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ROBUR TEA. ■-v fTIHIS IS NATURE'S GIFT. All Good Stores Stock ROBUR. ROBUR,. PROPERTIES FOR SALE. O A SECTIONS, Oyorton terrace, BelU" vedere, and ifivaua Bay roads; _5 deposit, balance 4 per cent. Buildings financed. J. IS. Miles, 51, Auatin-st. LOWER HUTT—Two splendid Sections, adjoining, each 60 x 18U, excellent locality ; price only £160, and £I*o. King Goodwin and Chiehester. lei. 1707. TXATAITAI—Just h;nished7~s rooms/ ■*-■*- kitchenette, every modern cony., magnificent view, cheap quick sale.. 67, Kvg. Post. ' 'I LtEST Section, Mills-rd., 10 minutes —-»^ Brooklyn tram, splendid outlook, progressive locality ; cheap ;' terms. Write VI; _Kvg. Post. ; ; 3RD. House, vacant, 12, Hugh-st., £600"; ■ terms. Write 70, Kvg. Post. I >ROOKLYN—Harbour view, 5 Rooms, -» all convs., in good order; £1100. .Apply Escott,' 39, Cleveland-st., Brook-i tyn. , . I "VTEW 5-rd. Bungalow, or Let suitable •^ ' tenant, Miramar, first car stop. 'Apply 870, Evg. Post. . , «200 WILL Buy 4-rd. House, wash- « house, copper, tubs, conys., 1 section G.P.O. Write -76, Evg. Post. j ETURNED Soldier's Loan, Brooklyn —5 Rooms, heart totara, all convs. Land 33 x 110, concrete paths. £1150. ILVERSTREAM, £980—Modern 4-r7l. Bungalow, c.1., pore, bath; land 100 x: 100, large garage and whare (stove), close station. Marshall, Grey-st. "^TTACANT, (Ncwtown)—s Rooms, good » . section; £1000; deposit £100, balance easy. Business Exchange, 175, Wil-lis-st. ' ■ . ■ CIENTRAL— T Rooms, flat let at £2 I week, h. and c, c.1.; £1650; £325 deposit. Business Exchange, 175, Wil-lis-st. . ■ y .-■■■■ T OWER HUTT-4-rd. Bungalow, all '-*-^ convs., Govt. mortgage; "price £1000.; cash £200. W.. P. Patton. Tel. 238, Lower Hutt. . / ROOKLYN—Cosy Cottage, 3 rooms, convs.; large section, just built; only £625; deposit £100; balance rent. Lenzini, Gustomhouse-qy. - JSLAND BAY—£IOOO, easy, terms; Govt. mortgage,. 5 .Rooms, kitchenette, all convs., sound house. Lenzini, Customhouse-qy. ' .-■.-.■ I-IHORNDON, £1275 (room for motor) X —5 Rooms and kitchenette, all convs:; deposit £200r ' Zak Agency, 59, Manners-st. . ; . •. | nONST,ABLE-ST. (just, off )-Good 5-rd. V. House; £1175; all latest convs., nice level section, large workshop; easy terms. Zak Agency, 59,- Manners-5t;;.... . . ■'-. i lUHORNDON (£1150)—5 Rooms and .kitchenette, usual convs.; deposit £200. Cheapest house in Thorndon. Zak Agency, 59, Manners-st. HATAITAI. (vacant)—s Rooms and kitchenette, all modern convs., glorious view, Govt. mortgage. Price £1295; deposit £600; must sell. 238, Evg. Post. BROOKLYN— Good 5-rd. House, handy tram, £1000; owner leaving- New Zealand. G. S. Hill and Co., 360, Lamb-ton-qy. ' ' ' • . H'ATAITAI— 5-rd. Villa, c.l:, gas stove, bathroom, etc.; good section; price £1150; deposit £250. Dimock's, 18, Greyst ;■ "VTEWTOWN — Modern Bungalow, 5 XI rooms and kitchenette, c.1., h. and c. water, gas cooker; a comfortable home; price £1550. Dimock's, 18, Grey-st.' '. £350 —URGENT, owner leaving, nearest Section, Oriental Bay, 29 perches, good value and increasing. Young's, 13owen-st. AY'S BAY (Moana-rd.) — 2 mins. beach, Furnished 5-rd. House, 40 r 200; price £1450 terms. G. Egerton Warburton,- 196, The Terrace. mHE TERRACE: (close. Woodward-st.) X —Residence, 9 rooms, land 31ft x 175 ft; £2475. Sole Agent, G. Egerton Warburton, 196, The Terrace. ' «?75--VACANT, Petone, 5-rd. Resist*l dence, all usual convs., handy station, large section; price only £650; balance 50s per week. Dimock's, 18, Grey-st. «?775—BERHAMPORE, 4-rd. House, "all o¥ usual convs., handy tram, sunny position; deposit £100. Dimock's, 18, Grey--0100 DEPOSIT—Mt. Victoria, 4-rd. Rec&> , sidence, all usual convs., sunny position, handy Kent terrace; price £750. Ditnoek's, 18, • Grey-st. OWER HUTT — 6-rd. Residence, h. and c. water, artesian water supply; large section, room garage; price £975; deposit £175. Dimock's, 18, Greyst. "_ " ILBIRNIE—S-rd. Bungalow, every modern cony., including electric light and hot and cold water; good section; price £1150. Dimock's, 18, Greyst. _____ YALL BAY 5-rd. Bungalow, kitchenette, all modern convs., handy school, tram, and beach; good section; Srice £1750; deposit £450. -Dimock's, 18, Irey-st. . , ROSENEATH — 6-rd. Bungalow, panelled walls, all latest improvements, new house; good section and • garden; Govt. mortgage; price £1550. Dimock's, 18, Grey-st. ■ '. '- OSENEATH—Modern 5-rd. Bungalow, kitchenette-, sun porch, c.1., gas cooker, porcelain bath, tiled .fireplaces;' good section; £1400; easy-terms. White-I acre-Deutice, 7, Courtenay-pl. " ' { XSLAND BAY—Modern .Bungalow, 4 rooms, kitchenette, bathroom, and every cony.; large section, close tram, north end; £1175; terms. Lenzini, Cus-tomhouse-qy. ISLAND BAY—Modern Bungalow, 5 rooms, kitchenette, section laid out lawn and garden, nicely elevated, handy tram; £1350; £250 cash. Whiteacre-Den-tice, 7, Courtenay-pl . T. VICTORIA—Cosy home, 5 rooms, bathroom, _every modern con., renovated throughout;, level section, no climb; £1400; terms. Lenzini, Custom-house-qy. , , HATAITAI — 5' Rooms, kitchenette, every"modern cony., including casement windows, leadlights, linen presses, etc.; large ..section, ,room garage; only £1750: terms arranged. Lenzini, Custom-house-qy. X ILBIRNIE—S Rooms, kitchenette, convs. include c.1., bathroom, hot points, gas i-ooker, tel., etc.; large section; loom garage; £1300; terms. Len7.ini, CJiiatoiiiliimau-qy. KTLBIRNIE-««uutifuT Home, 5 large mums, oak linisheil, with every appointment, concrete foundations; built 1 year; large section; iuige Govt. mortgage; £1650; terms. Lenzini. Custom-house-qy. ' BERHAMPORE— 6 large Rooms, kitchenette, bathroom, all modern convs., workshop, very large section, good garden, fowlrun ; £1350; easy terms. Lenzini, Custonihouse-qy. ISLAND' BAY—New Bungalow, just finished. 4 rooms, kitchenette, fitted j with every modern appointment, ma'gnili- '. cent homo, largo »et:li>ui, li'vel. close , j.i-um; £1550: term* Lciuitu, CusloniJiouefr^.'. " ' " 1
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Evening Post, Volume CIX, Issue 53, 5 March 1925, Page 1
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816Page 1 Advertisements Column 6 Evening Post, Volume CIX, Issue 53, 5 March 1925, Page 1
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Page 1 Advertisements Column 6 Evening Post, Volume CIX, Issue 53, 5 March 1925, Page 1
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