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P, H. JAUNGEY, CAMERA ARTIST, 50, Willis street, ■* ' : , . Opposite Hotel Windsor.. ; Telephone 3263. _ ' ■■-■■.-■■ ■ SITUATIONS WANTED. WANTED, 6y experienced motordriver, Position,, able to drive any cuaa of truck. 205, Evg. Post. . ' WANTED, Work by the Day > or . Halt-day, by an honest woman. u^iiLe lt)l, Jiivg. fo S ti "'■'." WANTED, Washing and Cleaning aby reliable woman. . Apply ■: lb_,. iivg. j-osc. - ■■.- W~ " ORK by the Day, by capable, ■woman. Apply 185, Evg. Post. WANTED, by' capable and refined womsui Position as Housekeeper wnere own mistress. 190, Evg. Post. W ANTED, by good worker,- 'Position as • Kitchenmaid or Pantryrnaid. Apply 174, Evg.-Post;■■----■-.-■ WANTED, by reliable woman, Washing or Cleaning by the day. Write 1(0, .Evg.VPost. - •• ■ WANTED, Position by experienced motor-driver, car or lorry; do own repairs.; 12 years' experience. .- "Write 2iVi, Evg. Post. .' ■ .^ .'-.... WANTED, by. smart Young Girl, 19, Situation in shop, strictly honest and trustworthy, handy to Newtown preierred. For address, apply.;. "824, Post Agency, Newtown. ■.■ - ■■ ■ WAiS'lliD, Position m pastrycook's or confectioner's shop; trustworthy and experienced. Write ltO, Evg. Post. WANTED, by young married woman .. with child 4j years; - Housewqrk; will takq. email wage . for good hoing. Write•■l3s,'-Evg.:.-P6at.-.-- :.■■.;■.'. '" ;-. WANTED, by married woman with child, 3 years, position-in privatefamily; 15s week, city. Apply-86S, Evg.i Post. .-.'"" ■':.'.:: ' . :':..:.: "~".' •..'. WANTED, by. experienced Young Lady, Position a 9 Housekeeper* or Laoyjielp^_Apply '941, Evg." Post; ■ ' "■' | CERTIFICATED Bookkeeper ■ wishes V/ ■ to keep Tradesmen's and Shopkeepers' Books at night; terms moderate. Write 177, 'Evg. Post.v. ' i __ /CERTIFICATED- Medical, Surgical,. SJ and. Obstetric Nurse, disengaged 4th iUuy; tees moderate; suburbs or country. Jvurse, 175, Oniro-rd. EXPERIENCED Hotel Worker wants * .Work; waiter, night porter, por-lur-barman, or kitchenman. 228, Evg. PoSt. . - -'; ' ■ ' f^XPERIENCED Lorry and Car Driv--I— er seeks Situation; references, sober,.reliable, and trustworthy. Write 895, Evg. Post. '• .--..-■ ---..-. LAD, 16, just left school,, matriculation, requires Position in' Office. Write 10^, Evg. Post. ... , ''.. ■: I: ADY' .of - -wide■- experience,, would like" __v iiianagemeht of large '•■'residential.' Apply 869, Evg. Post. RELIABLE, trustworthy Man requires, urgently, .position . Caretaker; v any uuties, liahdy man (returned -soldier). Write 232, Evg. Post. ' ■f pjVVO young men desire Situation as JL Travellers, any small goods .firm; nrst-class... education; good appearance. Write 777. Post Agency, Petone. "Y7"OUNG Lady requires position as A- Ladyhelp in small family.. Town] or suburbs. Write-176, Evg. Post. i YOUNG Woman, justout from England, - -wants Daily Housework, energetic, ooiiging. . Apply Miss Campbell,' 150, Molesworth-st., Thorndon, Wellington. '/\ OU.NG Man. seeks- Position driving ' Motor-van, or Lorry. .Write • 189, Evg. Post.'. •.; A SMOOTH, keen, shaving edge put on your Razor .if ground and set by* l\. J.- Shakes, Hairdresser, Manners-st. ' BUILDING Alterations, Additions; all : classes of building work undertaken. E. Stevens, b3, Rugby-st. Tel. 21-616. C CARPENTER wants' Alterations," A.dJ ditiouSj Jobbing. Work,- any description ; prices right ;■ estimates "given; "work guaranteed. 183, Evg. Posh ■ CONCRETE Garages, Retaining Walls, etc., Brickwork and ■ Plastering wanted by experienced man; workmanship guaranteed. Apply 69, Evg. Pb'st. |COSTUMES, Coats, Frocks neatly taJT\J ored; reasonable charges. Mrs, Rotheray, 115, Queen's Drive, Lyall B»y;'.-| DAK and Evening-Frocks made. Hem- ; stitching, etc. Mrs. Norton, Parliament Corner. L»mbton-qy.- Tel. 104g. - DRESSMAKING— Ladies' own mater-.■■; ial made up. High-class, work at mpdorate charges. Missi Moore, Veitcb and Allan's (top floor). DRESSMAKING— Latest Parisian Journals, featuring -Frocks. 1 Coats,. «ad Costumes, Remodelling- etc. Miss C&ssy, 13a. Courtenaj-pl. (upstairsj.x '■--. RESSMAKING — Lovely -VeloiTr Overcoat, beautifully ."designed, from £5 ss; order, early. Miss Morrison, Ladies' Tailor, '2, Courtenay-pl. . HEMSTITCHING done promptly, at lowest rates. G. L. ,Rae' ana Co., 2t. Wilson-st., Newtown, near Coristablest. . - ', ' . ■ . ■ ISS FAINE, Dressmaker-'and- Cos"tumier. Coat Frock - and ■: Ev«nnig Dress Specialist. Charges moderate. 59, Manners-st., first floor, Zak's Bldgs. OTOR Hoods, from £5, and General Upholstery Repairs, Car' Paintine a specialty. E. J; Ward, 19a. Abel Smithst? Tel 20-693. ... AINTINO Work wanted, any-deicrip-tion, labour or. contract, with or without materials; estimates free. Write 75, Evg. Post. ■ INGKNEY, Art Upholsterer 47 Cambridge terrace, for Chesterfields' Easy Chairs, Loose Covers, etc. Repairing and Re-covering done. Tel.* 22-615. 13RACT1CAL Carpenter and Joiner -wants Work, alterations,, shop fittings, repairs; workmanship guaranteed Write .230'" Evg'.-Pbst. ■ . XTPHOLSTERERS, Bedding Manufaol vJ turers. Wholesale Factory prices to the Public. Estimates re-covering, loose covers. Kalazoic, Basin Reserva. TTPHOLSTERY to you direct from our vJ factory. Chesterfields at factory prices. Renovating and Remodelling. Inspection . solicited. Kenuer's. 57, Cower Cuba-st -■ ___^__ WANTED, Plumbing and , Drainage Work: large or small jobs tendered For.' B Wamwright ; Herbert-st., off Man-norg-st'.. also Kaiwiirra Tgl 20-729. ANTED, by^ First-class Carpenter, Repairs, Alterations, Window Frames and Sashes Repaired, Cords renewed, etc. Write 5, Greeu-st., Newtowu. . .. . - . OND'S Silk Hose 4s 6d, TrinlewoaT 7s 6d, Silk Arto 6s lid, Fanck Gauntle^ Gloves . from ' 3s u^ Children's Sox Is Economic Drapery 35. Courtenay-pl. . G'IREAT Sale: Bargains at the Corner f Drapery Store. Heavy Creani Fuii Silk 2s lid yard Coloured 'Fuji Silk 3s Ud. Double-width Silk Ninons Is lid yard. E. Clowes. 1. Courtenay-pl. I^ANCY Sox.3s 6(1. Pull-on Sweaters ' , n i ?= Wcct .Sllils 69s 6d- r'-'es- 3 ■fur..2s 6d, Ncßlige ShuU from 4s lid. Hat _Bof, U, .Maanen-»V
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Evening Post, Volume CIX, Issue 53, 5 March 1925, Page 1
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813Page 1 Advertisements Column 8 Evening Post, Volume CIX, Issue 53, 5 March 1925, Page 1
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Page 1 Advertisements Column 8 Evening Post, Volume CIX, Issue 53, 5 March 1925, Page 1
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