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NEW SEASON'S SHIPMENTS Ex s.s. Rotorua, lonic, Tairoa, etc., include 17XQUISITE Frocks Coats, Gowns, Cos"V".. tumes, in marl, wool, and broadcloth styles. Our London Buyers have excelled all previous ettorts and the prices are exceptionally moderate. COLE'S CASH DEAFER V LIMITED, 108, 110, 112. CUBA STREET. SEE OUK -iNJSW HATS TU-DAY! LOST, FOUND, PERSONAL. T OST, Saturday morning, .Wadestown J-* car or G.1 J.U., 1 J urpie-lined isrowu i-iuatlior J. Jurso containing money. Howard. Miss Jackson, Film House, jer-vois-q'y. T- OST, Saturday evening, between Is- -«-' land. Bay and Russell terruce, a Uold Brooch. Reward on returning to 82, Russell terrace-, Newtown. T OST, Gold Brooch, with large. stone, '■*-* Berhampore. Finder please return to Mrs. Charles, Stanley-st. T OST, in Hataitai, a Magpie. Re'XJ ward on returning to 40, Waipapard., or ring .25-504. T OST, Monday, Airedale Female. Find'J-< er please return to 102, Russell terrace, Newtown. TOST.—,WiII person who took Grey J-J Felt Hat from porch, St. Jude's Church, Lyall Bay, Sunday evening, return same to 85, Apu-cres. ? Identity known. T OST, yesterday, Newtown Park or ■LJ vicinity, Child's Green Knitted Cape. Please return Velma Cake Shop, 3, Riddi-ford-st. Reward. T OST, Waterman Fountain Pen. Find- ■*-* er communicate to Box 457. Reward. T Saturday night, String of -M Pearls between Owen and Ellicests. Reward. 28, Qwen-st. T OST, probably in Lower Hutt, 2 Gold -*-* Leaf Brooches, one attached to ■Velvet ribbon. Reward on returning to 1 ..White, Bank of N.Z. Lower Hutt. T OST, Essex Starting Handle, ThornT^ don, Terrace, Island Bay. Reward, A.B.C. Garage, Lambton-qy. ' . T OST, in Karaka Bay, Bunch Small -*-i Keys. Finder please communicate Tel. 24-815. Reward. TjtOUND, in my , shop, Gold Brooch. A Owner can have same by paying for this advt..,, A. H. Palmer, 134, Courte-nay-pl. . ■ - WILL the person who look Old Bike from outside. Dominion Hotel on Monday please return same to 25, Lornest.? .. :_ ■.- . ■ GNES and D., late of Gladstone-rd., Auckland.—Deeply regret for sorrow I caused. Wish to make amends. Do not fear. Please write.—Jack. . ' (SINCERE Young Gentleman, age 21, S-7 wishes acquaintance with homely girl, view matrimony; genuine. Write 916, Evg.-'Post. ... ; ' WANTED TO RENT. WANTED to Rent/ by young mar-, ried couple, no children,. Kmall lurni.siied Flat, Xya'U BayV'Kilbirm©, or Hataitar.., Write .195. EvgV- Post." ■ "r- [■ WANTED, Self-contlined 3^rd. Flat, furnishud or unfurnished, father aim daughter; reasonable. Write . 210, Jil-v-g. Post.. 'ANTED to Rent, d-rd. House or Flat, moderate rent. Write '225 Evg. Post.' : ANTED Rent, 5-rd. House. Good, careful tenant. Apply 29, Pictonav.. Newtown. ANTED, 2 or 3 lxl. Bach, Seatoun or Island Bay, tor fortnight from 14th March. Kent and, particulars 246...Evg. Post. .* ■ WANTED by two young women daily, workers, Comfortable Bedroom, central. Write BYb, Evg. Post. WANTED, by country gentleman, periodically visiting" Wellington, , Sitting-room ' and Bedroom in private house, ligfit breakfast only. Write 889,-Jiivfg.' J'ost, Wellington. - WANTED, Large Double Furnished Front Room, gas point, use convs, vicinity Upland-rd. Apply 934 Eve Post. ' T ARGE Sunny Room required. Write J-^ 298, Post Agency, Newtown. "L*EQUIR.ED at once,"Small Cottage or ■■-*'■ Bach, furnished or unfurnished; easy distance from town. State particulars^_Rcply_l96, Evg. Post. rj">o RENT, 4 or 5-rd. House, furnish- -■- ed, Lyall Bay or Kilbirnie. State rent, 204, - Evg. Post.. UNFURNISHED Flat, 2'rooms, kitchenette, by business couple, central, moderate. Reply, stating rent, 210 Evg. Post. ' "YOUNG Lady in business seeks Fur- -*- nished Bedroom, and breakfast, suburbs. Write/ 207, Evg Post. "V"OUNG Gentleman desires Bedroom -i with or without board, with private family, - lower . Wadestown preferred. Write 211, Evg. Post. - ■ ■ ~- WANTED TO RENT, FIVE' -or 6-roomed Unfurnished House, ■ convenient to town, with garage preferred, for term of 6 months: Apply, giving fullest particulars to R.A.8., Box MISCELLANEOUS. WANTED— Lotol, the scientific slayer of all -disease germs, insects, and vermin, dismi'eciant,- deodorant. The Lotol outfit costs less than a visit from the doctor. Obtainable everywhere. WANTED— Continuous" good~~he~alth, . then spray Lotol. Kills aft disease germs, vermm, and insects. Obtainable everywhere! _ ' . WANTED —Lotol is .used and recommended by railways, health departments'; municipalities, tramways,, transport companies, steamship companies, hospitals, hotels, theatres, private homes, etc. Obtainable everywhere. • 'ANTED Known—Our StocTc of Hand-made Art Goods at Lowest Prices. Giving up business. Tho Art Speoitllie3, .250, Lambton quay, entrance Kinsev's Studio. • WANTED, Private' Tuition in Shorthand and Typewriting for boy 16 years old. Write 218, Evg. Post. WANTED —Johnston Best English Cups and Saucers, special line, Is each; English Gold Line, 3 for 2s 9d. The Sims Hardware. WANTED— Just landed, Glass Salad Dishes, Comport Dishes; all latest shapes and colours. Sale prices. Tho Sims Hardware. . WANTED— Special sale price for tho best 2-year English Wringers 12in 26s 6d, 14in 295. Great value. The Sims Hardware. W ANTED — Lotol does not injmTor stain curtains, carpets, plaster, or papered walls, woodwork, clothes, etc.'Obtaiiiable everywhere. -^ WANTED - Will you risk your children s health and your own, or will you spray with Lotol? The choice is yours. Non-injurious to human beings. Obtainable everywhere. ANTED Known—First Church of Christ, Scientist, 46, Boulcott-st.. Christian Science Reading-room. Open daily from 2.30 p.m. to 4 p.m. J^EES AND CHUftCH lot Lkm.
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Evening Post, Volume CIX, Issue 53, 5 March 1925, Page 1
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835Page 1 Advertisements Column 2 Evening Post, Volume CIX, Issue 53, 5 March 1925, Page 1
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Page 1 Advertisements Column 2 Evening Post, Volume CIX, Issue 53, 5 March 1925, Page 1
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