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TfH RE E- SPEC IA L S At " ' ' " . ' C. SMITH'S, LTD., TO-DAY: 30-mch SHADQWETTE, in all shades, suitable for re-coveringe, etc., Is 4d Per yard. ' ,-■ ■ 50-inch SHADOWETTE, beautiful designsl! tor hangings, etc. Prices range from 2s 3d per yard. 31-inch SHADOW TISSUE, for coverings, etc., very, attractive designs, at. prices from 5s 6d per yard. " C. SMITH, LTD., ' CUBA .STREET, WELLINGTON. WAWTfcO TO SELL. XXTANTED to Sell, a 3-diamond Ring, ' T brauq new. Apply. 179. Jivg. Ijoim.1 joim. V^ ANTED Sell, rioai^ling-houi=e, 15 > » » rooms, Thorndon, hanuy iwiitioii, taking ijzt weekly, always lull, genuine amp; cheap rent.: Write 193, Kxg. Post.' WANTED to Sell, Acetylene Gas Plant and Fittings; also Hanging Lamp, in good order; no reasonable otfcr refused. Apply 200, Evg. -Post. • WANTED Sell, German Piano, iron frame, good tone and condition; £aS, cartage included. 186, Evg. Post. WANTED Sell, Portable Gramophone (privately)', almost new, £3 15s; few Records; good tone. Write 202, Evg. Post. ' L______" WANTED to Sell, -6 Sows and 20 Weaners; also- Round, and Light Motor-lorry. 217, Evg. Post. WANTED to Sell, Oldsmobile b Touring Car, first class condition; price £100.: Reply .Tel. ,26-591.. . . : WANTED Sell, Collapsible" Seagrass Pram, good as new; price £2. Address Evg. Post. -- WANTED Sell, 3 Bimu Bedstead, Wire Mattress, Duchesse, Couch 4ft x 3ft, polished Kauri Table, Kitchen Chairs, Table. 33, Karepa-st., Brooklyn. ANTED Sell, Sports Harley, £45,^ or near offer. Can be seen'at" 15, Daniel-st.,-Newtown. WANTED to - Sell, privately, Household Furniture. Write for parliculars to 251; Evg.' Post. ' "MTANTED to Sell, lovely rolled back ; VV Moquette Chesterfield". Suite, • well sprung, never used. £16, delivered. 13, Newtou-av., Friday till 9 p.m. - '. ' WANTED to Sell, Hem* Silk and Wool Costume, marie'effect; medium size; perfect order. Sell £3. cost £6 Write 248, Evg. Post, WANTED to Sell, Henna Woollen Costume, green trimmings, pretty, new; cost £7 17s, sell £3 10s. Medium' size. Apply 247, fivg. Post. . ' WANTED to Sell, Fawn Coat.Frock, 1 orients. • (embroidery, very smart. Cost £8 Bs, sell £4. 242, Evg. Post. W'ANTKD.tajSell, Short Black Seal Coat, good order, accept £4 10s, cost £10. fc43,-Kvg. .-.pogt. ■'■ ■ ■""■"■ .-•'! lp'Olt SALE, Harley-Davidson CombinX. ation, in perfect condition; trial given." Wiyte 2UI, Evg. Post. ' TYUCKS—Wanted to buy, 2 or 3 dozen X^ young. Ducks. Write 188, Evg. \fT -ANGLE, in perfect order, almost x -new; .also -Perfection .Heater and Gramophone, in good biSer. ABtily 17a,Cottleville .-terrace. . '..-" ' . ;. • CIR-ViIOPHONE , and 60 . Good Re- ' cords; bargain for quick sale. Ring Tel: 1720.'-; - ■-J ". ""■ , . ;.■■.■■. T^OR -SALEj 3piece Chesterfield Suite X (brown saddlebag), perfect condition; £11 53. Large Kami Bookcase £5 ss. F. Koberstein.,' b7, Riddiford-st. , ATLAS Range, 355. Apply.36,' Cres-wick-rd., Northland. .-■ '■ i I^OR • SALE, almost new Cabinet ' Gramophone. 111, ' Constable-st. | lANO Cases for Sale. Apply-Ernest Dawson, 40,. Manners-st. • ■ ' f^OR ' ■ SALE, Canaries, Aviary,' Boot Repairer's Lasts, very cheap.. Owner leaving. .'57, Mulgrave-st. ■ :, O;AK Escritoire, Cabinet, Bookcase, as new, something special, cheap; Oak Gateleg Table, 57s 6d. Silverstone's, Viv-' ian-st., next Cuba-st. ' G1 ERMAN Piano, iron» frame, overX strung, check action, £27 10s; Kauri Extension Table, £4 10s. Silverstone's; Vivian-st.,.next Cuba-st.'" " ' , S" IDEBOARDS, oak, kauri, rijnu, from £3 15s; Chests and Duchesses, from 255. Silverstone's, Vivian-st., next Cuba-st. f^OR SALE, Gent's Bike, practically new, £7 or offer; real bargain Write .226, Evg. Posfr» PIANO, Chappell, absolutely the latest overstrung;' underdampers. New Cost £150, price £80. Harrison, 39, .El-;lice-sf. .' ■ ■, '. OUSEHOLD, Furniture for Bed", • Duchesse, Couch, etc. Apply 146, Vivian-st. '_ ■ CONFECTIONERY (little Fruit), post ) tively genuine' business^ taking £30 weekly. Price, valuation, £225. Jenhena Co., opp. Evg. Post. "DOARDING-HOUfeE, "15 rooms rent X> £3 12s 6d, 20 boarders at 30s. Great opportunity, capable couple, £250. Jennens Co. -.-... CIONFECTIONERY, small tea room,' ' with 5 good living rooms. No goodwill asked; price £150. Jennens Co., odd Evg. Post. py' CtHILD'S Cot, High Chair, and ,)Push ' Chair for Sale, all in good condition Apply 15, Llpyd-st. iTLJ^ORSALE, 1 5-seater Ford, in good orX I der, .any trial, £40. Write 253, Evir Post. ■ ■? rpO SELL, Overland Car, in perfect X order, £50. ' Terminus Store; Island Bay. Tel. 24-507. ■' C CYCLES, less than wholesale, £6 10s; , >' Eadie Coaster, guaranteed tires. Hewgill's Cycle Depot. Cambridge race.OVAL Ajax Cycles, £6 10s; Eadie >^Coaster, guaranteed tires. Hewgill's Cycle Depot,,-Cambridge terrace. "COR "SALE, Axminster Carpet, 12 x J X 10i; cheap. Also Atlas Coal Range, ■ good order. Apply 23, Devon-st. TfORD Sedan, £80; Ton Truck, £65; X Oakland Sedan, self-starter, electric lights, worth £200, only £99.. London Motor. School. ' . - BS.A., 4i h.p., 3-speed gears, £47; also • Sidecar and Overalls; bargains. Top Floor, 12, Boulcott-st. "TKODGE Touring Car,-mechanical conX> dition 0.X., good tires, paint, and hood; any trial. American Motors. Price £125. " ' ■ OAKLAND Touring Car.—This oar is in tip-top order, and is for Sale on bfhalf of a client. Call and havo a run. £95 lakes it. American Motors. XJ.UIOK 6 Touring, in real good order, JD 3 new tires, fair paint and good h.iod, and O.K. right through, £195 tnkcri it. American Moors. CASH Grocery Business for Snl<\ no goodwill, owner called away. Write 107. Evg. Poit. - ".' QMALL Potatoes for Sale. .'£2 12s a. y^- ton, sacks in. on rail, Levin. "P: Krhiek. Levin. , F.S. is still in existence for FurnT- •. ture. We have only a passageway, but large showrooms. Call and inspect. Opp. King's. ' DF.S. for Furniture, Bedding, and • Household Requirements. We have no expensive shops; we sell direct j from factory to public/ Opp. King's. DF.S.— We 'are,.the Pioneers of Furni- . • lure direct to public, all below ad-vertisod-prices. Ow. K{nif!« Theatre,.Ml,"
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Evening Post, Volume CIX, Issue 53, 5 March 1925, Page 1
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900Page 1 Advertisements Column 7 Evening Post, Volume CIX, Issue 53, 5 March 1925, Page 1
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Page 1 Advertisements Column 7 Evening Post, Volume CIX, Issue 53, 5 March 1925, Page 1
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