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ON FRIDAY ' THE .FIRST GREAT BARGAIN OF THE SEASON, PERSONALLY purchased at the Factory in Switzerland by Mr. Walter Queree — .-. . x 70 DOZEN REAL SWISS VESTS, with rich lace tops, threaded with satin braid, full length, and beautiful quality. Some of the lace tops are in pink or sky for Evening Wear, very dainty. HALF-PRICE, 3/6, USUAL PRICE 6s lid. QUEREE BROS., 116, WILLIS STREET. MISCELLANEOUS. T EES AND CHURCH for Corsets. MELBA Gramophones, finest tone and best value. Full cabinet oak or tnatiogany. Easiest terms at Turner's, 54, W illis-st. . . " .. . ECONOMIC Drapery Bargains—Strong Print B|d, Shirting Is, Crepe 10_u, 40in. Stripe Orepon Is, Kimono Crepe Is, Silk Fugi 2s lid. 35, Courtonay-pl. WELLINGTON Piano Agency, 50, Courtenay-pll Opening Friday night. Special display Pianos, Gramophones, Records. Reduced prices. f ADIES' Coloured Princess Skirts 6s L< lid and 8s lid, White Woven Bloomers 2s 3d, Maids' Navy Bloomers Is 3d, Woven Spencers Is lid, All-wool Spencers 4s lid. At our.summer sale. E. Clowes, 1, Courtenay-pl. LEES AND CHURCH for Women's Vests. SHEETING (hemmed free) Is lid, Strong Towelling 9d, Tea Towels 9d, Coloured Quilts 6s lid, Marcella Quilts from 8s lid; Economic Drapery, 35, Courtenay-pl. - LADIES' Dark Grey and Navy Kid . • Oxford Shoes, usual price 48s. 6d; sale price. 8s lid. . .At J. W. Martinis' Closing-down Rebuilding Sale, Courte-nay-pl. and Manners-st. DON'T miss these Special Sale Lines-All-wool ' Cashmero Hose 2s 6d, Heavy Ribbed Silk Hose, black "and- all shades, 4s lid, Ribbed Mercerised Hose, new shades, 2s lid. E. Clowes, 1, Courtonay;pl. ' TjIREE for Carting away, 700 Bricks. .J! Tel. 2010. ' DAMASK" ,1s lid. Serviettes (hemmed) Is 3d, Pillow Cases Is, Double Casement Is, V. Rose Casement Is, Crotonne Is. Economic Drapery, 35, CourtenayPl- . /' '■ . ' - IT EES AND CHURCH for Underwear. WELLINGTON Girls'- College, Hutt and Petone Residents, can obtain Dustin's "Farnos" Pies etc., at Miss-Jef-ferson's, Hotel Cecil Bldgs. • ••• G"IR-EAT Sale .Specials—4o-inch Striped" f Creponncs Is yard, Kimono Cro]}onnes Is, Good-quality Cropes lOjd, 40----inch Lingerie Lawns Is 6d, -40-inch Madapolam Is 3d. E. Clowes, 1, CourtenayG(ORSET Bargains at the Economic— / Special Corset 2s lid, Snort Corset: •3s 6d Corseuettes 6s lid, Brassieres Is 9d, Elastic Corsets 7s lid, Strong House Corsets.4B'.6d. 35, Courtenay-pl. BOARD AND RESIDENCE. TSTANTED, Board in ' Kelburn, own .-T * *oom; APP'y, stating terms, to lac,'. X Jost.. ' ■;-■ W^ AiSTEIJ ' by Youn S Man occasion- ,'". aily out of town, good Hoard, Lougmg, quiet home. 17b. Eyi*. Post. WANTED, Gents (board optional) Single and'"' Share Rooms; every Coin-. SU, Austin-st. ■ ■"■ W ANTED, permanent Board, and ■ Lodging, in private, family, by young man, with excellent testimonials. Apply 967, Kvg. Post. WANTED, Gentleman Boarder, single room, near tram, good home; no otuer boarders. Apply 9e,> Owen-st. "ANTED, Board, by young man, single room . preferred; must be central. Write, stating terms, 220,' Evg. Post. "ANTED,. Board-Residence by three young men, /private family; must be central. ■ \Vrite 227, Evg. Post. jV\fANTED, 5 Gentlemen Boarders, ' ' gopd home, telephone^ every convenience," terms moderate. 22, Sydney-st. East. : __^ ■ 'ANTED, 2 respectable Men to Share Room, central, board optional homely people, Protestants. Write 234 Kvg. Post. W ANTED, Tradesman Boarder, share room, soft washing done. 80, Kent terrace. . OARD-RESlDENCE—Vacancies for • gentlemen, share room, also single room. 150, The Terrace. BOARD and Residence offered Gent., Wadestown, private family; terms moderate, near train. Apply 172, Evg. Post. . . ' j ■ BOARD and Residence —Vacancy for young lady, good home, every cony.; reasonable terms. £30, -Vivian-st. BOARD Wanted, by Civil Servant, R.C., ' private family, vicinity of Lambtbn preferred. State terms 981, Evg.. Post. BALMORAL Private Hotel, Courte-nay-pl (near Fuller's), has few vacancies for Permanent Boarders. Tariff 355, 37s 6d week. '• BAY View <-House, Day's Bay—Select Apartments, Luncheon and Afternoon Tea-room. Tariff on application Tel._ 140. Day's Bay. BERKELEY Private Hotel, 22, OrTerTtal terrace;. Oriental Bay—Vacancies for few Guests, single and double. Mrs. A Knowsley, Proprietress. ' Tel. 23-050. HOME for married couple, no children; wife look after house and 3 children. Write 219, Evg. Post. SUPERIOR Private Board-Residencp, balcony, room; suit married couple or friends; central and select. 231, The Terrace. nnHE RITZ, 290, Willis-st.. now ready iT" vi° r 100: Gentlemen only; Double and Single Bed-Sitting-rooms \\ ritmg and Smoke Lounge. Tel.'2o-779. -rpWO Young Gents, willing to share X room, wish Private Board with respectable family, central. State terms 187, Evg. Post. ' rp)WO Students desire Board in a. quiet X home, vicinity Kelburn. Terms to 206. Evg. Post. 'ACANCIES Tat 2 oT 3 Young Ladies, share room, with or without board. 16, Homc-st. 'ACANCIES for Gentlemen Boarders lunch out, central. 232, Upper Viv-ian-st. Gentleman requires Board, single room; must be central. Write 198. Kyg. Post. XTOUNG Lady desires PriVale Board X: and Residence, near Govt. BUl^s • single room. Wnr« 18L_Kvg^Posl.. ' WXTAVERLEY Private HoterhnTbe^n" TT extensively altered, redecoratod and r«Fnrnishp«l. nnd is. under now mann K ement Vacancies for permanent and ensual guests Mrs. L. Mills. Proprietress. PROPERTIES FOR SALE. KHANDALL.AH — Modern Home, 8 large rooms, every cony., i-acre section, well laid out, lawns, gardens, garage, workshop, reduced to £1900; t ernis arranged. Lenzini. Customhouse-ay. L"~YALL BAY—Charming Bm^alol7"o7 5 rodins, large sun porch, execnlioimlly large dniiug-room, every p (l .s,ible convenience, large section, niin. trinn ;mkl bouch: no reasimable nlfer refused. Zak Ageuoy, M, MojuiHra-st >
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Evening Post, Volume CIX, Issue 53, 5 March 1925, Page 1
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859Page 1 Advertisements Column 5 Evening Post, Volume CIX, Issue 53, 5 March 1925, Page 1
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Page 1 Advertisements Column 5 Evening Post, Volume CIX, Issue 53, 5 March 1925, Page 1
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