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Tho Rcgistrar-GonM-aVa statistics for tho month of October show tho number of birth* and doatha, and proportion of doatha to 1000 of population within borough^ to have boon as follows : —

Tho total births in the above boroughs amounted to 427, against 449 in September, a decrease of 22. Tho death, m October were 158 a decrease of 45 on tho numbtjt in Sep. SfcJTfß ° th °, fata » dea *K ni»le 8 contributed 83 ; females 70. Forty-two of the Jwths vroro of children under 5 years of age *?l? ln X 26-58 per cent, of the whole numbfr • 34 of these were under 1 year of age. Speoifie tobnle or zymotic diseases caused only 12 deaths, agaiwt 23 in the previous month; the number of deaths from whooping coutrh haying decreased from 17 in September to 6 iS.9 1 °. tob . cci ' four of wh >°a latter occurred in Wellington, and two in Auckland. Two deaths from diarrhoea, wero recorded, and Wo from typhoid fever. Constitutional diseases caused 21 deaths ia October against 26 in September. Cm»m c ™^ deaths agamst 3in September; but tho wortahty from phthisis decreased from 16 in September to 6 in October. There was a decrease in tho number of deaths from local diseases from M to 45; deaths from bronchitis having faUen from 14 in September to 6 m October accounting chiefly for the difference Two deaths occurred from accidentsi; a female of 75 years of age havine died from tho results of injuries revived by a fall, and a. male of 30 being accidentally run over by a, tramcar. In the four prinoipal boroughs, Anckland, Wellington, Chrttchurch and Dunedin, tho birtls in October jere 233, against 253 in September, a, decrease of 20. The deaths amounted to 84 against 115 in September. Thore were 19 deaths of persons of 65 years and upwards • r mn i leS £3 w - 75 - 7 7 ""I 78, and two females of 72 and &4 died at Auckland; two malps pf b7 and <•}, and two femnles of gjj

ami 70, at Wellington : 0:10 m.vle of OS. and four female* of (JT U), 7t .uifl 75, at Oli.-i-.t-clitiroh: two malo* of 77 .uul 79, and a female of 73 at Duuediu.

Our fourth page reading matter to-d&y ncludea a report of yesterday's raoing in )Unedin, also report* of yestord&y'a rtectRrs respectively 6f tlie 'City Council and jalrl Board. Our Supplement to-morrow will include , >J , e o wsng :— " H.arr.y Yineent's Misforu v ne i" " Objections >to ijtaeiplipm," "ANoat Sn-imnvng Swindle,' ".Tile Secret of a Long .4ftf," '' \r'i KeViilt of Criticising a Loveq'fw,' " Cable?' Howls-," " The Shrinkage >t Franco," "Puzzle Column," "Items for Ladies," " News in Brief," " Tit Bits,"' ' Wit and Humour," " Temperance Koto*,' fee, &c. Tho f m:thet alteration's in the; clppl«*,"J livisions of,tl;o qolony,, r^a l^^^ l " 1 >ipbn by ;ho .Represen^atifiS aie mzctt?" Tlio following appointments as Postmasters are gazetted:— A. Broadbont, Makino; J. Fraser, Petone. Dr. Key worth is appointed an additional Public Vaccinator for the RaiiKitikci district. The following assessors under the Land md Income Assessment Act are gar.etted i2.11. ftayfer, Maaterton j H. Ji. liUlihy uhd 3. A. Fttiibrpther »?arK>rtOn { J. W. Stewart, Foxton ! rttt.l C. tJrtmip, PAlmorston. At the Regular meeting df .Lodsc St. Andrew, N 7,.C, last evening, Em. fYam-e ivas elected VfM. *6t tt.n Vnimiug twelvo months. , V The stitldeiiness with which la grippe seizes on its victims was strikingly exemplified last night in the person of one of the Evening Post runner boys, who, whilo sngaged on his round, was suddenly prostrated by an attack, and was unable to proseed or to summon assistance He wa? ,»n 1 i side street attho time, and ftebilftliy KJ[ ( jthere ' for somo fivp hottM Un^i} fottn.4 ri-^gentle-man pawing by,\Vr}6 fcinaly.Cpnyeyod him (if, tauj kmttnqss uppjears-in: onr advertising columns". <The 72 subscriber* whofwor.o disappointed an notTeaeivißgasgoi'" -£ tl.o EvENlwvPps^p.tyst me** -in. wo are Bure, rojjfrot tne •»V.;.su an well as the fact. 'I'no Now Zenland Shipping Company intend to inaugurate direct communication with Liverpool by despatching the steamer Duko of Buckingham early in January. Tho City Council have granted the Calodonian Society permission to nge j;ho.Bassn Eesorvo for their spttrtt 03 New Tear's Day. ' . • . 'i lid cousq'quen^o of.thjq ipcretts'o. of traffic on tJie l \Vauga,nui-!Palpior6!;or. and MartonBant;ipira IJ ifajlwi«- mips the Commissioners have; arranip^d, tuo following additions to the Vriis'ent sorvico^to tako effect froni the Ist pros. -.—The present train leaving Wa,nganui for Palmerston at on font- days of tho wjqok", will fra n\u deity : U\s 5 M V.&. train, frpm, RdntaVsfc.'H ™ Vl\*iiganui, at presehV.i'k^ Vnnn'lijj iour days a week, will lik\}\Vl£u inn daily ; the present 0.35 a.m. train from Marton Junction to Rangitara on three days a week, will be run daily, as also will tho 11.5 a.m. train from Eangitara to Marton. Tho puttier Waihdra, which sails for Syttnoythis aiterno6n,.fakea,79 pa«s«tf»crs and 1100 ton's 'of g'fnofy \ elm--. The gutt'a-stoi'') bill 1 and luncheon rooms at the r\eo* on the Hutt Course to-morrow and Monday will bo managed by Mr. Walter Johnston, of tho Wavcrley Hotel, whoso ability as n. caterer is well knowu. Tho "Wellington Acclimatisation District has been definod to Jnpllitlti tli6 tiduhtios o£ Hutt, HorOffUwttifc, Wairarapa South and Kwtil, 1 ahiatui, Manawatu, Oroua» and ary others coiibtituted Mndei; thfe Cbnntiea Act ; tho city jpt WoHirigVon. a^a the Boroughs of Cartorto^, FiiWlng, Foxton, Groytown, Knniri, Lower Hutt, Masterton, Molroso, Onslow, Palmorston North, and Potono. The Laud Board yestorday considered and dealt with the cases of a nuinbor of p^letitOl's who had not complied with tha Conditions of tho Lund Ai'tß as tb iJnproVem'oJits ahd oppttHfttlGli. It was doßldtd^tcttoV^ o>b rollgwin* ieleptt4&B -r- ¥. \¥. ~WM, section 4, \s.4#i ltm\\o\[\'li. H. Prior, section. 1, block P', Mb3j;ahao ; T. Hastio, ■section GO, biock 1, Makuri ; JT. W. Frankland, sootion 42, block 10-, Pohangina j Goorcro Wftlthei 4 , section 77, block 1 ,18, Mangnhao. In othor cases furthor cxjilauations were asked for ; and in conic instances the selectors wero informed that unloss tho improvements were done by a given date their interests would be cancelled. A lettor from Inspector Thomson on the sub.|cgl» Dt the boxing contests at the Jubilee Hall, Manners-street, was laid last evening before tho City Cnnni>Ui wfto Wi asked him to pmnnwMeaK' Mtfy tAetn.'oh tho «üb.jeBt. jMh inm^rjn stated that tlio politte WerMroajfS present at tho mattes, Vtytfo M- 'A 6 occasi6n had arisen fol- tliein to tike action. It was VpsolvQf} iff^Cjiand Bpard yesterday a-ftor^9OV,,bn pc ,motjon of M. Hogg, MMLR „800011^001% Mr. W. W, M'Cardlo, to Urge t)\o Uon", the Mjnis^er of, Lands to offer the J^-acro s{|ctione in' tho Tutackara Nativo Sesoi-VQ without dolay, undor the Villago Homostoad Settlement conditions, and suggest that tho two sections at tho back be offered at tho same time for auction. Six tenders for the erootion of a portion of the Freo Public Library, in aooordanco with the plans and specifications of Ml. W. Criohton, wero opened by tho City Council last evening, and on the nlotidh Of thS Mayor, seconded- ))y CoM'cilßr Vogel, it was.rqsolved.M Wept the lowest— that of Mesfirr. Kl.K 1 . CArmiohaol and Son— inoluding thii lower, which is estimated to cost .£4OO, and which will add considerably to the appekranco of the building. The Pharmaceutical Society recently wrote to the City Counoil complaining tliftt 0, number of unlicensed persona Were vondihg medicines, mid Inspector T lloni?on „ wtt* tboroupon eommuiiicated With By tlie. I'owis 9}« rk .:, A ?*!*t,^Wli;Ui^tj^r of tho Council w Iffitv was read from Inspector ThonJspVi, sta,ti,'ig: that ho had instructed tne police under his control to tako stops against persons without a liconse who aro found to bo hawking modicinos. A lettor with referenco to tho qlook which the family of the Into Mr. Edward Dixdn, who was an ardonfc ci'iokotoi\ intend tB pre^ sent to tho Cricketers' Artsnociayon td lidri petuato his imsmdfy was laid before tho City o<?uhoil last evoning. Tho letter was mMJI Mr. Joseph Dixon, who asked permission to placo the clock outsido tho grandstand, and romovo it if at any future timo tho Association should acquire n ground of its own, tho oxpenso of renioVAl ttt W l>orsio by that booV, The el6ck, he Pkblalned, was now being irtaburntttllreil by Messrs. LitHejohn tkUd Boh, 0E Lambton-quayiandwlleti owctea wduld proVe of .grotf. w<^cnlence w* ?n^> JfiQkettA. but to tho general pnbhc wW frvquehted the Basin Eosorvo, irt it woUld bo of such dimensions that the time could bo soen from any part of tnaefronnd. The groat intorost which the Into Mr. Dixon always took in oricket and in tho Basin Kosorvo gonorally had dnoided his family to perpotuate hi« monlory in the manner stated. Tho Mayor, in nioV»ng that the request should be granted Oil tho condition named, referred to tho keen interest takdn in Crtejtot by th'e )ato MV Di van, and al*o to tho that t>6 neen attcmbor of thfe CpiSn'cil'. Tlie rbsßittttoh, which Ms sec*nd«(l ny Councillor Smith atd B'upportod by Councillor Worth, was aprre'M to. The first round of heats for tho Wollinjrton Bowing Club's Junior Double giMilln will tako placo to-morrow afteHifyW "llbuld o "on w?*.thow ?*. th01 ' bo fa*«!'rtb'6, beginning at 2.30. Tho crew* h&Ve beon matched agninßt each otli^f as follows .--Hill v. Little, £ro\\n V. Leo, Beero v. Dix, Boss v. Shields Parsons v. Whiteford, M'Kay v. Freeman Lauchtoa v. Robinson, M'Alpino v. Halpin tx. Rouutreo v. Rabo, Steolo t. Walters Barber v. C. Eountroo, Burns v. Mullholand, Kilner v. Ballingall, Davenport v. Wilson, Lister v. Bonnott, Curtis v, Hansmann, \Yntors a byo> CpnaoUlo* Harris hiaved »t the meeting of tho City Council Uh* evening that Messrs. & \!*\£: P> Hi^ ins ™. and the Hnrvoyei' should bo a committee to b" riuir up b report relative to fhp 6%ikry bylaws, touncillor W&rte seconded the motion nio «T „°6un6ilJt?r Parsons pointed out that I tho rtatt^f was one of urgoncy, and moved fts hh amendment that no one shou'd bo placed on tho committee who Had had anything to do with drawing Up the bylaws, and 1 £■& * K ? mp " nls «'<l be selected in placo of Mr. Person. Councillor Harris thought that Dr. Ewart, of tho Hospital, should be oiio of the experts. Tho Mayor pointed out that Dr. Kemp was not likely to act, as ho was about to visit England. Councillor Vopol suggested that Councillor Parsons and Smith Bhould also bo plaoed on the oommittee, as those gentlemen had boon membors of tho lato Sanitary Bylaws Committee, which had dono ycothan's service. Councillor Fraser thought thatfthe Into eora* mitteo should bo allowed to oatt in exports to decide whether the bylaws wero for tho benefit of tho city. After further discussion, it was agreed that the question of npp'einlinir throe experts should bo reforred Id the lato Sanitary Bylaws Cofflmit^P) with power to act. i J^ji&Drtal Meeting of the City Council was held last evening for the purpose of electing topresontatives on tie District Board, tho United District Board, tho Hospital Trustees, and the Benevolent Trustee*. The following wore olocted i— tfnit&d District Board and Dieteiflt Board— Councillors ii r warsw ar s J ?,* s6r ' EoT - H - Van Stavoron, and Mr. $. Allen ; Hospital Trustees and BeiWYolont Trustees— Councillor Willeston. A Christy Minstrel performance, in aid of t£° Gyronasinm Club connected with St. Sr r £r 8 ?, 0U S g , Men ' 8 Society, was given in at. Mark s Schoolroom last evening. The audience was a good one, and gave the performers, who were all members of tho club, a most hearty reoeption. The prdgramme consisted of comic and sentimental songs orchestral pieces, * sketch, Btnmp speeoh, and a fafoo, and was carried out in a manner Creditable to everyone concerned. As fehiof "tambo" and "bones," Messrs. Jo» Avory and Harry Hall were appropriately fnnny, and let off Bomo capital jokea and local hits. The latter also scored a triumph in the second part with a comic song, entitled "In our Back Yard." In response to an oncore, he gave an Irish recitation, which was also well received. A stump speeoh by Mr. T. W. Richer, jun., on the subject of "Electric Light " likewise fetched tho audience. Mr. E. Mowbray as interlocutor, Mr. A. W. F. Newton as musical director, and Mr. T. W. Pilcher, juntas manager, filled their respective positions satisfactorily. The piano used for the performance was a Strohmengor, kindly lent for the occasion by the local agent. Mr. Charles Callis. Constable Iremonger, of Palmerston North, arrived in town by last night's tram with a patient for the Mount View Asylum named John Mahony, who came from Wangaehu. Miss Large, of Napier, has agreed to comply with the request of tho Wellington Harmonic Society that sho should eing at their Christmas concert.

consideration was given by the Tralc-j Council last evoning to General Booth's colonisation scheme, and tho following resolntiou was passed :— " That tho Wellington Federated Trades Counoil desires to record its hearty sympathy ivith General Booth in his endeavours to relieve the terrible poverty and distress which exist in the larger cities of tho Old Cotmtry, but is o; opinion that the General should, instead of /sending largo nnmbor.s of, the pauper ifofa to these colonies, endeavpnr by means of the bajlqi-box. at thp approaching general b/- i'<g about a more equal distribntron of wealth, and settle the people on tho various vast estates now hold by tho aristocracy as deer parks and hunting grounds. Also, that it is against the best interests ol the people of this ot>l<jnj thftt A larj^jlufilbej of undoairabltj persons should bo a^ded to \U population, although thr V'TiiUrLitiOn of intending soi""'™ +uih mulll capital ought to be >rn r PUi!lgod by the Government." An i offer from a prominent citizen to """■'„ IS, 011 tLe 8Ch °- ; ™> dec-ined'with , , — *-* thOTO was no desire on the part Of the Conncil to keep the debate open. We mentioned tho other day thflt tlic Grey Valley Coal Company haio -emucd the Poal contracts for the Now Zealand irtiUsays for tho coming year. The total riuantity inquired U about 5R.000 tons, of thin quantity tho Grey Valley Coal Company supply over , 50,(if10 toUS, tho other 8000 tons being for Auckland, and supplied by coal from that tliatrict. Besides these ntilwivy cohtrActs the Grey ValleY Company havo secured tho Now Zealand Shipping Cpnvp.ijjM bbnt'ra" for W>±t,yeaV > , ty>- estimated quantity being 45,00(1 lons. This being the seventh year the Company has had this contract speaks highly for tho admirable quality of tho Grey Valley coal for steam purposes. In addition to these large contracts this comnany Jmve contracts for upwards of iO.DOO tons for ga* purposou. Captain Kcmsley, of tho Fir" Ul-igad^, i who is one of tho ''}•:•« 111')/ I'*l*vr",for,iho!1 '* l*vr", for, iho! city, b»bn\<«-tj \\ ''o^ort iq, th.o Citj}- Cotmcil j last t'.'fViy'ig, to, tho e'ffeot that tho- Opera ; House was ov^erowded on the. nights of tho ' 18th nndJ9th instants. , -Councillors Barbor! and Harconrt i stated, that ahoy t werq building ;pn tbo Kjyeninjra, jn question, fenfi wpro, ccjrfciin that there van ho overcrowding. A-i?nottrm Councillor Vogcl, seconded by Councillor Smith, to fiend a lottor to the directors of the Opera House, warning them against overcrowding, was lost by one vote. Councillor Vogol then moved that tho matter bo referred to tho Public Works CommiUuo, and that in the meantime Captain If etunloy should be requested tofnrnMi ft f)tlt«l' rt'i'ort on the subjeot. Thi* W«t» itgVpV-'o' tf\ TJ'ta v.,e'okVyVßcltn{; of tlio Trades Council wiis.licla.lacjt evening, tho President, Mr. J. Bigg, being in. the ohair. Thei secretary was instructed to inform the Sydney Trades that the federation scheme approved by the Ballarat conference would ,bo considered at the conference i of Now Zealand labour dolojrateß]i& Dnnedih t^e^t Fobfttory,. It was decjjkd tht»t iffio* iMitfon )M*v'c ' • h? im r^jdeti^vbf W{Mlin>tcn, paying for tho wl** 1 *!" ". u'.o Oiionisb. uho v.'ere funtenced during tho Queensland shearing strike, Bhoulil be forwarded to Brisbane. Tho secretary was directed to lay a report before tho next meeting rela ivo to tho terms on which tho Government will .sot apart a block of land_ for Boltlomont by the i: 3».bquring classes in Wellington,. ,]> vrji^aVltw tLal a successor ,tf\, 151", D'» i\ Fi&ner; wjio has resjgnbtl <tho roorotarysjiiii, should be appointed at uc\t meeting. The Otaki Coroner (Mr. W. H. Simcox), assisted by a juiy of which Mr, H. Bickards was foreman, hold an inquest yostorday concorning tho death of Harriot Lo Masurier, five months old, who died suddenly on Wednesday last. Tho evidenoo o* Dr. Drury, 'ivtio nltido a pod mortem ebitntnotioA. of the body, Waa to the offedt O)»t,th'o cau'e of death Vva^ nn dnhxrirem'jrt bl tlio liver, which inipc*d tib-ii^irVa action. Tho jury returned a. verdict that death occurred from natural causes. The following is a list of tendors received for additions to tho Wellington Woollen Mill and tho wool stove, in aflootdiuwc with Mr. Frank iTntobeon'e plans s— Additions to Ihlll— Eraser, £2099 (awieptetl),} Whl^liKr, X2IJ9 t I). M'ifeaai JP»M-: ilntsbn. and Co., ££m\ ?;.,I*is3oU, \£2ffl)> M. Murdoch, £2W) finlay. £&■&; Grey', Kdwardsi, ; . Wateon, .62595, Wo^ g tore — AVMtcher, &lz (aaadptod) ; ' Murdoch, •£"•390 i M'Loan, ; Finlay, : Fraser. j£t27 i Mdwards,l^l3B ; Grey, ; Russell, £AVB ; Henriokson, .£496 ; Wataon. £5U jJ, Koso, for both contracts, dB2S2Di Uoth tho successful tcndqrflr s ivr« residents of Petbnfe. The hftU-.yfttrLy ni6rtllHff of llle Wes^eyan MuHidl lihpi'uv'omeut Sooiety was hold in tho Taranaki-stroct Schoolroom last evening, Mr. C. W. Benbow, Vice-President, being in tho chair. The Secretary and t'prttrian'B reports wero read and ardbjilBa.a r dbjil8a. .Tile following pffiqpH \\"<Jrß ole^ted for thb cnsrajig teßni— President, JKev. J: LMs; VycePrQhidqntSj.M,osa fi a. G. ~Vf j?enbo^y and A. Go'ddaril ; "eeiotary andtTl : ct»Ptlrjif,.Mr'.,W. I). Fullers WhrjrlAii, .kr,. lbTa{t;iCom. {IJltfcpfl, Messrs. W. J.Heiycri.T. Keijdal, J. Mitchell, J, Godber, R. Bennoi\; Editor of Journal, Mb. B. Eenner.> The meeting then adjourned for , the /summoi % j re,ce33., Tho new scstion will open on tho 21st April, 1802. i Tho Johnsonville Brass Band will, weather permitting, givo a performance oil the Thorndon Esplanade nest Sunday, afternoon, at 2.30 o'clock, in aid of tho unfortunate man Matterson, who recently sustained injuries of a severe nature by falling into the hold of a vossej, and whoso family are now In very poor cirenmstanuca. Tho wise is a Very deserving one, ivnd it. is hc>uod thai the public »Vil! rOspOnd ill a- liberal manner. Tho following is the programme to bo played :— Quick march, " Spirit of tho Night (Lingwood) ; fantasia, " Orphous " (Vilhors): polka, "Arlino" (Smith); solec tion, "Beauties of Ireland" (Newton); grand march, "Hector" (Seaman); waH»i " Excelsior " (H. Yon der Mehflefl) ( cjiliok maroh, " Sindhurflt " (Bnleh) j "God Save the Queen." &h. John's, .gjbpirch fStirtfdEOil Kiildihg its n.nHiver"pr l y r.?rTioes On Sunday next. It is hoped that the attendanoo- will be largo on all tliroo occasions. Tho B«v. John Forgusaon, of Invorcargill, is to offioiate. ,Tho pi'ogrammo for the complimentary concert to Miss Noake will bo found in another column. Wo notioo among other itomfl two solos by a well-known Bunedin ludy amateur, fHze'wirincfs 1 at tjia HdttidiiUllrdl Sodioty'g Prtrlaff Pltd\V- lUH! ndtilled iii nnother column thnt llic^ uisly obtain their prizes by applying to Mr. Woodger, Molesworth-strecfc. Iv another column tenders arc invited for the sale of refreshments at the Mauawatu HnilWay Rmployes Picuic at Pnrapantiinlil da tile UUd liroxnnfli Kirlteiiidio njld StA'.ns will silow a maguificeut cdllcetlon o£ fdncy gdoda in ttteir. 1 * to-liiL-llt between 8 aiijil 40 tf'c'ldc'fc: tllcso noTcltiea Mvo becit specially selnothd for them iv the different Eurcpcnn cities, and are the verj latest (U-siguo. For further reference see advortisement on front page. Georffo Winder, ironmonger, Cuba-atreet, advortisos a large assortment of tiled grates. The prices are low and the pnttcrus new. Tho Co-operative Society bavo remorod to Cubafitieet. ffrnacvß Bidoy & Co, will bbU tp-morrow, furmturoi Ao. k. i. Uald will sell to-niorrow, at tho Hag'B Head yards, hdraes, liarncss, &c. „ Cliurcnward A WoMtar will «^H fo-wdrrow, producp, &(■ i6vfnaend & i'aul will soil to-morrow, fruit, &c. During Mr. Smith's recent visit to Europe he made special arrangements jvith tho manufacturer* ta eoMn'iß tile Srilo of the t)ev<- ;' J> I »HJd u ailda !> black silks iv Wollington cialusively to To Aro House. Thesk silks aro vory largely sold by the leading drapery establishments in London, and all tho groat fashion centres in England, and havo come into largo demand in the various Australian Colonios. The manufacturers guarantco that these will give more perfect and lasting wear than any Bilk that has over yet been introduced. Ladies aro invited to inspeot them at To Aro House. BfINdAMNB silks, adapted _ both for complbto odstumea or for using in combination with othor dross fabrics, wo havo in all the leading shades of greys, faWns, cOUnfldwor, cotta, lieHotrdpe 1 , tJldvo'r, rddi, bluea, and greohs, and aleO in elegant designs in White and tinted eroun'dSj at To, Arb' HohEe: F(^ft bridal flross'eS We bAvo linpdrfced cremo and ivory Beligalinb silks, which ara peculiarly wnlt ddilpted lor this purpose. Wo liiako a speciality of woddinu drosses, and our dressmaking department is widely and favourably known for genuine artistic taste and eloganco of stylo, at To Aro House. — Advt. Wilkinb & Field aro now opening a shipmont of Gladstone bags and portmanteaux, ladies' and gont's dressing and travelling cases, cigar and cigarette cases, ladies' handbags and pursos in real Morocco ioathor, antelopoj lizard, snake, and orocodilo skins. Thoso goods aro similar to thoso imported by this firm last year, and the suocess whioli attendod the sale of thorn has induced them to Increase the quantities. As these goods are from the makers ditect the?; will bo f»bld, as before, at a prise" thai shduld doniniand a ready Bale— Advt. Pr is claimed for Messrs. Jamqs Snchanan and Co.'s Buchanan Blend that it is a wollmellowed blend of the pnrost and finest Highland and Lowland Malt Whiskies ; that it is absolutely pure ; that it is flue, ripo dnd well flavoured ; that it possesses a beautiful aroma, and thai Ufa (rrufcefui and doh'cato to the pftlato. It enjoys a very high reputation in the old oountries, and its circle of friends is widening every day. In future issues it is proposed to givo in detail tho analysis of other loading scientists, and to supplement same with the opinions of local men who are beßt qualified to Bpeak of the merits of the brand. In the meantime, anyone desirous of ascertaining whether Buchanan's House of Commons Whisky possesses all the qualities claimed for it, would do well to sample this deservedly popular spirit Without delay. Ask for, and insist on getting, Buchanan's Whisky. Wholesale agents, Messrs. Castendyk and Focko.— Advt. 3

Auckland Wellington Christohurch Dnnodin Thames . N»w Plymouth .. Napior Wanganni Blonhoiin . Nelson Sydenham Lyttolton Tiraaru ... Oamarii Greymonth Hokitika Cavorsham Invercargill Births. Doaths. P , r ? - portion. 80 27 0-94 80 33 106 26 16 0-99 38 18 0-80 20 5 1-08 13 2 0-60 31 G 0-72 1* 1 020 11 2 o'6l 10 4 0-60 26 13 1-34, 11 5 1-22 10 1 0 ft* 12 6 m 4 £ 1-32 4 2 092 13 G 1-28 12 7 1-41

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Bibliographic details

Evening Post, Volume XLII, Issue 129, 27 November 1891, Page 2

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VITAL STATISTICS. Evening Post, Volume XLII, Issue 129, 27 November 1891, Page 2

VITAL STATISTICS. Evening Post, Volume XLII, Issue 129, 27 November 1891, Page 2


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