORCHESTRA DE LUXE. Mr. L. D. Austin, Musical Director. , Box • Plans at Bristol Piano Co., AitIken's ■ Book - Arcade, or rine •■■ Theatre Tel. 23 080. Coming—RUDOLPH VALENTINO In "MONSIEUR BEAUCAIRE." TUVOLI THEATRE. TVOLI THEATRE. TO-NIGHT! V . TO-NIGHT! TO-NIGHT! " TO-NIGHT! FRIDAY AND SATURDAY. FRIDAY AND SATURDAY. THE .WORLD-FAMOUS NEWCASTLE , NEWCASTLE , STEEL .WORKS STEEL WORKS ' BAND. BAND. (MR. A. H. BAILE, Conductor.) WONDERFUL MUSIC WONDERFUL MUSIC By a WONDERFUL BAND. WONDERFUL BAND. Complete Change of Programme Each Performance. ' Box Plan at The Bristol. PRICES: 3s 3d, 2s, and Is. SEASIDE PICTURES, LYALL BAY. TO-NIGHT.. TO-NIGHT. Marie Provost, Huntley Gordon; Robert Ellis, Richard Headrick, and. . Norman Shearer are the leading players in "THE WANTERS." V "THE WANTERS." A Special Fii3t National Attraction. Good Supporting Programme. TUMBLE SALE. FRIDAY, 6th inst., at 7 p.m., KENT TERRACE | SCHOOLROOM. All Clothes fumigated by the Health ■ {Authorities. . .. ;l
Page 2 Advertisements Column 1
Evening Post, Volume CIX, Issue 53, 5 March 1925, Page 2
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