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AMUSEMENTS. ANTONIA DOLORES CONCERTS. BOX PLANS FOR THREE FAREWELL CONCERTS ; '• ' ' OPEN AT BIiISTOL PIANO CO. TO-MORROW (THURSDAY) MORNING OPERA HOUSE. Lessees ,7. C. WILLIAMSON; LTD. Manager DUNCAN NEVEN. "Now in brilliant form."—Vide Press. THREE FAREWELL CONCERTS Commencing NEXT TUESDAY NIGHT ( NEXT TUESDAY NIGHT '-■ And again- oh-' THURSDAY AND FRIDAY WEEK, March 27 and 2S. The World-Celebrated French . Soprano, Mademoiselle ■' ■ ANTON!A DOLORES -^- ' - ANTONIA DOLORES —v- —— ANTONIA DOLORES —r— ANTONIA DOLORES <-rrrr-. ANTONIA DOLORES.—^ Assisted by ■ MR. JOHN PROUSE, Baritone, '.' And. MR. HAROLD. SMITH, Pianist. •- With Entirely New Programmes"lor' ; Each Concert: '" "Better than all the competitions in the world." '.. ;. .'„'; "It is Certain that she will be' to many the sweetest singtr in tlio' world Until' she retires from the concert platform."— Wellington Press. PRICES-Gs. (res.),.4s. and 2s.,.plus tax. Country residents may reserve by npst. Concessions- to students- and schools.. fT\HE GRAND- OPERA- HOUSE Sole Lessee ;.. J. C." Williamson, Ltd. LAST 4 NIGHTS ' LAST 4'NIGHTS .'. . 0f - ."..'-""., - THE GREAT KINEMA ■ MASTERPIECE, "- "TARZAN : OF' THE APES"'" ■ "TARZAN OF. THE APES".'■'... "TARZAN OF THE'APES" ' : ; Has set a' new standard iu Pictorial Drama. AND - ASTOUNDED- WELLINGTON.just • ■■ : STAGGERED NEW YORK. - THE TARZAN BOOM. - - ■ . THE TARZAN BOOM. ■••-.- RESERVE YOUR SEATS .AT THE.BRISTOL J. C. WILLIAMSON'S ' : ' ' ■' WONDERFUL JUNGLE ROMANCE, Thrilling Exciting Impressive Beautiful! Artistic! - Wonderful! TO-NIGHT, AT 8 O'CLOCK. TO-NIGHT,. AT 8 O'CLOCK. MATINEE At 2.30 SATURDAY MATINEE, At 2.30 SATURDAY "TARZAN OF THE.APES." '. "TARZAN OF THE APES." "TARZAN OF THE APES." "TARZAN OF THE APES."' Accompanied by a full Orchestral Band. Prices—3s., 25., ls. : (plus tax)., Children half-prico to all parts at Matinee. Box Plans at THE BRISTOL. Day Sales at NED, - • Provincial Applications to ■ Leo. D. Chateau's International Attractions. -. . . . 'wellington.' :'■."-. Wellington... ...: :•.;.„, provincial championships... PROVINCIAL' CiIAMPIONSIIIPS. PROVINCIAL CHAMPIONSHIPS. AMATEUR ATHLETIC MEETING. MATEUR ATHLETIC MEETING. BASIN RESERVE, ' BASIN RESERVE, ' - On SATURDAY NEXT. SATURDAY NEXT. SATURDAY NEXT.'SATURDAY NEXT. Good Fields in All, Events. - 72 Entries for the.Championships. 114 Entries for Handicaps! '' Entrance Fee, Is, First Race at 2.30•p.m. / ' pREAT EASTER" .ATTRACTION. SUNNY NAPIER. ' MUSICAL AND ELOCUTIONARY ' COMPETITIONS, ." Commencing THURSDAY,-APRIL 17. Entries Close March 22, SECRETARY, Box -23G, Napier. SPORTING.
MASTERTON RACES. MASTEETON RACES. ' SATURDAY, MARCH 22, 1919. THE morning train from Wellington will stop at Opaki Racecourse Siding, and the Return Train will leave Racecourse Siding at K.lO p.m., running through to Wellington. A. HATHAWAY, Secretary. TOILET SPECIALISTS LOSING YOUFIAIR? DO NOT DESPAIRA LARGE number of sufferers from ■£*- Epidemic Unix Trouble have .been treated by Sirs. Cameron—of the "Boudoir Caniflle"--with complete success.. It is obvious . thai; ordinary methods can be of littlo use; what is required is thorough stimulation and nutrition of the scalp, so that the hair roots will be revived and invigorated.' That is what Mrs. Cameron'.? treatment, does, and tlio result is a fresh growth of beautiful hair. However serious your case may )>e, .you cannot do bettor than Inko advantage of Mrs. Cameron's treatment. If you cannot visit her rooms, send for the Home Treatment, which is rcmarkbly effective, if the instructions are carried out. ' MRS. CAMERON,"Boudoir Cnmille," Cooper's Building. Mercer Street, (Just (.IT Willis Street). Thono 4535. ___ _WET..T.INGTON._ TOILET RECIPES, " A REALLY delightful and inexpensive ■l-X Shampoo for home use, which will keep the hair exquisitely soft ami bright, can be mado as follows:— Dissolvo ono teaspoonful of Henualmo in 3-pint of hot water, and pour it, gradually through the hair, rubbing the scalp briskly until profuse lather is obtained, then rinse well with tepid water, and dry in tho usunl way,.when the hair will be found beautifully clean and .bright. It i is delightfully perfumed. Tf you once try. it. you will always use it. v ; Procurablo in Wellington from J. E. i M'Kenzio's, D.1.C., George and TCersloy's, and Principal Chemists. Prico Is. Cd. and 2s. Gd. Wholesalo Distributors, SHARLAND'S, LTD.
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Dominion, Volume 12, Issue 149, 19 March 1919, Page 9
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617Page 9 Advertisements Column 4 Dominion, Volume 12, Issue 149, 19 March 1919, Page 9
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Page 9 Advertisements Column 4 Dominion, Volume 12, Issue 149, 19 March 1919, Page 9
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