CASH UATES for Birth, Marriage Death,- uud In Meiuoriam Notices Sl-Yl'EMJfi per Line., (Minimum charge, lis Udj. Bix words to the llflU. ' v BrUTU, MARUIAGE, and DEATH NOIICES uiust be endorsed by some \ respons.ble'perspu to ensure their '■ insertion. / . \
MISCELLANEOUS. 1 C< ALE Enas—Special bargains in Towels U from is. Hcl to 11s 6d pair, Roller lowels from 2s 3d each to 3s lid Morgan's, 115, Cuba-st. _^ . /^IHAPMAN :•■ and- M'Laughlon, Baby v^ ' Carriage Specialists, will- in lvUire be open Friday Night and Saturday morning. 143, Manuers-st. r T ADIES' Crockett and Jones Taupe J-* buede Oxford Shoes, smart style usual pr.ce 57s 6d; special sale price 27s k i i At J * ) V- Martiri's Closing-down Kebuildiiig- Sale, Courtenay-pl. and ManT~kliH AND CHURCH for Silk HosA-* lcry. - . |L|\L\AL Clean-up ol Job, Purchase of. • o Wa^n'ns Goods. About 500 yards were 2s 6d to 5s lid, double width. All to go at Is 6d. Morgan's. 115, Cuba-st, V, J" ak-er3 f •<>•£ the latest Folding ± usli. Chair for tram transit. 143 M an . Ser^st^ Open Friday njgjiL^"' ,**; Il jB,'1 bo° us about your new one. 11, Manners-st. AR^ yOM r KT 6S nei } ti lf °o». consult l ii P° ? har 8c for testing. Lloyd Jeweller. Lambtoti-qy and Cuba-st. /^PENING Announcement— WellincV ton Piano Agency, 50, Courtenaypl. Special opeiunff ni^ht, this Friday. i'-l'- n. oiJJ^iiPl2Ph£!lcii_aildßecords (^HAPMAN and M'Laughlon, ,Pram V; Specialists, open Friday night and fateiid^aTop^HouS' M"S «*' Really great value. ■■ 145, Cuba-st. . Q.HEAT Sale Specials—Dainty Elastic }? , 0I? eH ,2s ld- S P°rts Comets 3s 6d and 4s 6d Short Corsets 2s' ■ lid, Matrons' Grey Corsets 4s 6d to 4s lid, Sample Corsets from Is lid. E Clowes, 1, Courtenay-pl. '■ I ,Aiif KS.' pamisoles Is, O.S. Fleecy XJ Cam.soles Is Ud, Grey Bloomers Is "fr'ts 25 %? T™ 1S- H W- UnclCT-■oSrte^y-p"- ECOnOmiC 35 ' L EES ANs~cl!ußcrioirsiikTa^ 8 -. i^ff) o 'i 1". 1 steamer, 1 kettle, 1 colander, 1 milk saucepan Sale price, 30s the set. .The Sims ti»X,*ll WPEGIAL^SaIe Bar K ains-80^hTin^' O finish Sheeting 2s lid, 54-inch Is lid flannelette 9d yard,-Good Coloured Prints " Bid, Hemmecl Serviettes Is, Pillow Slips I*. Coloured Towels Is each. E. Clowes, ■i. Lourtenav-pl. pTrf,', l° ICS 013,,1^'^ Embroidery-trimmed lid St™ fr' Serge Frocks Is i-Ui, btiong Cahco Jsighties 2s lid Economic Drapery, 35, Cgurtenav-nl rjHKAPKST Shop for mon- , All-wool Sox Is 6cl, Working TrousBo Sx 7S lld Mnd HS Caps 2s "^ I^t Jx)X, 11, Manners-st. PLUMBING-lf you requiTTT^od Plumber and a satisfactory job done promptly. Tel. 20-982. ~C. W Martin 13 Tbry-st. " ' STRONG Hose 10^1, Marie Hose Is /lid, Coloured Cashmere Hose 2s lid, Mercerised Hose 4s 6d, now 2s lid. Economic Drapery, 35. Courtenay-pl. "DARGAINS for To-morrow—Linen and J-» Crepe Knitting Silks Is lid hank, Smart Silk Hat Scarves Is, Patent Belts 6d each, Dainty Coloured Collars clearing at Is lid, Viil. Lace Is 6d doz.'yards. E. Clowes. 1. Courtenay-pl. BARGAINS in Hosiery at. the Economic—Heavy Ribbed Silk Hose 4s lid, Gauntlet Gloves Is lid, Coloured Silk Hobo Is lid, Men's Sox Is, Men's All-wool Spz 1b 3d. 35, Courtenoy-pL
Page 1 Advertisements Column 1
Evening Post, Volume CIX, Issue 53, 5 March 1925, Page 1
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