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J^ET YOUR CHOICE" BE D XESERT GOLD CHOICE TEA. . "•' ■ . ■ '»■ ■'■ l ■ SITUATIONS VACANT. ■' \ WANTED, Middle-aged Woman for l hoi a So6?er^- houseworl£- ;.appij» P-O. "^CTANTED, Two Men for about "25 irJt Chl ms, °f Urain-Uigging on contiact. Apply Gunter, luaugmoii. XtTANTJiD, Paperhanger. to do small rßuuth. s tf yr iug OQb-!; Apply :4tv Abel "WANTED, a. Hairdresser for. Satur- ' »f days only.- Leo Dentice, 32, Cam-bridge-terrace. '■■'.■ . ... , TXTANTEJJ, a Strong - Youth to Help t^S^'Aroir?^^ T)yANTED, refined domesticated LixdyT » help, live" in or come daily. Mrs Smel, 24y, The Parade, Island Bay, let .- "^T^ANTED. Strong, Active Girl for T7 7 noujework, haU-day. "Apply 156, Upland-rd., Kelburn, after 10 u^n, .; . W rANTED, Housekeeper, good home city. .Write 215, Evg. post, W r ANTED, Clean, Reliable 2nd Cook (female). Apply 53, Sydney-st. K.~ [ySTANTED/ experienced Girl, for boc J f lv* hns« and A i abe"in?j l APPIy Pacific Mfg. Co., 56a. Adelaide-rd. ,'.. ' TIT ANTED, an experienced. Probationer T er. Apply Matron, . Brougham-st. iHospital, or Tel.'2o-034. . . TXTANTED, Good/Pick and Shovel- ,*" TT Me, n- Apply on"' job, T.. Albright, _ 56, Hawker^t. •.-- • !\\r° MAN, clean, energetic, on© day ■ .'"!, weekly,: K a rori,;:;refersnces. Box toOQ, .G.P.0.. . . : - .- , * WANTED, experienced Woman- Cook C b t°' cookinß fish only-" Apply' 275, .TT^ANTEDj first-class Wiremen. 'Ap- " TT: ply Electric Construction Co., Fort;st., Auckland. Permanent employment to- reliable trade Emeu. I 'ANTED, Lady and Gentlemen-Can-vassers of proved'ability; opportuni ity to right people..'. 251, Evg. Post, W ANTED, • first-class Hairdresser for . suburban saloon; top wages. Apuly J. Myers and Co., Ltd., Hunter-st., City; yXTANTED, Experianced Dispensing T W iWrymaid. Apply Jris Cako Shop, •4, Willis-st. W ANTED, Young Girl, assist packing Fluqnzol and Q-tol, references required. Apply 148, Featherston-st., after '4 p.m. . :■ ;:.'■'- 'ANTED, Smart Waitress and Kitcheumaid. '■- Apply Cafe de Paris, 145, Manners-st. ___^ W "ANTED, .Girl or Young Woman, assist' ..with children and light household duties, situated Khandallah. . Tel. 18-826. XXTAJSTED, capable Domestic Help, .» T i small family, all duties. Bine after 6 o'clock Tel. 2b-246. ANTED, a General or Ladyhelp. all duties. Apply Mrs. J. W. Martin, 58, Roxburgh-st. W ANTED, a Ccok-General, no washing. Apply Mrs. Bunny, Woburnrd., Lower Hutt. ' ■ . . iTTTTANTED for Wanganui City, Cook- .!'».: General,-no washing, housemaid kept.': Apply. Mra. Kennedy, Hotel Cecil. .TVfjANTED,; experienced Cook-General, ;.»»-! no washing, other help kept, good wages, references necessary. Apply Mrs. 'James Hannah, 3, Percival-st. WANTED, Shirt Presser, one with factory experience preferred; wages £2'week. Apply-E. M. Gold, 77, Wil-lis-st. (top .floor). iTXTANTED, Strong Lad, for the trade. •'■ Ti Apply- D. Wilson, Motor Body --. Builder, Berhampore. ,-■-'..' . fYjr~ANTED, refined middle-aged PerEou .TT..: as Housekeeper, Island' Bay, 3 ia family." Write 169, Evg. Post. \ '... |TITANTED, 6 Smart, Experienced Ma■ll.' chinists, for ladies' frocks and underwear; highest wages paid. F. Khouri : Co., corner Cuba and Vivian sts. |\TTANTED, Experienced Finishers,, also" • :i iT Presser; highest wages paid. Apply F. Khouri and Co., corner Cuba and s Vivian sts. WANTED, Experienced Under-Gar-dener. Apply with references, U. Shakespeare, Friend-st., Karori. TTTTANTED, Experienced House-Par-'"i ' lourmaid, parlourmaid kept. Apply, with references, Mrs. Vivian Riddiford, Lower Hutt. Te1..3455.- ■-. WANTED, a First-class Foreman for Binding Department. Good finislier essential. 'Applications, accompanied by testimonials as to character, etc., to Print,-care Charles Haines 'Advertising Agency^-.Auckland. : ,--...-... . : - /^tHEMIST^S Apprentice; Wanted; good \J opening in up-to-date pharmacy; applicant must have matriculated. Apply 224,. Evg. Post. ■ . DOMESTIC Help Wanted, .references required Apply, Mrs. Milligan, 12, Sefton-st.," Highland Park, Wadestown. -. MAIRDRESSER required, must .bs . good man. Apply P: Radcliffe,. 104, esworth-st. , . . ; ..-'..'.„.. '. ■ lANIST wanted for calisthenic classes, good time essential', 2 hours >weekly, lady. Apply 209, ■ Evg.■ Post. r . '.. .". STAR REGISTRY, 268,. Quay—Reliable Lady Canvassers . (Dunedin Exhibition lines), Governesses, Housekeepers, Parlourmaids, Ladyhelps, Couples (stations), Couples (Cooking, butler); urgently, Head Gardener (50s, bonus). Gardeners. .■■--■. .;. . SCOTTISH REGISTRY,- 208,.QuayCook and Housemaid;""institution; Reliever, Ladyhelps, Cook-Laundress, and Nursery-Housemaid, * together; \ Married Couples,. Cooks, Shepherds, Milkers, Staff, college"; Cook-Generals, 355; AVaitresses. . ... . . ... ' MISCELLANEOUS. WANTED, Best Sheffield Table _n_ Dessert Knives, 11s 9d and 10s. the half-dozen. ■ The Sims Hardware. WANTED —.Aluminium Preserving Pans, 12s 6d, 14s 6d," and 16s 6d. The greatest value in to\*i. The Sims Hardware. _. ...... WANTED— Salo price/60s for 2-bur-ner Stoves on legs; holds good till 14th March, and then the price will be £4. Thn Sims Hardware. - WANTED— 100. Osr-m Electric Light Bulbs, 100 c.p.; special for use in shops and halls; 2s each. Usual price 3s 6d to ss. The Sims Hardware. WANTED-White Metal"Spoons and Forks, Teaspoons- 2s 6d, dessert 4s, and tables 6s the half-do2en. The Sim» • Hardware. "• - ; ANTED—Safety Razors' 6d each. Blade Razors 5s r • Razor Strops 1b each. Our 6ale finishes on 14th March. The Sims Hardware. THE Corner Drapery Store offers you ~~ Damask Is lid and 2s 6d yard, Linen Forfar Is 3d, Linen Roller Towelling Is, Whito and Coloured Terry Towelhngs 9d yard, Double-width Cisement Uolh Is yard. E. Clowes, 1, Cpurteuaj.
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Bibliographic details
Evening Post, Volume CIX, Issue 53, 5 March 1925, Page 1
Word Count
782Page 1 Advertisements Column 9 Evening Post, Volume CIX, Issue 53, 5 March 1925, Page 1
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Page 1 Advertisements Column 9 Evening Post, Volume CIX, Issue 53, 5 March 1925, Page 1
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