LAST NIGHT. .. Box Plitn at The Bristol until 5 p.m.; after at the Theatre. Tel. 22-212. •' ■■ \ THE KING'S. HK KING'S. (Wellington's Popular Picture House.) .TO-NIGHT, at 8 o'clock. First National's Big 1925 Production, • > "THE SILENT WATCHER," ''THE SILENT WATCHER." Featuring " . ' ■'. hobart bosworth, • alma bennett, bessie love.. king's select" orchestra, Under Mr. A. H. JEROME. THE KING'S. HE KING'S. POSITIVELY ONE WEEK ONLY. ■ • Commencing ' ■ 1 TO-MORROW EVENING. Under the Distinguished Patronage of His Worship the Mayor (R. A. Wright, " Esq., :jM.P.J, O.■; R. ' Bendill, Esq. (Agent Consulaire de France), E, N. Gunsaulus (Cqnsul-General o£ tha United States of Amerca). ' . ATTRACTION EXTRAORDINARY. Endorsed by, Press .and Clergy as th© Greatest Drama Ever Screened. "LOVE AND GLORY." "LOVE AND GLORY." "LOVE AND GLORY." "LOVE AND GLORY." 'LOVK AND GLORY." "LOVE AND GLORY." "LOVE AND GLORY." - "LOVE AND GLORY." .. "LOVE AND GLORY." * ,"LOVE AND GLORY." A Tremendous Production with » Remarkable Cast. CHARLES DE ROCHE (of "Tha Tea Commandments"), WALLACE MACDONALD, MADGE BELLAMY, FORD STERLING. From the Novol "WE ARE FRENCH," By Perley Shcehan and Eobt. H. Davis. "Sound the Retreat or die!"—and bright death glittered at the soldier's throat. But vfhile his hero-comrade fought the encircling hordes on the burning African ' sands, the bugle's brazen voioo blared , forth—Charge! , -RESERVE NOW! Box Plaa. Now Orion at The Bristol for the entire season. i , - r HIS MAJESTY'S THEATRE,' IS MAJESTY'S THEATRE, Courtenay place. ' Tel. 22-669. TO-NIGHT!, At. 8. TO-NJGHT! And.Every Evening at 8. /MATINEE SATURDAY, "AT 8.30. , FULLERS. I FULLERS. ■ ' FULLERS. FULLERS. OUR NEW PROGRAMME PHENOMENAL TRIUMPH.' Memorable and Outstanding Success of FULLERS' ELEVEN WONDERS. I FULLERS' ELEVEN WONDERS. FULLERS' ELEVEN WONDERS. FULLERS' ELEVEN WONDERS, Last Night's Huge Audience Delighted' with the Piquant, Versatile, Charming, ' and Captivating Children. THE WORLD'S JUVENILE MARVELS. Enormous Success of THE NEWMANS, THE NEWMANS, Comedy Boxing on Urn-Cycles, THE MULLANEYS, Patter THE MULLANEYS, Comedians. Brimming and Bubbling Over with Mirth, Melody, and Simultaneous 'v •, • Dancing. THE ALDERS. J. E SUTTON OARLTON & ROSLYN. JENNY ROY. JIMMY. NORTON. Increasing Success Nightly " MR. JOHN MOORE. MR. JOHN MOORE, Tho Renowned Scottish Comedian. FULLERS' FAMILY PRICES: D.C. andO.S., 2s 6d (Reserves 3eh plus tax; Stalls, Is 6d; Upper Circle, Is. Doors open. 7.15. Motors ]£.20. Box Plan at Tho Bristol, After 5 p.m. at Burnett's, next Theatre; I.ARTCSAFT THEATRE. wttLRTCRAFT THEATRE. Wellington's. Select Theatte. Opposito Parliament Buildings. Nightly, at 7.30. Tel. 3470. LAST NIGHT OF . > LEATRICE JOY. LEATRICE JOY, In " MINNIE," " MINNIE," / " MINNIE," " MINNIE," " MINNIE," " MINNIE," And Supporting Programme. COMMENCING TO-MORROW f Booth Tarkington's Great Story, "BOY O' MINE." "BOY 0' MINE." "BOY O" MINE."* ' "BOY O' MINE.**. "BOY <y MINE." ■"BOY O' MINE.* Together with Great' Supporting Programme. •DOXING. \ TOWN HALL, MONDAY, 9th MARCH, . ; -■ ■At 7.45. • JIMMY HILL - . • ■ v. ■ ■ ERN BAXTER. Excellent Preliminaries. PRICES: 5s and 2s 6d, plus tax, booking fee Is. BOX PLAN now operi at Ned Perry's, Manners street. EARLY DOOR TICKETS (no extra charge). Also at .Len Sowman's, Lambton quay. OUR THEATRE, NEWTOWN. OR THEATRE^ NEWTOWN. TO-NIGHT, at 7.45. . ' Tho Greatest Mystery Story ever Screened. •'THE LEAVENWORTH CASE." •:THE LEAVENWORTH CASE." In Addition: BIG SUPPORTING ITEMS. ,
Page 2 Advertisements Column 2
Evening Post, Volume CIX, Issue 53, 5 March 1925, Page 2
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