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DRY-CLEANING QUITS, Costumes, Gloves, Furs, Furnishings, etc, Best Work in' New Zealand. BARBEH AND CO., 125, Cuba street. Ring 225. We collect. • MISCELLANEOUS. HAVE you tasted James's Bread? Keally you snould; it's so deucious. j. i^in_your Grocer. BEE our display of Summer Underwear, all sizes and weights, reliable gouds, low prices. Jloriiig s, J_,ta., in Uuua-st._ TOADIES, Wood Milne Light Rubber -«-* Soles are mucti lighter and cumber ti.un, leather. .Inviaibly htteU. QPECIAL Bargains ifaiTweeFarMark K> Green, Lta. s Hugo Sale, 12b, Cuba*b_£2<LilV Lambton-qy. SEE our display of Men's Hats, at 10s 6d. Hormg's, Ltd., The Men's outhtters, in Cuba-st. BEST Stainless Table Spoons and Forks 2s 6d each, Dessert is 6d, Teaspoons Is, Afternoon 9d each. Lloyd, Jeweller, Lanibton-qy._and Cuba;st. |^ ILUENZOL, a scientific safeguard -*- 1 against influenza or infantile paralysis; disinlects nose and throat. jSvery»Where, Is 6d and 2s 6d. OARENIS of~ children attending any -■- school are requested to, note that' Dustms Cream Sponges cannot be beaten for lunch. CJEE our Boys' Kaiapoi Tweed Suits, at *-> . 6d. Get his school outtit at Hormg's, Ltd., in Cuba-st. OILLUVV Slips, is; Sheetings, single •*- trom 12» bd, double lrom lbs cd tair. Mrs. Collins, next Rod's Butchery,' (.;ourtenay-pl. BLINDS, complete (with roller and fa'ttings), from 3s lid. At Te Aro i<urinshiiigJjo.,_9l,_C u btt-st, Tel; 1423. SEE our display of Men's "STiiFls7lit~ss . \ 6d, 8s 6d; Pyjamas, 8s 6cl, 9s lid. jLiornig's, Ltd., Men's Outfitters, in Cubast^ ' LADIES' Glace Derby Shoes^ patent caps, welted soles, cuban heels, worth 2Bs, 6d; special sale price 10s'6d. At J.^ W. Martin's Closing-down Rebuilduig Sale, 1 Courtenay-pl. and Manuors-st. ju'AiSCY eating other Broad! 1£ you •*• ' do you haven't tasted James's Bread. Your Grocer has it. BPECTAL -Olior—op dozen pairs Black ■ Cashmere . Fiuißh Hose, Morley's make; to clear at Is 6d pair. Morgan's Sale, 115. Cuba-st. ■; . C!EE biir clearance of Men's Working £5 Shirts, 6s 6d, 7s 6d. Reliable goods, low prices. Hormg's, Ltd., in Cuba-at. GET the light, springy footstep on • ■ Wood Milne Rubber Heels. Inexpensive, . durable, made from the fiest i'ara Rubber. SMALL Office Clocks,' splendid timekeepers, only '4s' 6d; Smart Marble Clocks, small sizes, from 12s 6d. Lloyd I Jevyejler, Lambton-qy. 'and Cuba-st. INFANTILE Paralysis~checked by~ru¥- . bing - Q-tol into the nape of neck. ■Also - disintect nostrils with warm' Fluenzol. SEE our Mon's Caps, at is 6dT&~ild"j All-wool Sox, Is pair. Quality a certainty at t Ho'rnig's, Ltd., in Cuba-st. 1 fifi PAIRS Ladies'. Boots, in glace, A-\J\J kid ,and patent leatiier; 4s lid pair. At' J. W. Martin's Closing-down Rebuilding Sale, Courteiiay-pl. and Man-ners-st. ■; . .'. ■.; ; e CLOTHING for everybody at Half '■ Price. Sale at Mark Green, :Ltd., 123, Cuba-st, 174, Lambton-qy.; — ' . ' NURSES' and Waitresses' Aprons in . stock and to order; infants' Outfits, etc. Mrs. Collins, next Rod's Butchery,_ Courtenay-pl. .■ ■ SEE our display of Men's Shirts, at 5s 6d, 8s 6d; Pyjamas, 8s 6d, 9s lid. jtlormg's, Ltd., Men's Outfitters, in Cuba- , it. ' ...-". '-- BLINDS, complete (with roller and fittings), from 3s lid. At Te Aro .■Burnishing- Co., 91, Cuba-st. Tel. 1423. MT. COOK School Boys and Girls can obtain Dustin's "Famos" Pies at Miss Poulter's, Basin Reserve. rTlßEAT'yourself to James's Bread; J- early each morning, from oven to Grocers.; Get a Loaf. SEE our Boys' Kaiapoi Tweed Suits^ at 29s 6d. Get his school outfit at tlor: jug's, Ltd., in Cuba-st. -. DIAMOND Engagement Rings from £5 ss; Ladies' Gold Wrist Watches Erom £3 3s. Lloyd, Jeweller, Lambtonqy. and Cuba-st. ■ MT. VICTORIA Girls' College Students can obtain Dustin'6 "Famos" Pies at Miss Poulter's, Basin Reserve. UAPERY on easy terms. We are here to please you. Call at Heimann's. 7. Courtenay-pl. (upstairs). I' ADIES'" White Nubuck Strap and Ox--i ford Shoes, English make, usual price 28s 9d; sale price '10s 6d. At J. W. Martin's Closing-down . Rebuilding Sale, Courtenay-pl. and Manuers-st. , SEE us for Strong Working Trousers, 10s 6d, 15s 6d; Kaiapoi Flannels, 6s lid. Hormg's, Ltd., The Popular Outfitters, iri Cuba-st. JAMES'S Brown Bread is really the most nutritious Bread procurable. Ask your Grocer i or it. ■ C1 ET your local bootmaker to fit YVood <T Milne Rubber Heels to your boots. Juake comfortable, easy walking. BLINDS, complete (with~ roller and fittings), from 3s lid. At Te Aro Furnishing Co., fj., Cuba-st. Tel. 1423. SEE our clearance of Men's Shirts, 6s 6d, 7s 6d. Reliable goods, low prices. Hornig's, Ltd., in Cuba-st. ■CIYE-TESTING a specialty. No case Jii treated that cannot' 1 be accurately diagnosed.' Lloyd, Jeweller, Lambton-qy. and Cuba-st. - DRAPERY on easy terms. Sheetings, Blankets, Quilts, Towels, Men's, Boys' Suits, Ladies' Coats. Heimann's, 7. Courteuay-pl. (upstairs). SPECIAL, Sale Price of all our Highgrade Tonnis Racquets—These are reduced 30 to 40 per cent. The Sims Hardware. SEE us for the latest designs in Men's Shirts and Ties. Always something new at Hornig's, Ltd., in Cuba-st. ■f OTOL, the king of insect killers, JLi will not stain tho daintiest coverings. Get a bottle of Lotol. The Sims Hardware. '■ rrrw PAIRS White Canvas Court Shoes OV Usually' 12s 6d. Now 3s lid. Great value. Mann's, 177, Cuba-st. f^ RUSHED Gravel and Sand, for cou-\-J crnte; ]51ue Footpath Screenings Kocks, Melal, Sand, etc; delivered anywhere. Biujt Northland Quarry, Tel. 26----580. SEE us for Strong Working Trousers 10s 6d. 15s 6d; Kaiapoi Flannels, 6s lid. Hornig's, Ltd., The Popular Outlitters, in Cuba-st. RS! GALLEHAVviC, Clairvoyant, gives Readings at 147, Willis-sl. (ladies only), from 10 to 9. __^ T. PATRICK'S COLLEGE Boys can obtain Dustin's "Famos" Pies at Miss Poulter's, Basin Reserve. •' 3D IN £ per week will Furnish your House with Janes-built Furniture Showrooms 172-4 Riddiford-st. NLY 2s 6d each, Table or Dessert Stainless Knives; absolute value Ucyd, Jsweller, Lauibioa-qy. gnd Cuia-si,
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Evening Post, Volume CIX, Issue 53, 5 March 1925, Page 1
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926Page 1 Advertisements Column 3 Evening Post, Volume CIX, Issue 53, 5 March 1925, Page 1
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Page 1 Advertisements Column 3 Evening Post, Volume CIX, Issue 53, 5 March 1925, Page 1
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